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Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Aging and Services for the Elderly Carrie looked on the sea of faces before her. They looked empty almost as if they had no souls. The only sounds in the camp were the incessant, never ceasing buzz ing of hungry flies. Even the children were quiet. Carrie reasoned that the calm was due to hunger people were often subdued when they hadn t eaten well in days, but she knew this calm was related to something far removed from hunger. Just three days ago the people in this camp were victims of an Arab militia known as the Janjaweed. These bands of marauding fighters combed the countryside indiscriminately killing black Africans. As the villagers looked on in horror, Janjaweed militia began to systematically slaughter the innocent villagers one-b yone. Not even infants were spared as some militia tossed babies and toddlers into the air, calling them future enemies, as they shot them with machine guns. The f ew villagers that managed to escape joined other escaping villagers running through the desert and were eventually picked up by the American Red Cross. Carrie is a missionary with an organization that specializes in sending retirees abroad. When Carrie became a widow at the age of 71 she thought her life was ove r. However, the pastor at her church approached her, and after months of talking, h e finally convinced her that her years of nursing experience need not go to waste. Carrie was initially skeptical when her pastor shared the stories of other retir ees, many of whom were widows, who served in clinics and refugee camps overseas in countries like Guatemala, Burma, and Sudan, but it wasn t until she met some elder ly missionaries at home on sabbatical that she finally realized that this was somet hing she could do. Of course, Carrie s adult children thought she d lost her mind, they even questioned whether her decision to become a missionary was a sign of early Alzheimer s, but they eventually grew to understand her decision and even respect it, althoug h she was certain that they never felt truly comfortable with the thought of their elderly mother living in a refugee camp in the middle of a war-torn country. Carrie s contemplative thoughts were interrupted with the announcement of the most recent 133

Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

134 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional influx of shell-shocked and injured refugees, and she ventured out of the makesh ift hospital to meet the new arrivals. Dan was shocked as he walked down La Salle Avenue, in the heart of the business district in Chicago, Illinois. He was used to seeing homeless people, either sta nding or sitting along the side of the road with signs asking for money, but he had never seen an elderly couple begging for money before. What was unique about this couple wa s that they looked as though they could be his own mother and father. He began to walk by them, avoiding their stare as he usually did when people begged for money, but this time was different, and he could not resist approachi ng this couple. Hi,my name is Dan,and I d love to give you some money. The couple looked at him sheepishly,and he noticed the shame in their eyes. Thank you, the woman said quietly, diverting her glace downward. Dan handed them a $10 bill and started to walk away, but curiosity got the better of him. He turned around and asked them if he could talk to them about their situation. The husband and wife looked at each other, a nd Dan did not know if it was with suspicion or simple caution, but they eventually agr eed once Dan offered to buy them lunch. Over their meals of hot soup and sandwiches, Rosemary and Donald shared about their all-American lives. They raised two children in a suburb of Chicago, owned a home, and even had a family dog. They were like anyone else in the neighborhood or their church, until Donald was laid off two years before his scheduled retiremen t when the company he had worked for 40 years downsized. Donald was unable to find a jo b due to his age, and eventually they had to let their health insurance lapse beca use they could no longer financially handle the extremely high monthly premiums. Unfortunately, Rosemary became ill the following month with a bout of influenza that ultimately developed into pneumonia. The hospital bill for her two-week sta y was almost $10,000. With no retirement and only Social Security benefits to coun t on, and with their two adult children serving overseas in the military, Donald a nd Rosemary began a downhill financial descent that didn t stop until they depleted t heir life savings and ultimately lost their house. Thus, although most couples like D onald and Rosemary spend their Golden Years playing golf in Florida, Donald and Rosemary spend their days sitting outside the train station, begging for money.

These two vignettes highlight the vast range of experiences Americans living in the United States can have in the last decades of their lives what is normally cal led old age. And although there are some similarities between the elderly of today a nd the elderly of 100 years ago, there are also significant differences brought on by many of the societal changes referenced in earlier chapters, including ongoing urbani zation, changes in the family structure, and the dawning of the technological era. Howev er, there have also been transitions in culture and society that have affected the e lderly community in a unique way. These include such issues such as increasing longevit y, the global community and economy, as well as other economic shifts, the advent o f long-distance travel enabling family members to move further and further away fr om one another, the health-care crisis, significant demographic shifts, as well as th e inISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 135 ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 creasing complexity of society in general. Each of these issues and their impact on the elderly population affects the human services field as it attempts to meet the c omplex needs of this growing population. The Aging of America: Changing Demographics The opening vignette illustrates the vast range of experiences of those consider ed elderly in the United States. Today s elderly in the United States experience a broader range of lifestyles than ever before, but they experience a greater range of cha llenges as well. There are several reasons for this vast array of lifestyle choices and options, including the increase in the human life span, changes in the perception of old age in gen eral, changes in the economy, and finally changes in the nature and definition of the U.S. American family, including a dramatic increase in divorce and a dramatic in crease in the two-parent working families. Read just about any article relating to the elderly population, and you will lik ely read about the Graying of America. This term relates to the increase in the elderl y population in the United States This dramatic increase, as well as the continued projected increase in the United States elderly population between now and 2025 at least, is directly related to the aging of a cohort of individuals referred to as the b aby boomers. The baby boomers are popularly defined as those having been born between 1946 an d 1964. The name refers to the boom of births after World War II, which caused an unusual spike in the U.S. population. Approximately 76 million individuals (roughly 29 percent of the U.S. population) fall into the cohort of baby boomers. It is obvi ous why this cohort has been the focus of particular interest to social scientists, the media, politicians, and others. For one thing, despite the somewhat broad range of ages within this cohort, similarities between members are numerous, including their socioeco nomic status, which tends to be higher than earlier cohorts, consumer habits, and poli tical concerns. As the boomers age, their tastes and concerns transition, and in recen t years their collective focus has included discussions regarding the consequences of this large cohort heading into their retirement years. The Graying of America, the

