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Sistem Pengobatan Penyakit Islami Ala Nabi Muhammad SAW
Sistem Pengobatan Penyakit Islami Ala Nabi Muhammad SAW
Sistem Pengobatan Penyakit Islami Ala Nabi Muhammad SAW
Ebook23 pages

Sistem Pengobatan Penyakit Islami Ala Nabi Muhammad SAW

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Islam adalah agama yang sempurna (kamil) dan menyeluruh (syamil). Islam mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aspek termasuk dalam dunia perawatan dan pengobatan. Allah swt yang maha pengasih dan penyayang kepada umat manusia, melalui kekasih-Nya Rasulullah, Allah mengajarkan kepada manusia cara merawat dan memelihara kesehatan.Pengobatan ala Nabi biasa dikenal dengan sebutan Thibun Nabawi sekitar abad ke-13 yang diperkenalkan oleh Syekh Ibnu Qoyyim Al Jauziah didalam kitabnya Zaadul Maad. Thibbun nabawi mengacu terhadap semua perkataan, pengajaran, dan tindakan Rasul yang berkaitan dengan pengobatan atau penyembuhan suatu penyakit.

Termasuk tindakan medis yang dilakukan sahabat atau orang pada zaman Rasul. Pengobatan Ala Nabi dapat diyakini dan bersifat pasti (qath’i) karena berasal dari wahyu dan misykat Nubuwwah, bernuansa illahiah, alamiah, dan ilmiah yang berasal dari kesempurnaan akal melalui proses berfikir (aqliyah).Illahiah bermakna bahwa segala penyakit berasal dari Allah swt dan Allah swt pula yang menyembuhkan penyakit tersebut. Sementara manusia berikhtiar bersungguh-sungguh menggunakan ilmu yang diberikan Allah SWT kepadanya.

Islam is a perfect religion (kamil) and thorough (syamil). Islam regulates human life in various aspects including in the world of care and treatment. Allah Almighty and Merciful to mankind, through His beloved Messenger of Allah, Allah taught man how to care for and nurture health.Treatment of the Prophet's system commonly known as Thibun Nabawi around the 13th century introduced by Sheikh Ibn Qoyyim Al Jauziah in his book Zaadul Maad. Thibbun nabawi refers to all the words, teachings, and actions of the Apostle relating to the treatment or healing of an illness.Including medical acts committed friends or people in the time of the Prophet.

Prophetic Medicine can be believed and definite (qath'i) because it comes from the revelation and misykat Nubuwwah, the nuances of the divine, natural, and scientific that comes from the perfection of reason through the process of thinking (aqliyah).Divine means that all sickness comes from Allah swt and Allah swt also cure the disease. While human beings sincerely endeavor to use the knowledge given by Allah SWT to him.
LanguageBahasa indonesia
Release dateJun 23, 2018
Sistem Pengobatan Penyakit Islami Ala Nabi Muhammad SAW

"Muhammad" "Vandestra"

Muhammad Vandestra has been a columnist, artist, health writer, soil scientist, magazine editor, web designer & kendo martial arts instructor. A writer by day and reader by night, he write fiction and non-fiction books for adult and children. He lives in West Jakarta City.

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