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Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels
Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels
Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels
Ebook818 pages267 hours

Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels

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Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization is a thorough tool book, which provides readers with the most up-to-date, valuable methodologies to efficiently and cost-effectively attain useful properties of all types of fuels and achieve combustion process characterizations for more efficient design and better operation. Through extensive experience in fuels and combustion, Kiang has developed equations and methodologies that can readily obtain reasonable properties for all types of fuels (including wastes and biomass), which enable him to provide guidance for designers and operators in the combustion field, in order to ensure the design, operation, and diagnostics of all types of combustion systems are of the highest quality and run at optimum efficiency.

Written for professionals and researchers in the renewable energy, combustion, chemical, and mechanical engineering fields, the information in this book will equip readers with detailed guidance on how to reliably obtain properties of fuels quickly for the design, operation and diagnostics of combustion systems to achieve highly efficient combustion processes.

  • Presents models for quick estimation of fuel properties without going through elaborate, costly and time consuming sampling and laboratory testing
  • Offers methodologies to determine combustion process characteristics for designing and deploying combustion systems
  • Examines the fundamentals of combustion applied to energy systems, including thermodynamics of traditional and alternative fuels combustion
  • Presents a fuel property database for over 1400 fuels
  • Includes descriptive application of big data technology, using dual properties analysis as an example
  • Provides specific technical solutions for combustion, fuels and waste processing
Release dateFeb 20, 2018
Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization: Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels

Yen-Hsiung Kiang

Yen-Hsiung Kiang has over 40 years experiences in fuels, incineration, combustion, solid waste, sewage sludge drying, composting, groundwater pollution, soil contamination, cogeneration and liquefied natural gas, wastewater treatment, air pollution, and other aspects. He received his ME and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida, and is a registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania, USA. Dr. Kiang is currently the Chief Technology Officer of XIAMEN BAIPENG ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CO., LTD., member of the boards of directors of Falcon Power Co., Ltd. and China Alternative Energy Association, consultant to the Energy and Carbon Reduction Office of Executive Yuan, ROC and lead consultant of Sustainable Development Green Energy Resources, Ltd. Throughout his career, he has executed planning and design of hundreds of waste treatment centers (including incineration, cogeneration, physicochemical treatment, solidification and land fill). He participated in the planning, design and operation of hundreds of incineration systems, Including solid waste, liquid waste, waste water and sludge, with fixed bed incinerators, mechanical bed incinerators, rotary kiln incinerators, fluidized bed incinerators, and liquid injection incinerators. Dr. Kiang has also executed numerous license applications for incineration and air pollution systems, and incineration systems trial burns, as well as a pilot facility for combustion testing and incineration. In the energy sector, in addition to power plants and cogeneration, he has participated in the design and planning of gas liquefaction and gasification systems, sludge anaerobic digestion system design, planning of biogas and compost recycling system, plasma melting furnace, synthetic gas resource recovery facility planning and construction, and diesel engines power plant construction projects.

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    Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization - Yen-Hsiung Kiang

    Fuel Property Estimation and Combustion Process Characterization

    Conventional Fuels, Biomass, Biocarbon, Waste Fuels, Refuse Derived Fuel, and Other Alternative Fuels

    Yen-Hsiung Kiang

    Chief Technology Officer of Xiamen Baipeng Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., Xiamen City, Fujian Province, People's Republic of China

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page


    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Models

    About the Author

    Chapter 1. Introduction


    Chapter 2. Model development and validation methodology: A classical big data application


    2.1 Introduction

    2.2 Big Data Technology

    2.3 Regression Analysis Methodology

    2.4 Multicollinearity of Independent Variables

    2.5 Model Development Methodology

    2.6 Methodology to Evaluate the Regression Correlation Relationship With Visual Observation and Data Averaging

    2.7 Model Validation Indicators

    2.8 Confidence Interval of Estimated Values

    2.9 The Use of Model Validation Indicators

    2.10 Methodology to Evaluate, Compare, Rank, and Select Models

    2.11 Combustion Process Characterization and Similarity Evaluation Methodology

    2.12 Estimation by Iterative Method

    2.13 End Notes

    Chapter 3. Basic properties of fuels, biomass, refuse derived fuels, wastes, biosludge, and biocarbons