n, refers to the projected increase in the elderly population because of the aging boomers. The aging of the baby boomers is not the only variable leading to the increase i n the elderly population. Other factors include the 50 percent increase in the hum an life span our country has experienced during the twentieth century. In 1900 the average human life span in the United States was about 47 years. But by 1999 it had incr eased to about 77 years, which is where it stands today, although it is expected to increase at least another 15 years by the year 2100 (Arias, 2004). This life expectancy increase is due to many variables including improved medica l technology, medical discoveries such as antibiotics and immunizations for variou s life-threatening diseases, and generally safer lifestyles. In fact, some sociolo gists and Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

136 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional public policy analysts predict that the U.S. population ages 65 and over will in crease from 35 million in the year 2000 to an amazing 78 million in 2050 (U.S. Census B ureau, 2002). When one considers that in the year 1900 the over-65 population in the United States was only 3.1 million (4.1 percent of the population), it is not di fficult to understand why the field of gerontology has received so much attention in recent years! So far this all sounds pretty good we re living longer, and in the next 10 or 20 years a third of the population will be classified as elderly, which will no dou bt increase the attention paid to social and political issues important to those in their re tirement years. However, the landscape for the elderly in the United States is not comple tely rosy; quite the opposite, in fact. Some will no doubt enjoy their longer life sp an, but for many, their extra years on this earth may be spent in a long-term care facil ity with chronic health problems far too complex to make remaining in their home a possib ility. Increases in rates of dementia, depression, and alcohol abuse are also valid con cerns for the elderly as they face a multitude of challenges in a rapidly changing wor ld. Changes in the U.S. economy also risks leaving many approaching retirement in economically vulnerable positions as companies shift away from offering employee s lifelong careers with permanent and secure retirement plans. In addition, sharp increases in the cost of medical care and possible changes in Social Security benefits put seniors at risk of financial vulnerability. Thus, an increasingly older populati on will no doubt have an impact on the financial, housing, medical, mental health, and even transportation needs of the elderly population. Add to that, changes in the U.S. family, such as the significant increase in divorce rates, have put some seniors in the position of having to provide day care for their grandchildren and in some cases even parenting their grandchildren. Thus, although some elderly will be able to take advantage of the many medical advances, healthier lifestyles, and increased opportunities for enjoying life, many others will not. This chapter will explore the wide range of issues confronting the elderly popul ation in the United States, as well as exploring some issues projected to be relevant in the future. The role of the human service professional will be explored as well, with a

special focus on how the field of social gerontology has changed in recent years , expanding the role of the human service professional in various practice settings. Old and Old-Old: A Developmental Perspective Before beginning any real discussion about clinical issues affecting the elderly or the role of the human service professional, it is important to understand the variou s aspects of physical, social, and emotional development common to individuals in the last quarter or so of their lives. Although there is no specific age limit marking th e end of middle age and the beginning of the elderly years, most contemporary development al theorists consider old age to begin at around the age of retirement. ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 137 Many theorists have argued that adults do not go through systematic and uniform developmental stages in the same way that children do, thus earlier developmenta l theories typically stop at early adulthood or lump all adult development into one category stretching from adolescence and beyond. One reason for this approac h is that if development consists of the combined impact of physical, cognitive, a nd emotional maturity, then certainly one can see that children who are spurred on to extend their social boundaries will be motivated to push themselves from a crawl to a walk. Yet once one has reached physical and cognitive maturity, this interplay between physical ability and emotional desire (where one spurs on the other) subsides, and the motivation to pursue a particular life course becomes more based on personal choice and internal motivation, making adult maturity anything but syst ematic or universal. Nevertheless, should we assume that adults do not continue to develop in any sort of consistent or predictable way? Would it be correct to assume that once i ndividuals have reached all physical developmental milestones (somewhere after puberty) that emotional development occurs in a completely unique and individualistic man ner? Most of us have heard about the infamous midlife crisis marking the entry into middle age, and regardless of the validity of the universality of such a stage, it does seem reasonable to assume that individuals within a culture will respond and adapt to both internal and external demands and expectations placed on them by cultural mores and norms, and that there would be some interplay between their physical develop ment (or physical decline) and their emotional and cognitive development. Cultural expectations in the United States such as marriage, child rearing, empl oyment, and home ownership certainly have an impact on those in early and middle adulthood, just as retirement, increased physical problems, and widowhood will have an impact on those in later adulthood. Yet because the options and choices available to adults are so broad, any developmental theory must be considered in somewhat broad and descriptive terms, rather than the narrower and more prescriptive term s often used to evaluate and consider child developmental theories. Erik Erikson (1959, 1966), a psychodynamic theorist who studied under Sigmund Freud (the father of psychoanalysis), developed a theory of psychosocial develop ment, beginning with birth and ending with death. According to Erikson each stage of d evelopment presented a unique challenge or crisis brought about by the combining forces of both physiological changes and psychosocial need. Successfully resolvi ng the developmental crisis resulted in being better prepared for the next stage. The e

