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Hari Bumi | 22 April 2013

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!


Aksi Bersama Hari Bumi, 22 April 2013, NAPAS dan organisasi-organisasi pro solidaritas mengampanyekan kejahatan korporasi dan pemerintah aktor penyebab pengrusakan lingkungan. PT. Freeport Indonesia dijadikan sasaran aksi karena skala kapital sekaligus daya rusak lingkungan yang diakibatkannya sangat besar. Joint action to commemorate Earth Day, 22nd April 2013, National Papua Solidarity (NAPAS) and pro solidarity groups organized campaign against corporate and governments crime to environment. PT. Freeport Indonesia is targeted for its scale of capital and the rampant destructive potential which is enormous.

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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

Simbol penghisap darah aktor perusak lingkungan dibawa ke depan kantor PT. FI. Para aktor yang paling perusak ini bergerak di sektor tambang dan mineral serta perkebunan. Simbol mengilustrasikan kerjasama korporasi dan pemerintah dalam membuat produk perundangan dan menyingkirkan serta mengkriminalisasi rakyat yang hidup diseputar tambang941 orang sudah ditahan hingga saat ini. The symbol of the bloodsucker picturing environmental destructor was taken in front of PT. FI office. The most environtmentally destructive actors operated in mining, minerals and plantations sectors. The symbol illustrates cooperation between corporations and the government in making laws then marginalized and criminalized the people who live in mining areas941 people have been detained up to now.

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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

UU Mineral dan Pertambangan no. 9 tahun 2009 adalah wujud keberpihakan pemerintah dan legislatif terhadap kekuasaan korporasi, membuat mereka lebih leluasa mengeruk isi perut bumi dalam skala raksasa demi profit tanpa memperdulikan dampak lingkungan dan pemiskinan rakyat. Minerals and Mining Law no. 9 of 2009 is a form of government and legislative support to corporate power, making them more flexible to plunder the earth in a giant scale only for profit, the environmental impact or impoverishment of the people is not under consideration.

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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

Potensi di Papua hanya (dapat) dibatasi oleh imajinasidemikian James Moffet, pemilik Freeport pernah mengatakan. Sudah saatnya kita menjawab, ikatkan diri dalam persatuan, kita perbesar perlawanan. The potential in Papua only limited through imaginationas James Moffet, Freeport owner, once said. It is time we then say, tied ourselves in unity, enlarge the resistance.

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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!


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Kalau tidak sekarang, kapan lagi; kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Bumi tidak bisa menyuarakan dirinya sendiri. Selamatkan Bumi untuk selamatkan kehidupan. If not now, when: if not us, who else? Earth cannot express itself. Save our planet to save lives.

Solidaritas kemanusiaan untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari pengrusakan para korporat dan pemerintah kaki tangannya, harus dihentikan. Sumber daya alam mesti ada di bawah kontrol rakyat/warga, agar tidak lebih jauh diperdagangkan sesukanya. People solidarity to save the earth from further destruction by corporate power and its government must be stopped. Natural resources must be cultivated under the control of the people/citizens, no to further commodification.
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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!

Secara simbolik menyegel pintu masuk PT. Freeport dan menegaskan: usir Freeport dan sita asset-asetnya untuk rakyat. Symbolically sealing the entrance of PT. Freeport and confirmed: kick out Freeport and seized its assets to the people.

Hujan yang mengguyur tak menghentikan para peserta aksi menuntut agar Freeport segera hengkang.

Rain did not stop the protesters to demand Freeport to get out.

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PAS Viva Papua, United Can Never Be Defeated!


Hanya setelah pohon terakhir ditebang, Hanya setelah sungai terakhir diracuni, Hanya setelah ikan terakhir ditangkap, Ketika itulah kita sadar uang tak bisa dimakan
Ramalan Indian Cree

Only when the last tree has been cut down Only when the last river has been poisoned Only when the last fish has been caught Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten
Cree Indian Prophecy

Lensa Aksi 12

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