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Spiritual Values in the Workplace: The Soul of Success in the 21St Century
Spiritual Values in the Workplace: The Soul of Success in the 21St Century
Spiritual Values in the Workplace: The Soul of Success in the 21St Century
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Spiritual Values in the Workplace: The Soul of Success in the 21St Century

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From his energy-based approach to interior design and his appearances on HGTV, readers familiar with Cary Weldy will appreciate this new offering, in which Weldy speaks to the business community. Businesses have often run under the assumption that efficiency and productivity automatically equal success, measured solely in terms of profit. In this competitive paradigm, values must take second place, leading to the stereotype of the corporation as a soulless place. In this ground-breaking book, Cary Weldy moves beyond synergy to a model of business that focuses on the whole person. Take care of people, unleash their creativity, and innovation will follow. A new corporate mindset, one that is socially and environmentally conscious, now takes root around the world, leading to a better working environment, and, ultimately, a better world. Weldy takes readers on a journey through this change in consciousness, discussing the theory and the practice of bringing spiritual values into business.

The book discusses the spiritual evolution we are witnessing on the planet, and how it is affecting companies, both large and small. It discusses the importance of embodying spiritual values in a workplace setting, and how the profits will follow. A reader will learn how to move from fear to love, the power of simplicity, how to use intuition for guidance, and the importance of moving from goals into flow and process. Cary also discusses the challenges and importance of diversity, and a new paradigm for leadership, providing examples of the template for our new emerging leaders. Readers can also learn many practical ways that some companies are already doing to create a new workplace environment geared for truly taking care of its employees, including offering massage therapy services, meditation classes, and the use of aromatherapy to increase productivity.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 21, 2011
Spiritual Values in the Workplace: The Soul of Success in the 21St Century

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    Spiritual Values in the Workplace - Cary G. Weldy

    Copyright © 2011 Cary G. Weldy

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    P R E F A C E

    Chapter One Spiritual Evolution

    Chapter Two Modeling Spirituality in Business

    Chapter Three Focus on Values, and the Profits Will Follow

    Chapter Four How May I Serve?

    Chapter Five Moving From Fear To Love

    Chapter Six Simplicity

    Chapter Seven The Power of Intuition

    Chapter Eight The Transition from Goals to Process

    Chapter Nine Opening Up to Sharing

    Chapter TenThe Emerging Open and Boundary-less World

    Chapter Eleven Embracing Our Planet Earth

    Chapter Twelve Moving from Speed To Rhythm and Flow

    Chapter ThirteenTaking Care of Your Employees’ Concerns

    Chapter Fourteen Celebrating Diversity

    Chapter Fifteen The New Paradigm for Leadership

    Chapter Sixteen Focus on the Individual

    Chapter Seventeen Creating Magic in the Moment

    Chapter Eighteen Managing Information

    Chapter Nineteen Awakening to Quality of Life

    Chapter Twenty The Birth of a New Workplace

    Chapter Twenty-One Spirituality in Practice

    E P I L O G U E

    B I B L I O G R A P H Y

    P R E F A C E

    During my tenure in working for Fortune 500 companies, I became disenchanted with the contradiction between what companies said they stood for and what was happening in the workplace. It became apparent that most companies lack heart and soul, and focus on key drivers such as profitability, goals, and competition.

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    But this isn’t how the Universe works, and I felt that there might be some things that we can apply from values that are transcendent. I call these spiritual values, and you are invited to explore these principles in my first book. In its quiet way of being, the Universe produces more miracles in a minute than a Microsoft, Coca-Cola, or General Electric can produce in 100 years. So perhaps if we get out of our heads and process-oriented thinking for a moment, we can begin to open up our hearts and explore new ways of thinking about our workplaces.

    Our natural world and the ways of our ancestors provide real answers for how we can work in a happier environment and produce better results more effectively. Real magic comes from a place of being still… doing less… and allowing our work that we have all been destined to do to gloriously unfold. And if we shift our attention to how may I serve, rather than how much can I achieve or get, then we will fulfill our ultimate destiny: to live our lives in harmony, peace, and exquisite joy.

    May your work be inspired in new ways, and may your lives be blessed with love and grace.

    From my heart to yours,


    Chapter One

    Spiritual Evolution

    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

    We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

    Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Corporate America has a reputation for being dog-eat-dog and lacking in spiritual values like generosity, caring, and compassion. During my years in the corporate world, I certainly witnessed a disconnect between the spiritual evolution on our planet and the narrow concerns of business interests. There is nothing inevitable about this state of affairs. Companies can behave with spiritual qualities in mind, and there are many examples of caring and responsibility taking place in the business world. But this trend represents a small portion of what businesses can do to be part of the worldwide evolution of consciousness.

    By seeing spirituality in every part of our lives, including our business mindset, we are acknowledging that everything is intimately connected, and we are part of that unity. Mahatma Gandhi said, I believe in the essential unity of all that lives. Therefore, I believe that if one person gains spiritually, the whole world gains, and that if one person falls, the whole world falls to that extent.

    In much of the same way, the whole will function in a manner that reflects how each individual behaves as a spiritual being. The parts and the whole, the individual and the organization, reinforce each other in crafting a more responsible society. This book will focus on developing a spiritual culture in an organization—more specifically, the individual within that organization. By maintaining this personal focus, managers and other leadears can more easily maintain the true purpose and value of the organization. When the individual receives attention and is developed, the entire organization gains.

    What are spiritual values? While contemplating spirituality, religion may come to mind. Or others may think of mysticism.

    When I refer to spiritual values, they represent a set of values that transcend time and space. In other words, spiritual values apply to any setting, any time period, and any culture. The kingdom of God, as referred to in the Holy Bible, is the realm of spiritual values: those things that are most transcendent. The kingdom of God comes on earth—not in some future apocalypse, but in the here and now of everyday life when people help one another to realize their full potential.

    In the 1970s, Abraham Maslow, considered by many to be the father of modern psychology, presented a model that came to be known as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The theory is often represented as a pyramid, with basic needs represented by the lower levels and the top point represented by the need for self-actualization. Each level depends on the level below it. That is, a person must have a lower-level need satisfied before moving to the next level. The five-tiered hierarchy of human needs is as follows:

    1. Physiological needs (oxygen, food, water, shelter)

    2. Safety needs

    3. Love, affection, and belongingness needs

    4. Esteem needs (self-respect, respect from others)

    5. Self-actualization needs (to follow one’s calling)

    Many people, however, are not aware of his later work, in which he believed that the five-level hierarchy continued higher. He believed that a sixth level was about self-transcendence: a trans-egoic level that emphasized visionary intuition, altruism, and unity consciousness.

    The identification of this sixth level resulted from his work in peak experiences and transpersonal psychology, recognizing the human need for ethics, creativity, compassion, and spirituality. Maslow argued that without attention to this dimension in life, our organizations, institutions, and ultimately our society would continue to generate ineffective policies and programs. The discussions throughout this book are in harmony with Maslow’s writings in the late ’60s and posthumously published work.

    Social thinker and University of Pennsylvania Wharton School lecturer Jeremy Rifkin believes that a third industrial revolution is now underway that will lead to a planetary, biosphere consciousness, one characterized by greater empathy for other human beings and smarter solutions to the world’s energy needs. In The Empathic Civilization (Tarcher, 2009), Rifkin writes that the communications revolution that led to the creation of the Internet was just the opening act of a larger drama that will shift people toward local food and energy

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