ighth stage of Erikson s model is Integrity versus Despair and spans from age 65 to deat h. Erikson believed that individuals in this age range needed to reflect back on their lives, taking stock of their choices and the value of their various achievements. If th is reflection resulted in a sense of contentment with one s choices and life experiences, then the individual will be able to accept death with a sense of integrity, but if he or she does not like the choices made, the relationships developed, and the wisdom gained then he or she will face death with a sense of despair. ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

138 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional Because the successful navigation of each stage is dependent on the successful n avigation of the preceding stages, Erikson believed that individuals who did not develop a sense of basic trust in others or in the world (Stage One), struggled developing a sense of personal autonomy (Stage Two), had difficulty developing any personal initiative (Stage Three), or a sense of accomplishment (Stage Four), faced challenges in adolescen ce when attempting to discover a personal identity (Stage Five), making it difficult to develop truly intimate relationships with others (Stage Six), leaving him incapable of offerin g true guidance and generativity to the younger generations (Stage Seven), which would likely mean that he would not reflect back on his life with any sense of contentment an d satisfaction, and would then likely face impending death with a true and deep sense of despair . Daniel Levinson (1978, 1984) is probably one of the most well-known adult develo pmental theorists, having developed a life span theory extending from birth through death. Levinson wrote two books explaining his theory, The Seasons of a Man s Life (1978) and The Seasons of a Woman (1984), where he focused on middle adulth ood, but what was revolutionary about his theory was his argument that adults do continue to grow and develop on an age-related timetable. Levinson noticed that adults in the latter half of their lives are more reflective, and as they approa ched a point in their lives where they had more time behind them than ahead of them, th is reflection intensified. Levinson also believed that individuals progress through periods of stability that are followed by shorter stages of transition. The themes in hi s theory most relevant to human service professionals include this notion of life reflection the taking stock of one s life choices and accomplishments, the need to be able to give back to society, which encompasses an acknowledgment that at som e point the goal in life is not solely to focus on one s own driving needs, but to g ive back to others and community through the sharing of gained wisdom and mentoring. Finally, Levinson s belief that as people age they need to become more intrinsical ly focused rather than externally based is equally relevant. Consider the man who in his thirties gains self-esteem and a sense of identity through working 80 hou rs per week and running marathons. How will this same man define himself when he is 70 and no longer has the physical stamina or agility to perform these activities? L evinson believed that a developmental task for aging adults was to become more internall

y anchored, more intrinsic in their self-identify, lest they develop a sense of de spair and depression later in life when they are no longer able to live up to their ow n youthful expectations. Successful Aging A recent concept that has become popular in relation to the study of geriatrics is the concept of successful aging, which is used to describe the process of getting th e most out of one s life in later years. Successful aging literally means to add years to one s ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 139 life and to get the most out of living (Havighurst, 1961). Researchers have exam ined individuals who age better than others to determine what differences might accou nt for their success, and some of the variables at play include maintaining a moderat ely high physical and social activity level, including keeping active in hobbies, so cial events, and regular exercise (Warr, Butcher & Robertson, 2004). The natural aging process, though, seems to discourage high activity levels in v irtually all domains. Employment provides most people with one of the greatest opportunit ies for social interaction, and when individuals retire a significant portion of their social life is lost along with their career. Physical limitations also enc ourage disengagement. Few elderly play on intramural softball teams, and even something like poor night vision can keep a senior from being able to hop in the car and visit family. Thus, many elderly people naturally begin withdrawing from the world, both physi cally and socially, in response to diminished capability and opportunity, and with such disengagement comes an increase in physical and emotional problems, problem s such as depression and even alcohol abuse to combat loneliness. In addition to maintaining a healthy activity level, it is also important for th e elderly to maintain good coping strategies for the challenges that lie before them. Alth ough many of these challenges may be minimized because they are a part of the expected life course, many elderly not only face increased health problems and p hysical limitations, but they also must deal with multiple losses as they begin to lose friends, siblings, and even their spouse to death. Many elderly must move from t heir longtime home into residential care or the home of a family member, and even the loss of independence can create a situation where their mental health is determined b y the veracity of their coping mechanisms. In my own clinical practice I have found that individuals typically age in the s ame way that they lived. Thus if someone has poor coping abilities when they are you nger, resulting in a diminished ability to manage life transitions, stress, and loss, they typically will carry these poor coping strategies into old age. If someone exercises regul arly and has good social contacts, they will typically remain active, both socially a nd

physically, during their elderly years. Current Issues Affecting the Elderly and the Role of the Human Service Professional In anticipation of the increase in the elderly population as well as an increase in the needs and complex nature of the issues facing many elderly, the Older Americans Act was signed into federal law in 1965. This act led to the creation of the Adminis tration on Aging, and it funded grants to the states for various community and human ser vice programs and provided money for age-related research and the development of human service agencies called Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) operating on the loca l Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