    3.1 Introduction

    3.2 Fuel Properties

    3.3 Representation of Fuel Properties

    3.4 Heat of Combustion

    3.5 Proximate Analysis

    3.6 Total Analysis or Ultimate Analysis

    3.7 Sample Flow and Laboratory Data Consolidation

    3.8 Properties Required for Combustion System Characterization

    3.9 End Notes

    Chapter 4. Database and analysis of fuel properties, fossil fuel, biomass, refuse-derived fuel, waste, biosludge and biocarbon


    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Database of Fuel Properties

    4.3 Utilization of the Collected Fuel Properties

    4.4 The Preparation of Data in the Database

    4.5 Preliminary Data Analysis

    4.6 Notes on the Higher Heating Values of Organic Compounds

    4.7 Analysis of Fuel Properties

    4.8 The Effect of Moisture Content to Fuel Properties

    4.9 The Relationship Between Higher Heating Values and Lower Heating Values

    4.10 The Relationship Between Stoichiometric Oxygen Required for Combustion and the Heat Release

    4.11 The Elementary Composition Ratios of Fuels

    4.12 Trends of the Concentrations of Elements Against Higher Heating Values

    4.13 The Trends of the Three Component Groups Against the Higher Heating Values

    4.14 The Correlation Relationships Between the Elements in the Elementary Analysis

    4.15 Comparison of Hydrogen and Oxygen Concentration Between Biomass and Organic Compounds

    4.16 The Uniqueness of Heat of Combustion

    4.17 End Notes

    Chapter 5. Estimate higher heating value from elementary analysis


    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 Existing Mathematical Models for the Estimation of Higher Heating Values From Ultimate Analysis

    5.3 The Significant Meaning of Prediction Models 101 and 102

    5.4 Regression Model Developed With the Complete Fuel Property Data Listed in the Database

    5.5 Recommended Models

    5.6 The Ranking of the Recommended Models

    5.7 Higher Heating Value Estimation From the Concentrations of the Physical Components of Trash

    5.8 Models to Predict Higher Heating Values From Proximate Analysis

    5.9 How to Use These Models

    5.10 End Notes

    Chapter 6. Estimate elementary analysis from higher heating value


    6.1 Introduction

    6.2 The Utility Regression Models

    6.3 Models to Estimate Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Chlorine Concentrations of Fuels From Higher Heating Values of Fuels

    6.4 Models to Estimate Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen Concentrations of Fuels From Higher Heating Values of Fuels

    6.5 Estimation Models to Predict the Concentrations of Elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen in Fuels From the Proximate Analysis of Fuels

    6.6 How to Use These Models

    6.7 End Notes

    Chapter 7. Combustion process calculation for fuels, biomass, wastes, biosludge, and biocarbons


    7.1 Introduction

    7.2 Products of Complete Combustion

    7.3 Material Balance Calculation for Combustion Process

    7.4 Combustion Process Calculation in Tabular Format

    7.5 How to Calculate Heating Values Theoretically

    7.6 Energy Balance Calculation for Combustion Process

    7.7 Enthalpy Contents of Combustion Products

    7.8 Combustion Process Energy Balance Calculation

    7.9 Combustion Reaction Equilibrium Calculation

    7.10 Combustion Process Materials and Energy Balance

    7.11 End Notes

    Chapter 8. Combustion process characterization for fuels, biomass, wastes, biosludge, and biocarbons


    8.1 Introduction

    8.2 Estimation of Free Halogen Formation From the Combustion of Halogenated Fuels

    8.3 Estimate the Conversion of Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfur Trioxide in the Combustion Process With Sulfur in the Fuel

