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Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual
Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual
Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual
Ebook118 pages2 hours

Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Learning Italian with Parallel Text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Italian grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow.

Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Italian and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even absolute beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning.

While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Italian would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure. Our six entertaining stories contain Italian culture, characters and are written to keep the readers attention.

Release dateApr 4, 2014
Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual

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    Book preview

    Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories (English - Italian) - Bilingual - Polyglot Planet Publishing

    Learn Italian

    Dual Language - Parallel Text

    Easy Stories

    English - Italian

    Copyright © 2015

    Polyglot Planet Publishing

    All rights reserved

    eBook Edition

    Copyright © 2015 Polyglot Planet

    Illustration: © liligraphie

    About this Book

    Learning Italian with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Italian grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Designed for the eReader: Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow.

    Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of Italian and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even daring beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning.

    While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of Italian would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure.

    Our seven easy, funny stories contain European culture and characters. The stories have been written to keep the readers attention and are fun to read for you to learn through your motivation.

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    Other similar books we recommend are from the publisher Redback Books:

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    Links can be found at the end of this book.

    If you have a suggestion which other books are similar to our Parallel Text series and are worth recommending to other readers, please share by sending us an email at Thank You!

    This book is part of the Learn Italian - Parallel Text Series:

    Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories

    Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level)

    Learn Italian III - Parallel Text - Short Stories (Easy to Intermediate Level)

    Links can be found in the middle and at the end of this book

    If you have a suggestion which other books are similar to our Parallel Text series and are worth recommending to other readers, please share by sending us an email at Thank You!


    Innamorarsi a Venezia

    Falling in love in Venice

    1) Maria e  Sandro, un amore finito

    1) Maria and Sandro, an ended love

    Dopo una pausa di riflessione a seguito della mia rottura con Sandro, sono tornata di nuovo a godermi la vita, e più ispirata di prima!

    After taking some time off dating after the break-up with Sandro, I started enjoying life again, and I'm even more inspired than before!

    Dopo 2 anni di  fidanzamento, quando si parlava perfino di matrimonio, il nostro amore è andato a rotoli.

    After two years of engagement, when we were even talking of getting married, our love went to the dogs.

    Forse volete sapere per quale motivo? Ve lo dico subito!

    Perhaps you would like to know why – I'm telling you straight away!

    2) Perché ci siamo lasciati

    2) Why we broke up

    I suoi genitori sono stati nostri ospiti nella casa che possiedo a Venezia, sulla laguna, e in cui avevamo deciso di vivere dopo il matrimonio.

    His parents were our guests in the house I own in Venice, on the lagoon, where we had chosen to live after the wedding.

    Erano a casa mia da tre giorni ed avevano trascorso con noi il Natale.

    They had been at mine for three days and they spent Christmas with us.

    Il 2 gennaio sono andati via (meno male!) e tornati nella loro città natale, Verona.

    They left on  2nd January (thank goodness!) and went back to their home town, Verona.

    Tutto è nato dalla discussione iniziata da sua madre, Paola, la quale pretendeva di far celebrare il matrimonio nella loro città, dove Sandro è nato.

    It all began with the argument started by his mother, Paola, who insisted on having the wedding celebrated in their town, where Sandro was born.

    Il suo papà non si è invece inserito nella discussione, anzi cercava di continuo il mio sguardo per farmi capire che non condivideva le pretese della moglie, come mi ha confermato poco dopo.

    His dad didn't take part in the argument instead, he rather kept trying to catch my eye to make me understand that he did not share his wife's claims, as he confirmed to me shortly after that.

    Questo lo conserverò fra i ricordi più belli, perché ho capito che era sincero e che forse anche lui, in quel momento, avrebbe aperto la finestra e fatto fare a sua moglie un bel bagnetto nell'acqua gelida della laguna.

    I will keep this one among my most beautiful memories, because I got that he was sincere and that in that moment maybe he, too, would have opened the window and let his wife take a nice little bath in the freezing water of the lagoon.

    La discussione ha di fatto interrotto l'idillio d'amore tra me e Sandro, che non mi ha difesa (forse per troppo amore verso la madre), ma mi ha anche rimproverata di aver alzato la voce con la sua cara mamma!

    In fact, the argument interrupted the love idyll between me and Sandro, who didn't stand up for me (maybe due to too much love for his mother) and even reprimanded me for raising my voice with his dear mum.

    Già il giorno successivo, quando lui ha accompagnato i genitori a Verona, avevo capito che il nostro sogno d'amore era svanito.

    The following day, when he accompanied his parents to Verona, I had already understood that our love dream had vanished.

    Non mi sbagliavo.

    I wasn't wrong.

    Lui, forse spinto dalla madre, non mi ha chiamato per tre giorni ed io nemmeno ho pensato di farlo.

    Maybe driven by his mother, he didn't call me for three days and I didn't even think of doing it.

    Trascorsa una settimana, l’ha fatto per dirmi che forse per il bene di tutti era meglio accantonare tutti i nostri progetti.

    After one week, he phoned to tell me that it was perhaps better to put all of our projects aside, for everybody's sake.

    Il mondo mi è crollato addosso, e tra rabbia e delusione, mi sono ritirata nella mia solitudine, giurando a me stessa che mai più mi sarei fidanzata!

    My world fell apart and I, between rage and disappointment, retired into my solitude, swearing to myself that I would never ever get engaged again!

    L'amore tra noi due era finito... per sempre!

    The love between us was over... forever!

    3) Un nuovo incontro

    3) A new encounter

    Marco camminava accanto a Claudia (la sorella) e al suo fidanzato (mio fratello).

    Marco was walking next to Claudia (his sister) and her fiancé (my brother).

    Stavamo andando al ponte di Rialto per festeggiare il conseguimento della laurea di Claudia (in giurisprudenza), e lui ci ha portati a pranzo in un locale dove lavora un suo amico.

    We were heading for the Rialto Bridge in order to celebrate Claudia's graduation (in Law), and he took us to lunch in a restaurant where a friend of him works.

    Quando siamo entrati, lui si è seduto subito accanto a me e di fronte ai due fidanzati.


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