140 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional level. The Administration on Aging also acts as a clearinghouse, disseminating i nformation about a number of issues affecting the elderly population in the United States. Numerous issues affect today s elderly population, including elder abuse, agebased discrimination, housing needs, biopsychological problems, (such as depress ion, anxiety, and alcoholism), adjustment to retirement, and grandparenting. Those in the human services field are often included in the group of professionals most likel y to come into contact with the elderly population, either through direct service or through providing counseling services to a family member of an elderly individual, and t herefore they must be familiar with these key issues, knowing how they affect the elderly and their family. Ageism Ask some typical young Americans what they think it is like to be a man of 70, a nd they may well tell you that an average 70-year-old man is in poor health, drifts off to sleep at a moment s notice, talks of nothing but the distant past, and unproductively si ts in a rocker, rocking back and forth all day long. They might even throw in a commen t or two about his general grouchy disposition. Ask if the elderly still have the desire for sexual intimacy, and you might get a good hearty laugh in response. However, thi s description of the elderly is a myth based on deeply entrenched negative stereot ypes and can serve as a foundation of a form of prejudice and discrimination of the e lderly called ageism. Ageism was a term first coined by Robert Butler (1969), chairman of a congressiona l committee on aging in 1968. He defined ageism as a systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people simply because they are old, just as racism and sexism accomplish this with skin color and gender. Butler theorized that the basis of this negative stereotype is a fear of growing old. This fear and the resultan t negative stereotyping can often result in discrimination of the elderly population in all areas of life and is the basis of many forms of elder abuse. Ageism typically involves any attitude or behavior that negatively categorizes t he elderly based either on partial truth (often taken out of context) or on outrigh t myths

of the aging process. Such myths often describe old age as involving (1) poor he alth, illness, and disability; (2) lack of mental sharpness and acuity, senility, and dementia; (3) sadness, depression, and loneliness; (4) an irritable demeanor; (5) a sexles s life; (6) routine boredom; (7) a lack of vitality and continual decline; and (8) an in ability to learn new things, and (9) the loss of productivity (Thornton, 2002). Gerontologists caution that the promotion of such negative stereotypes of old age and the elderly not only trivialize older individuals, but also risk displac ing the elderly population as communities undervalue them based on this perception that the elde rly are nothing more than a drain on society. A further risk of ageism is that the elderly may internalize this negative stereotype creating a self-fulfilling prop hecy of sorts (Thornton, 2002). This is similar to what happens with other vulnerable po puISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 141 ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 lations, such as minority groups, who internalize the negative perceptions of th em held by the majority population (Snyder, 2001). Old age has not always been something those in the United States have viewed neg atively. In fact, earlier in the twentieth century, societal attitudes reflected a relati vely positive view of the elderly and of the aging experience. The elderly were respe cted for their wisdom and valued for their experience. They were not typically perceived as being a drain on society or as a burden to the community. Yet, some time around the middle 1900s, as life expectancy began to grow and medical technology improved s o dramatically, professionals such as physicians, psychologists, and gerontologist s began discussing the elderly in terms of the problems they posed (Hirshbein, 2001). Many social psychologists and gerontologists cite the media as a major source of negative stereotypes of the elderly. These critics claim that the consistent neg ative portrayal of the elderly in both television shows as well as commercials, portraying them as dimwitted, foolish individuals living in the past, has a dehumanizing effect on the entire elderly population and has a negative affect on the self-concept of the e lderly. Yet the results of a study conducted in 2004, which reviewed television commerci als from the 1950s to the 1990s, did not support this critical view of the media (Mi ller, Leyell, & Mazacheck, 2004). In fact, Miller and his colleagues found that the me dia depiction of the elderly has been relatively positive, particularly in the latter two deca des. The issue of whether stereotypes (either positive or negative) depicted in the media simply reflect social values or actually have the power to shape social va lues remains unclear, thus it is difficult to know the implications of this research. Are adv ocates of the elderly making headway in their attempt to wipe away ageism reflected in the media? Or is the media responding to the call of antiageism advocates and le ading the way in the fight to see the elderly as individuals with a wide range of func tioning levels, and probably more importantly as individuals with far higher capacity than negative stereotypes imply? Regardless of the answer to this question, agei sm remains a real problem, particularly in the workplace.

