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Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Subtema Alokasi Waktu

: SMPN .. : Bahasa Inggris : VII (Tujuh) / 1 : Economic : 1 x 40 Menit

1) Standar Kompetensi
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

2) Kompetensi Dasar
2.1 Merespon makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

3) Indikator Pencapaian
2.1.1 Menggali informasi berdasarkan teks wacana. 2.1.2 Menuliskan ide-ide pokok tentang bacaan yang telah diberikan. 2.1.3 memberikan kesimpulan tentang teks bacaan.

4) Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah siswa mendapat kelompok, siswa mampu mengali informasi sebanyakbanyaknya tentang teks yang telah dibagikan. 2. Setelah berdiskusi, siswa mampu membagi tugas masing-masing, ada yang menjadi pembicara untuk menyampaikan hasil diskusi.

3. Berdasarkan hasil diskusi, siswa dapat menyimpulkan tentang wacana yang telah dibahas.

5) Materi Pokok
Teks bacaan dengan tema : Weaknesses of Indonesian Economic Chamber of Indonesia Commerce and Industry (Kadin) declared Indonesian economy that is actually very promising for both domestic and foreign investors. However, there are still weaknesses seeing by Kadin of the economy that need to be addressed. Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Novian Anindya Bakrie said, promising Indonesian economy is evidenced by incoming investment, private consumption, and vibrant business world. "But there are still some weaknesses that Indonesia's economic structure needs to be addressed now," said Anindya at Menara Kadin Jakarta, Wednesday (06/03/2013). Anindya see Indonesia's economic weakness is in the trade deficit. Currently due to larger imports than exports then it makes more Indonesian trade balance to be deficit. Moreover, the largest import of oil and gas. On the other hand, Anindya also highlights subsidy of oil (BBM) to the people who actually are not even on target. Current budget fuel subsidy enjoyed by the rich instead. "As the impact, the deficit and the high pressure gas imports that led to the weakening of the rupiah," he added. Again, the actual budget for infrastructure even neglected. He rated in the last few months that there is no improvement of government policy so that a problem cannot be resolved. Though foreign investors intending to invest in Indonesia as it will look up the bureaucratic infrastructure. If not good, then foreign investors will pull out of Indonesia.

The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy

The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day. This with the burgeoning demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy. Gas prices in the USA/Canada often vary significantly between gas stations and supermarket gas pumps. In many areas, gas prices can vary by 20-30 cents per gallon or maybe at times even more within a small area. This makes that most motorists in the USA/Canada are shopping around to find the best deals on gas, but are still paying a lot more for it.

High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute. This will affect the US economy by reducing value of properties in outer commuting zones around the cities, and depress rural property values. Analysts were predicting a gallon of regular to climb as high as $4.50 a gallon in California by Easter 2011. But these same analysts are saying that if you think gasoline is expensive now, just wait until next year! A combination of growing global-demand and rising U.S. fuel exports could send gasoline prices to further record highs in 2012, analysts say. The effects of such big cost hikes will reduce available spending money for all those on average wages and below who need to travel significant distances in their cars, and this will further depress the US economy when this cash gets diverted away from a myriad of local spending decisions affecting local businesses from restaurants to childrens shoe shops. Cars now are more fuel-efficient than they were in the 90s, so car owners can reduce your spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. This is making US car manufacturers and car importers develop and extend their low fuel vehicle ranges. But, US car manufacturers have been slower than others, such as the Japanese marques, to develop some of the most innovatory fuel efficient vehicles such as the hybrid engine vehicles. This will tend to raise car imports to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up. It is not all bad news though. Companies that own oilfield reserves will be seeing the value of their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable energy market are growing rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable energy companies are growing fast and employing increased numbers of staff.

6) Metode Pembelajaran : Group Investigation 7) Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Pendahuluan : a. Berdoa b. Absensi c. Menjelaskan tujuan/tema pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan. d. Mengingatkan kembali materi pelajaran yang lalu 2. Kegiatan Inti : a. Guru membagi kelas dalam beberapa kelompok b. Guru menjelaskan maksud pembelajaran dan tugas kelompok

c. Guru memanggil ketua-ketua untuk satu materi tugas sehingga satu kelompok mendapat tugas satu materi/tugas yang berbeda dari kelompok lain d. Masing-masing kelompok membahas materi yang sudah ada secara kooperatif berisi penemuan e. Setelah selesai diskusi, lewat juru bicara, ketua menyampaikan hasil pembahasan kelompok f. Kelompok yang lain mendengar dan mencatat inti-inti pembahasan dari kelompok yang maju kedepan dan membuat kesimpulan sendiri. g. Guru memberikan penjelasan singkat sekaligus memberi kesimpulan h. Penutup

3. Kegiatan Penutup Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru: a. Guru merefleksi kegiatan yang telah dilakukan b. Pesan-pesan moral c. Tindak lanjut

8) Alat dan Sumber Bahan

Sumber : Buku siswa dan buku guru Buku pendamping yang relevan

9) Penilaian
a. Penilaian: Observasi (Pengamatan) No.
1 2 3 4.

Kriteria Siswa mampu mengikuti instruksi guru Siswa terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan

Terlihat ............ ............

Belum Terlihat .............. ............. ............... ............

Siswa dapat menyampaikan ide-ide .............. pokok yang kurang lengkap Siswa mengungkapkan perasaan dan ............ pendapatnya

CATATAN : Nilai = ( Jumlah skor : jumlah skor maksimal ) X 10.

Untuk siswa yang tidak memenuhi syarat penilaian KKM maka diadakan Remedial.

Tarakan, November 2013 Mengetahui Kepala Sekolah Guru Kelas

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