    8.4 Estimation of Nitrogen Oxides Formation From Combustion Process

    8.5 Dioxin Formation in Combustion Processes

    8.6 Formation of Product of Incomplete Combustion From Combustion Process

    8.7 Estimate Dew Points of Water Vapor and Acids in Combustion Products

    8.8 The Fate of Metals in Fuels and Their Effect on the Combustion Processes

    8.9 Heat Recovery From the Incineration of High Alkaline Metal Containing Organic Liquid Wastes

    8.10 End Notes

    Chapter 9. Combustion fundamentals and energy systems


    9.1 Introduction

    9.2 Fundamentals of Combustion Thermodynamics

    9.3 The Mixing Strength Estimation

    9.4 Liquid Fuel Combustion Kinetics

    9.5 Solid Fuel Combustion Kinetics

    9.6 The Basic Design and Operation Requirements for a Solid Fuel Combustor

    9.7 The Generalized Combustion and Energy Systems

    9.8 Combustion Control Considerations

    9.9 Liquid Fuel Storage and Feeding Consideration

    9.10 System Design Schemes for Biosludge Drying

    9.11 Controlling Nitrogen Oxides Emissions

    9.12 Controlling Dioxin Emissions

    9.13 Controlling Acid Vapor Emissions

    9.14 Controlling Mercury and Heavy Metal (Compounds) Vapor Emissions

    9.15 Controlling Fly Ash Emissions

    9.16 Preventing Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride Corrosion

    9.17 Schemes to Minimize Hazardous Fly Ash Production

    9.18 End Notes

    Chapter 10. Other and emerging alternative energy technology


    10.1 Introduction

    10.2 Engineered Biomass Fuels

    10.3 Anaerobic Digestion

    10.4 Dry Anaerobic Digestion

    10.5 Torrefaction

    10.6 Biomass Gasification

    10.7 Harvest Piped Water Power

    10.8 Harvest Wind Power Without Blades

    10.9 End Notes


    Further Reading



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    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Models

    About the Author

    Yen-Hsiung Kiang, Chief Technology Officer, Xiamen Baipeng Environmental, Engineering Co., Ltd., Xiamen, China

    Yen-Hsiung Kiang has over 40 years’ experience in fuels, incineration, combustion, solid waste, sewage sludge drying, composting, groundwater pollution, soil contamination, cogeneration and liquefied natural gas, wastewater treatment, air pollution, and other aspects. He received his ME and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida, and is a registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania, United States and listed in Who’s Who in Technology, USA. Dr. Kiang is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Xiamen Baipeng Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., member of the boards of directors of Falcon Power Co., Ltd. and China Alternative Energy Association, consultant to the Energy and Carbon Reduction Office of Executive Yuan, ROC and lead consultant of Sustainable Development Company, Ltd. Throughout his career, he has executed the planning and design of hundreds of waste treatment centers (including incineration, cogeneration, physicochemical treatment, solidification, and land fill). He participated in the planning, design and operation of hundreds of incineration and biomass combustion and power generation systems, including solid waste, liquid waste, wastewater and sludge, with fixed bed incinerators, mechanical bed incinerators, rotary kiln incinerators, fluidized bed incinerators, and liquid injection incinerators. Dr. Kiang has also executed numerous license applications for incineration and air pollution systems, and incineration systems trial burns, as well as a pilot facility for combustion testing and incineration. In the energy sector, in addition to power plants and cogeneration, he has participated in the design and planning of liquefaction and gasification systems, sludge, kitchen waste and organic waste anaerobic digestion system designs, planning of biogas and compost recycling systems, plasma melting furnaces, synthetic gas resource recovery facility planning and construction, and diesel engines power plant construction projects.

    Chapter 1



    This chapter provides previews and brief descriptions of the contents of each chapter in this book.


    biomass; regression analysis; dioxin; nitrogen oxides; acid dew points; alternative energy technology

    This book is about the estimation of fuel properties, with minimal or no experimental data, and characterization of the combustion processes based on properties of fuels. The multidiscipline technologies used for these applications include fuels, biomass, combustion, thermodynamics and kinetics, energy system, air pollution control, chemical equilibrium, alternative fuels, and big data technology such as data mining, analysis, regression analysis and model development and analysis.

    The steep rise in greenhouse gas emissions (especially carbon dioxide) generated by the combustion of fossil fuels and the increase in global warming trends demand the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. A realistic option is the substitution of typical fossil fuels with low carbon or carbon neutral fuels for energy production purposes. And, energy derived from biomass and wastes of different origins has become a generally accepted alternative to replace conventional fossil fuels.

    Biomass is defined as any organic material derived from plants. The production of biomass is through photosynthesis where plants convert the sun’s energy into chemical energy. The chemical energy contained in the biomass is then extracted through combustion processes to produce energy that can be used as heat or power. Sustainable managed biomass resources are considered green resources, because they are renewable and do not contribute to the release of carbon dioxide and, thus, global warming. Carbon dioxide generated from the combustion of biomass is consumed during the regrowth of plants. As long as the biomass resource is sustainably managed (e.g., through replanting), the net contribution of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is zero when energy is extracted from the biomass. Thus, biomass represents an attractive source for energy recovery.

    Knowledge of biomass properties (heating values and elementary compositions) is essential for the design and efficient operation of biomass combustion and energy systems. Moreover, the proper design and operation of biomass conversion equipment rely significantly on these properties of biomass.