Employment discrimination based on age has not historically attracted a tremendo us amount of attention or sympathy, but has been the recent focus of concern due to the aging of the U.S. workforce. This has made age-related discrimination a h ot topic among economists, human resource managers, and other concerned professionals. A 1999 article in Fortune magazine highlighted the problem of age discrimination i n the workplace, noting that although it has long been known and even expected that th ose 55 years and older would likely face difficulty in finding employment, the new a ge ceiling for many in business is now as low as 40 years old (Munk, 1999). Munk identifies several reasons for this trend. In the past, longevity with a co mpany translated into financial security, yet beginning in the 1980s, companies began trimming their workforces considerably, laying off thousands of employees. This trend affected the older, more experienced workforce the hardest, as many companies re asoned that older employees could be replaced by more efficient, more productive, and far less costly younger employees. Although this practice might make good busine ss Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

142 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional sense in some respects, any decision to lay off older employees that is based on a negative stereotype that they are less efficient and productive constitutes ageism (Touga s, Lagac, & De La Sablonnire, 2004). It is vital that human service professionals make certain that they do not hold any of these misconceptions of old age. For instance, assuming that someone over the age of 70 is incapable of being productive and of learning something new, of gai ning a new insight, whether in the counseling office, or in life in general, would un doubtedly affect the dynamic between the counselor and elderly client. Practitioners then must address any misconceptions they have of old age and of the elderly populati on in general. Practices such as talking down to elderly clients, not directly addr essing difficult issues for fear that they lack the capacity to understand, will undoub tedly affect the level of investment the client makes in the counseling relationship. This ty pe of behavior on the part of the practitioner can also encourage a self-fulfilling prophecy within elderly clients, where they begin to act the part of the incapable, unpro ductive, and cognitively dull individual. Making positive assumptions about elderly clien ts will increase the possibility of bringing out the most authentic and dynamic aspects of elderly clients. Housing Contrary to the common belief of many in the United States, most elderly individ uals remain in their homes until death and are cared for by family members (Bergeron & Gray, 2003). But as medical technology allows people to live longer albeit not necessarily healthier lives, coupled with the fact that more women than ever are in the workforce and therefore unavailable to care for their elderly and chronically il l relatives, many seniors find themselves needing to move out of their homes once they reach a certain level of physical and/or cognitive decline. They might move into the home of a family member, which was far more prevalent when the United States was an agricultural society, and both men and women were home based in their work, o r they might move into a retirement community, where they can still enjoy their in dependence while enjoying many facility-offered services to meet their needs, such as shuttle service, handicapped-accessible facilities, and child-free living. Laguna Woods (formerly Leisure World) is a famous retirement community in Southern California. This community refers to itself as an age-restricted communit

y for the active lifestyle and boasts 18,000 residents, with an average age of 78 years. The gate-guarded community offers a multitude of athletic activities including a n 18 hole golf course, tennis, community dances, and yoga classes. The community cent er serves as a central hub organizing the activities of over 60 different clubs, in cluding anything from a billiard or bridge club to various travel clubs. The community even has its own television station to announce the day s activities! Laguna Woods has its own bus service to transport its residents within the community as well as to local sites ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 143 around the area. The community has a team of human service professionals, such a s licensed counselors and social workers, who provide crisis intervention, case ma nagement, individual counseling, and support groups on topics such as caregiver support, grief, and even a group on successful aging. The catch of course is that all residences are for-sale properties (except for those homes offered for rent by o wners), and in addition to the $400 monthly community fee, the house prices range anywhe re from about $175,000 to about $575,000. Thus at least in Laguna Woods, successful aging comes at a high price! The reality is that the majority of the elderly liv ing in the United States cannot afford to live in attractive retirement communities, such a s Laguna Woods, that so readily support successful aging. Government subsidized senior housing can making housing costs more affordable for the elderly population, whether in the form of a subsidy provided directly t o the elderly in the form of tax credits, loans, or rental vouchers, or subsidies prov ided to the housing community, which then passes on this discount to the renter. One pro blem with many of these programs, though, is that they require the elderly residents to find their own housing in the community, much of which is older and not appropri ate for elderly residents who often need special age-related accommodations. Another concern relates to government-subsidized communities that are designed for the e lderly population but tend to be wrought with problems related to safety, including problems with poor physical upkeep of the property. A 2003 longitudinal study that followed 1200 elderly individuals in their transi tion from independent living to age-restricted housing in 1995 found that those elder ly who transitioned to more expensive communities fared the best with regard to physical health and overall life satisfaction, and those who transitioned to gov ernmentsubsidized housing programs fared the worse. Although the study investigators acknowledged that levels of life satisfaction might be related to a cumulative a ffect of a lifetime of poverty, they concluded that overall quality of housing has a dire ct relationship to life satisfaction (Krout, 2003). Elderly individuals needing more consistent care with their activities of daily living (ADL) sometimes enter assisted-living facilities. These facilities offer apartmentlike living in a more structured environment. In many respects assisted-living f acilities act as a bridge between independent living and nursing home care. Assisted-livin

g facilities offer assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, housekeeping, and me dication, and some even have fully functioning medical centers. Many assisted-living apart ments have alarm systems in every unit, offer a restaurant-style cafeteria, a club for social activities, a hairdresser, a medical staff, home health care, and a relat ively full array of human services. The services are far more intensive than in a retiremen t community, as residents in assisted-living facilities are there because they cannot manage their ADLs without daily assistance. Human service professionals provide many of the same services as provided in retirement communities, but at a more comprehen sive level. ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

