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Contoh- contoh soal Jumble Words (kata acak)

1. reading is Peter an now book English __________________________________________ 2. temple last went The students to Borobudur month ______________________________________________________ 3. will his party his next - friends George to week invite ________________________________________________________ 4. red Mary her for birthday a received has purse __________________________________________________ 5. my - broken in - the has door house - thief a _______________________________________________ Answers: 1. Peter is reading an English book now (Present Continuous tense) S HV V art adj n adv of time 2. The Students went to Borobudur Temple last month. (Simple Past tense) S V2 prep n n (o.of prep) adv of time 3. George will invite his friends to his party next week. (Future tense) S V1 (o of v.invite) prep object of prep adv of time 4. Mary has received red purse for her birthday. (Present Perfect tense) S has+V3 adj n (o. of v.received) prep (o. of prep) 5. A thief has broken the door in my house. (Present Perfect tense) S has+V3 n (o.of broken) prep (o.of of prep) Keterangan: S: subject, HV: Helping verb V: Verb, O. of v : (object dari verb ), Art: article, Adj: adjective (kata sifat), N: noun (kata benda) Adv of time: adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu), Prep: preposition (kata depan), o. of prep (objeknya preposisi).

Contoh-contoh soal Jumbled Sentences (kalimat acak paragraf)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The telephone brings us personal news at any time. The newspapers, television, and the radio report the news to us every day. There are several important ways of getting the news. Television and radio stations repeat the same news to us every hour. A newspaper usually gives the news only once a day to its reader.

Answer: 3, 2, 5, 4, 1. The complete paragraph: There are several important of getting news. The newspaper, television and the radio report the news to us every day. A newspaper usually gives the news only once a day to its reader. Television and radio stations repeat the same news to us every hour. The telephone brings us personal news at any time.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

He described the tours to everyone. He gave some maps to them. I saw a group of vacationers with their guide this morning. He changed some money for several people. He explained the instructions to them very carefully. He also cashed some travelers checks for others. Good Morning, said the guide to the tourists. He repeated the same information to a few latecomers.

Answer: 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 1, 8, 5. The complete paragraph: I saw a group of vacationers with their guide this morning. Good Morning, said the guide to the tourists. He gave some maps to them. He changed some money for several people. He also cashed some travelers checks for others. He described the tours to everyone. He repeated the same information to a few latecomers. He explained the instructions to them carefully.

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