    However, the properties of alternative fuels (such as biomass, wastes, etc.) are not as well defined as the conventional fuels. These fuel properties are inconsistent and vary from batch to batch. Determining the properties precisely is normally time-consuming and costly, and sometimes the results are not feasible because fuel properties vary all the time. There is not enough time for designers and operators to wait for the rigorous process to determine these properties through laboratory tests. Thus, system designers and operators need to have reliable tools that can quickly estimate the properties of alternative fuels that will give reasonable combustion characteristics similar to the fuel properties rigorously determined by laboratory testing.

    The objectives of this book are to review and develop available equations and methodologies to estimate properties of alternative fuels to be used by designers and operators.

    The development of models for fuel property estimation entails the small-scale, conventional, and classical application of big data technology. It includes all the necessary steps in big data processing: Data collection (or data mining), data analysis, model development, application, and generating values for the user. Chapter 2, Model development and validation methodology: a classical big data application, presents an introduction of the big data concept and technology. Next, regression analysis and modeling technologies relevant to the analysis of fuel property data are discussed in detail. Methodologies include data analysis and evaluation, model development, model validation, calculation of confidence interval, and the use of model validation. The best parameters for the model are then recommended. A methodology to evaluate, compare, rate, and select models is also included. Finally, a combustion process characterization and similarity evaluation methodology is discussed, which includes the evaluation scenario, important properties of the combustion processes, test scenarios, and evaluation methodology.

    To utilize fuels, their properties have to be understood and known so that the combustion process can be characterized and designed. Also, with knowledge, better and more efficient utilization of fuels can be achieved in practical applications. There are three types of fuel properties that categorize fuel for better use: Physical, chemical, and thermal properties.

    1. Physical properties identify the physical states and properties of the fuel. These properties inform the selection and design of fuel handling and feeding systems, combustion equipment (such as burners), and safety concerns.

    2. Chemical properties are key to selecting the appropriate combustion process design, determine equipment dimensions, the selection of construction materials for fuel handling, feeding, combustion, and downstream heat recovery, as well as discharge gas cleaning equipment and systems.

    3. Thermal properties are important in determining an appropriate combustion process design, equipment size, and downstream energy recovery equipment.

    In Chapter 3, Basic properties of fuels, biomass, refuse derived fuels, wastes, biosludge, and biocarbons, the properties of fuels needed for combustion characterization are discussed in detail. In order to develop prediction models (equations) and methodologies, basic information of fuels, including organic compounds, biomass, wastes (such as trash and sludge), and biocarbons are required.

    A database of elementary analyses and higher heating values of fuels are presented in Chapter 4, Database and analysis of fuel properties, fossil fuel, biomass, refuse derived fuel, waste, biosludge, and biocarbon. This database is grouped into two main categories: Organic compounds and biomass (including waste, trash, biosludge, refuse-derived fuels, biomass-derived fuels, such as biocarbon).

    For organic compounds, elementary analyses are calculated from chemical formulas. Thus, the elementary compositions represent the true compositions for the organic compounds. Higher heating values are calculated from the enthalpy of the formation of combustion reactants and products. They are the true heating values. Organic compounds are listed under their chemical formula. Both the elementary analyses and higher heating values are derived from laboratory testing and are available in the literature. The names of biocarbons used are the sources from which the biocarbons are produced.

    In the database in Chapter 4, Database and analysis of fuel properties, fossil fuel, biomass, refuse derived fuel, waste, biosludge, and biocarbon, the organic chemical compounds have 595 data points and biomass has 883 data points, making the total of the data population 1478 data points. The biomass data points are further grouped into two categories: 695 biomass data points (which includes 249 biomass and refuse derived fuel, 40 biosludge, and 406 trashes and waste), and 188 biocarbon (carbonization or torrefaction products of biomass) data points. The elementary analysis for these fuel compounds includes carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and chlorine—a total of six elements. A model to estimate the ratios of lower heating values against higher heating values is presented.

    Although the heat of combustion can be determined rigorously from experiments, frequently feasibility calculations must be performed without complete heat of combustion data (experimentally determined) or insight into the composition of the fuels being considered. Under these situations, empirical methods are needed to estimate the heat of combustion quickly. The empirical equations that are used to estimate the heating values of fuels are normally based on the elementary compositions of fuels.

    In Chapter 5, Estimate higher heating value from elementary analysis, Estimate higher heating value from elementary analysis, models to estimate heating values from the elementary analyses are presented. A total of 45 models are listed—42 models are obtained from literature, two models are developed based on the stoichiometric fuel oxygen

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