144 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional Homelessness and the Elderly Population One of the opening vignettes of this chapter highlighted the issue of homelessne ss in the elderly community. Although the elderly are at a lower risk for homelessness than other age groups, homelessness in the elderly population is a growing concern be cause the percentage is expected to grow as the baby boomer generation ages. The root cause of homelessness in the elderly population is of significant interest to social scientists, who are concerned about the complex set of needs this population pos sesses when facing housing vulnerability. The common causes of homelessness in the general population apply to the elderly subgroup as well, such as a lack of affordable housing, too few jobs for unskill ed workers, and a reduction in human services support (Hecht & Coyle, 2001; Kutza & Keigher, 1991), but the elderly population in general has additional risk factor s such as being too elderly to reasonably recover from a job loss, enter a new career, or reenter the workforce, as well as experiencing chronic illnesses that are either costly or bar the elderly individual from being self-supporting (Kutza & Keigher, 1991). For statistical purposes, individuals above the age of 50 to 55 are usually cons id ered in the elderly category. Homeless elderly are a particularly vulnerable sub group because of age-related physical vulnerability, which is often exacerbated by poo r nu An aged homeless woman with all of her belongings in two garbage bags ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 145 trition and difficult living conditions either on the streets or in a homeless s helter. They are also at a much higher risk of becoming a victim of crime while living o n the streets (Hecht & Coyle, 2001). A research study based in Los Angeles found that unlike the homeless in the gene ral population, 85 percent of the elderly population was white (versus 61 percent in the younger homeless population), and 59 percent were veterans (versus 27 percen t in the younger homeless population). The elderly homeless were far more likely t o be socially isolated and suffer from a physical illness, but less likely to suff er from substance abuse, mental illness, or domestic violence (Linn & Mayer-Oakes 1990). Elderly homeless between the ages of 50 and 65 are often the most vulnerable group becau se they are frequently the target of ageism when attempting to reenter the workforce, but too young to qualify for Medicare and Social Security benefits (H echt & Coyle, 2001). The differences between younger homeless and older homeless populations become important when considering programs designed to assist the elderly homeless population. Many human services homeless assistance programs focus on root cause s of homelessness more common in younger populations, such as providing assistance with substance abuse and domestic violence. Any human services programs designed to assist the elderly subgroup with housing issues need to focus more on issues related to insufficient income, health concerns, and low-income housing offering support ive services to the elderly population with declining health. Adjustment to Retirement The concept of retirement is so common to the twenty-first century that it rarel y needs explanation. When an individual comments on his or her upcoming retirement , others seem to instinctually understand that what is being discussed is the practice of leaving one s employment to permanently enter a phase of chosen nonemployment, and even though some might choose to dabble in part-time employment from time to time, the most common conceptualization of retirement involves an employee permanently surrendering his or her position, at the approximately a ge of 65, and drawing on a pension or retirement account that has likely been accru ing for years. Of course, there are numerous variations on this theme some people don t ever formally retire, and some people work in fields that have mandatory retirement ages, such as the airline industry, which requires that all pilots re

tire at the age of 60, and for some, retirement is a luxury they cannot afford. Also, it would be incorrect to assume that everyone in the workforce has accrued a pension size able enough to permit them to live on for years. But despite the range of retirement experiences, certain generalizations can be made about the retirement experience for the majority of those living in the United States during the twen tyfirst century. ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

146 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional Robert Atchley (1976) was one of the first researchers who attempted to describe the retirement experience for men and women. He identified five distinct, yet ov erlap ping, stages that most retirees progress through on formal retirement. These sta ges are 1. The Honeymoon Phase: Retirees embrace retirement and all their newfound freedom in an optimistic but unrealistic manner. 2. Disenchantment: Retirees become disillusioned with what they thought retireme nt was going to be like and get discouraged with what often feels as though is too much time on their hands. 3. Reorientation: Retirees develop a more realistic view of retirement, both wit h regard to increased opportunities, but also with regard to increased constraints. 4. Stability: Retirees adjust to retirement. 5. Termination: Retirees eventually lose independence due to physical and cognit ive decline. There has been some controversy about whether retirees actually progress through such distinct phases, or whether there is just too much of a range of experience s among retirees in the United States to categorize experiences in a stage theory. Yet, a recent study supported Atchley s stage theory finding that retirees do experience a posit ive attitude about retirement for approximately six months after retiring, which is followed by a more negative attitude beginning at about 12 months, followed by a resumpti on of a more positive attitude at about 24 months (Reitzes & Mutran, 2004). This study also found that individuals who had high self-esteem prior to retirem ent tended to have a more positive attitude about retirement, as did individuals who valued their ability to be a good friend. Reitzes and Mutran (2004) reasoned that this might be because such individuals looked at retirement as an opportunity to socialize and increase their friendship base. Factors such as a poor pension plan and poor health most often led to negative feelings about retirement. The final conc lusion of this study was that good planning prepares individuals for the various ups an d downs of retirement and helps them to approach this developmental phase realisti cally and well prepared. Because nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population is now over the age of 50, the implications

of retirement preparation and adjustment on the human services field obviously cannot be ignored. Human service professionals will likely come into contact with retired or retiring adults in many different settings, but it is important to realize that impending retirement can become an issue for someone even in middle adultho od, and therefore it is important for human service professionals to recognize that this issue can either be the direct focus of counseling or a residual issue, per haps even being a stressor of which the client is completely unaware. Using Atchley s model as a guide, Rhonda Jensen-Scott (1993) recommended that counselors assist retired or retiring clients in tackling four major tasks:

ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 147 1. Seeking out and obtaining relevant information related to retirement 2. Adjusting to the change retirement will bring 3. Reworking personal priorities and goals to be consistent with a retired lifes tyle 4. The acquisition of a new job if reentry into the workforce is necessary or appro priate Jensen-Scott (1993) recommended asking questions similar to the following: . What is a big change for you? What was the last big change you experienced in your life? What was that like for you? . If you didn t have to work at your current job, what would you do? . Besides a paycheck, what do you get from your job? What do you like and dislike about it? . As you have progressed through your working life, are you aware of having had go als for yourself? If so, what are these goals? What parts of them have you accomplis hed? . Make a list of the things you do in your life that are important to you (roles y ou play, activities you engage in, for example). . Now tell me which ones are most important to you? How does your job fit into this list? . How would you describe yourself? . When you think of older adults or retirees, what do you think of? . How do you imagine life will be when you retire? (p. 258). It is important to remember, though, that not all retirements are planned some employees are forced into retirement,some are laid off during retirement age,and some individuals are even terminated just prior to retirement so that the compan y does not have to fully invest in the employee s retirement plan, an unethical prac tice, but increasingly common. Thus the practitioner must be prepared for a wide range of experiences, as well as a wide range of feelings toward retirement. Three primary factors significantly influence how retirement is experienced by t he retiree. First, the increased life span has actually created the necessity for f ormal retirement because individuals in many instances are outliving their ability to work produc tively, at least in the same capacity as they did when they were younger. When people rarely lived beyond their forties or fifties, they often died in the mids t of their careers, thus planning for retirement, both emotionally and financially, was oft en unnecessary.

With the increased life span people are spending far more time in retirement than ever before (Reitzes & Mutran, 2004). Second, there have been two simultaneous yet opposing trends developing, particu larly in the past 25 years. The first trend involves a movement toward early retiremen t, with many individuals retiring in their fifties or even earlier (Kim & Moen, ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

148 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional 2001), some to enter a second career and some to truly enjoy a more leisurely li festyle. Yet this trend is creating a situation where retirement is a midlife experience, rather than one marking old age. Yet at the same time, the practice of employees workin g at the same company for 20 to 30 years and accruing an employer-sponsored retire ment plan that they can draw from for the balance of their lives has become far less common as the workforce has become more transient, and companies have been forced to streamline expenses by no longer offering structured financial retirem ent plans (Munk, 1999). Finally, race and gender have a significant affect on retirement experiences. Re search has shown that women and minority workers often have different attitudes and experiences surrounding retirement issues due to disparity in income and edu cation levels (McNamara & Williamson, 2004). Thus the human service professional must understand that most factors affecting a client s retirement experience are g oing to be influenced by the client s gender and racial background. Ultimately, as is the case with virtually all life s transitions, one s background a nd previous experiences, including losses and traumas, coupled with coping skills a nd general personality style will all factor into how a client experiences and hand les the life transitions involved with retirement. Thus, although counseling an individu al through this experience can be quite complex and sometimes overwhelming, it shou ld also be recognized as an opportunity for change, growth, and the reworking of ol d issues and perhaps even past losses, thus opening the doorway for higher functioning during the next stage in life. Grandparents Parenting The practice of grandparents raising grandchildren has increased dramatically ov er the past several years, signaling many problems within U.S. society that have emerge d since the 1970s. Between 1990 and 1997 alone, grandparent-headed households incr eased approximately 20 percent (Casper & Bryson, 1998). The U.S. Congress became interested in this issue in the mid-1990s and in 1996 passed legislation that required the 2000 U.S. Census to include questions regarding whether grandparent s were residing with grandchildren, whether they had primary responsibility for th em, and what length of time they had acted in a parental role (i.e., revealing wheth er the situation was temporary or permanent).

