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Shine: A Pleiadian Message to Awaken Your True Purpose and Power
Shine: A Pleiadian Message to Awaken Your True Purpose and Power
Shine: A Pleiadian Message to Awaken Your True Purpose and Power
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Shine: A Pleiadian Message to Awaken Your True Purpose and Power

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How do you manage to stay afloat and keep your faith in a changing world?
How about getting advice from those who have a wider perspective because they are from a different planet and see much more than we do?
Psychic and author Elsabe Smit received these messages of assurance and explanation from the Pleiades and is finally sharing them with those who are ready to listen and act.
Elsabe Smit is known for her down-to-earth, accurate and enlightening words. She provides sustenance, security and solace to her followers in the form of individual psychic messages and general channeled messages.

PublisherElsabe Smit
Release dateApr 10, 2020

Elsabe Smit

Elsabe Smit is a well-known international coach, facilitator, author, and public speaker that uses her clairvoyant and intuitive skills in her daily life to assist all of those that she comes into contact with, in her professional life.She has an MBA (Master Business Administration), a MA in Industrial Psychology, and extensive experience as a Business Analyst. Using all her knowledge, skills and competencies, Elsabe helps people to understand the mysteries of life and Love, so that they can regain control of their lives.Elsabe Smit was born and raised in South Africa and has lived in Ireland, South Africa and the UK since 2000.After years of facing numerous personal challenges, involving her relationship with her drug- and alcohol-addicted mother, living with and getting divorced from an abusive husband, being a single mother, being a mistress for a period of time, and then facing unemployment, she one day realized that she had been given the amazing gift of intuition and clairvoyance.Using her newly discovered gifts, she then rediscovered herself. She learned that all her past experiences, "good" and "bad", were only steppingstones on her life's blueprint towards loving and accepting herself.Having always having had a keen interest in human behavior, this discovery took her on a different path, adding the study of life, death and spirituality to her interests. During that journey she explored NLP and embraced Quantum Physics. Elsabe studied some of the world's best acknowledged researchers and gurus in the fields of relationships, health and business.During her professional life Elsabe's career included lecturing at a South African University, being a Human Resources Manager various companies and being a freelance business analyst.In between the various permanent positions and contracts, she developed her reputation as a sought-after author, speaker, facilitator, coach and mentor.As an author, some of her books are today still in use as prescribed textbooks for university and college students in South Africa. Other books have been published and are available on your favorite e-book site, and some books have been published as e-books which she shares as free gifts.As a speaker, facilitator and trainer she has presented numerous programmes to groups ranging from a dozen to hundreds of people. The subject matter has been as varied and interesting as her life.As a mentor, she coached and mentored small business owners, blue-chip executives and employees covering a myriad of professions, employment levels and industries.Don't forget her contribution to the world of psychics. She's been on various radio and TV shows with international audiences. In addition, Elsabe has done thousands of personal psychic readings for people from all walks of life located in various countries - including one for a death row inmate in a US prison.Throughout her life Elsabe has been passionately focused on identifying the nuances that make a difference in people lives, the why's of birth, life and death - and now it's your turn to tap into the vast wealth of knowledge and experiences that she has gained during her lifetime, so that like Elsabe ...YOU can also Discover yourself and Love YOUR Life.

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    Book preview

    Shine - Elsabe Smit


    A Pleiadean Message to Awaken Your True Purpose and Power


    Published By Elsabe Smit

    Smashwords edition

    Copyright 2019 Elsabe Smit

    Visit my website at

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

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    Cover: Terri Radcliffe at

    Faith and Trust

    1 Radio Signals

    2 Healing

    3 A New Human Race

    4 Religion and Exclusivity

    5 Aspects of Love

    6 Consistency

    7 Breathing

    8 Who Is Your Neighbor?

    9 The Nature of Light

    10 Question Your Faith

    11 Our Colorful Spirits

    12 The Purest Form of Energy

    13 A Turning Point

    14 Eternity

    15 Patience

    16 Accept Your ‘Killer-Side’

    17 Balance and Peace

    18 The Day of Judgment

    19 The Nature of Time

    20 Time Is An Illusion

    21 The Magnificent Universe

    22 Follow Your Destiny

    23 The Nature of Forgiveness

    24 The Workings of Water

    25 True Power

    26 New-ness

    27 Tolerance

    28 Acceptance

    29 A World at War

    30 Infinity

    31 Turmoil and Torment

    32 Clouds of Doubt

    33 Politics

    34 When Do You Help?

    35 How to Deal With Noisy Neighbors

    36 Beliefs and Faith

    37 Running Out of Faith

    38 Being Re-born

    39 Doing Good Deeds

    40 Brotherly Love

    41 Forgiveness and Understanding

    42 Patience Pays Off

    43 Your Essence

    44 Love Yourself

    45 Inner Peace

    46 Making Choices

    47 New Beginnings

    48 Justice

    49 How to Create Abundance

    50 Forgive and Forget?

    51 Politics and Mud-Slinging

    52 The Emerging World Part 1

    53 The Emerging World Part 2

    54 The Emerging World Part 3

    55 The Emerging World Part 4

    56 The Emerging World Part 5

    58 The Emerging World Part 6

    58 The Emerging World Part 7

    59 The Emerging World Part 8

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    Faith and Trust

    I have been hesitant to go along this route for a few years now, but I have reached a point where I feel obliged to do what I have to do.

    During 2012 and 2013 I received very interesting messages from entities that tell me they are from the Pleiades. The information still makes so much sense that I have no problem signing my name next to the messages. I have published an entire book on the topic of healing (Deep Blue: A Guide to Empowerment Healing - refer to the back of this book for details), the origins of which will make an interesting story, and which comes from the same source.

    Here goes:

    1 Radio Signals

    You already understand about the magnetic charges of the planets. But there is more to it.

    The analogy of radio signals will do. As we get closer to the change (21st December 2012), the reception that you and many other people have will become clearer. Your telepathic powers will increase to a point where speech will become redundant.

    For you this will happen in your lifetime. This is not due to a change in your DNA – that is hype.

    The change is happening exactly because of what you so eloquently describe – you are removing all the ‘white noise’ so that your reception will become clearer.

    You have mastered your thinking process to the level where what you say becomes. Your dreams are materializing because you no longer have any obstacles left.

    You have grown to the point where you are becoming aware of obstacles before they are fully formed, and you dissolve them quicker than ever before.

    The process that you have documented is nearly perfect. We will provide you with more information on how you can access the quantum vibration at will.

    Of course, this will allow you to materialize

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