Current figures estimate that approximately 5.8 million U.S. households (approxi mately 3.9 percent of the population) are comprised of grandparents coresiding with grandchildren under the age of 18; 64 percent of these are female grandpare ntheaded households. Approximately 2.4 million of these families involved grandpar ents who were the primary caregiver of their grandchildren, and of these approximatel y 40 percent had acted in this caregiving role for longer than five years (Simmons & Dye, 2003). This represents a 30 percent increase from 1990. About half of these gran dISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 149 parents are between the ages of 50 and 59, and 20 percent are over 60. Some of t hese households included at least one of the parents, but many of them included one o r both grandparents acting in the role of surrogate parent(s). Although the demographics of grandparent-headed households vary considerably, such households are far likelier to be an ethnic minority, poor, and undereducat ed. Households led by a grandmother only are far more likely to face economic hardsh ip. Grandparent caregivers in the South and in urban areas had the highest levels of poverty and the lowest levels of education (Simmons & Dye, 2003). Ethnic minority children are far more likely to be raised by a grandparent than Caucasian children. As Table 6.1 indicates, 10 percent of Pacific Islander grand parents are raising grandchildren compared to 8 percent each of Native American, African American, and Latino grandparents, although Latino grandparents were far less li kely to have caregiving responsibilities. Only 2 percent of Caucasian grandparents co resided with grandchildren under the age of 18 (Simmons & Dye, 2003). It is important to note though that some of these households are accounted for by multigenerational occu pied households common particularly in Mexican and Asian cultures. The issue of health-care insurance has far-reaching implications because childre n living with grandparents are less likely to have private health insurance, and m any grandparent-headed households make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to be able to afford a private health insurance plan (Glass & Hunnycu tt, 2002). The lack of health insurance not only has a financial impact on these fam ilies, but also may affect their access to good mental health services. Glass and Hunnycutt (2002) discussed the differences between traditional grandparenting and grandparents who parent. Grandparenting, they point out, often inv olves the best of both worlds where grandparents can play and have fun with their grandchildren, without daily task-related caregiving responsibilities, yet grand parents who are cast into surrogate parenting roles, whether the biological parents are present or not, must often deal with blurred boundary lines of responsibility. Thus they can no longer enjoy the fun aspects of grandparenting because they are thrust in to the role of surrogate parent at the same time where they often deal with a weaker th an average support system, both socially as well as financially.

The reasons why grandparents become surrogate parents are many, but the chief reasons include 1. the high divorce rate, leaving many women facing potential poverty resulting in them returning home to live with parents; 2. the sharp rise in teen pregnancies, also resulting in the mother residing wit h her parents for economic (and oftentimes emotional) reasons; 3. the increase in relative foster care in response to a sharp increase in child welfare intervention due to child abuse; ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Table 6.1 Grandparents Living with Grandchildren by Race (Data based on sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling e rror, nonsampling error, and definitions, .pdf) Characteristic Total Race Hispanic origin Whitealone Black orAfricanAmericanalone AmericanIndianandAlaskaNativealone Asianalone NativeHemalianandOtherPacificIslanderalone Someotherracealone Two or more races Hispanicor Latino(of any race) Not Hispanicor Latino Whitealone, notHispanic Total or Latino Population 30 yearsold and over .....Grandparents living withgrandchildren ..... Percent of population 30 and over .....Responsible for grandchildren ..... Percent of coresident grandparents ..... By duration of care(percent) a Total ..... Less than 6 months6 to 11 months .....1 to 2 years .....8 to 4 years .....5 years or more ..... 158,881,0375,771,6713.62,426,73042.0100.012.110.823.215.438.5 125,715,4723,219,4092.51,340,80941.6100.012.611.623.815.836.3 16,484,6441,358,6998.2702,59551.7100.09.89.321.214.645.2 1,127,45590,5248.050,76556.1100.013.010.522.513.9 40.0 5,631,301359,7096.471,79120.0100.013.611.025.217.632.7 169,33117,01410.06,58738.7100.012.78.423.811.743.3 5,890,748567,4869.6191,10733.7100.015.611.426.115.731.1 2,862,086158,8305.563,07639.7100.013.511.223.416.035.9 14,618,8911,221,6618.4424,30434.7100.014.611.225.115.833.3 144,262,146 119,063,492 4,550,010 2,654,788 8.2 2.2 2,002,426 1,142,006 44.0 43.0 100.0 100.0 11.5 12.4 10.7 11.6 22.8

23.6 15.3 15.7 39.6 36.6 aPercent duration based on grandparents responsible for grandchildren. Percent d istribution may not sum to 100 percent because of rounding. Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000, Summary File 4. 150 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 0-536-39113-

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 151 4. an increase in parents serving time in prison, primarily for drug and drug-re lated offenses punishable by high prison sentences due to the U.S. government s War on Drugs ; 5. the sharp increase of drug use, particularly among women of color whose use o f crack cocaine has literally exploded over the past ten years; and, 6. the AIDS crisis, which has devastated many communities, leaving children orph aned and in need of permanent homes. These cases are complicated when the children have contracted the HIV virus, particularly when one considers their complex medical needs. (de Toledo & Brown, 1995) The issues facing grandparents raising grandchildren are complex involving emoti onal as well as financial, legal, and physical challenges. Many grandparent caregiver s are often forced to live in a type of limbo not knowing how long they will remai n responsible for their grandchildren, particularly when the biological parent(s) are either in jail or are suffering from drug addiction that prevents them from resuming th eir primary parenting role. The choice to act as a surrogate parent is in many instances made in a time of c risis, thus the elderly who may have been planning their retirement for years, often fi nd themselves in a position where they either take on this parenting role in the fa ce of the situation that rendered the biological parents unable to continue parenting or a llow their grandchildren to enter the county foster care system. Parenting younger ch ildren has its unique challenges, but often comes with some level of social support, at least within the elementary school system, but this is often not the case with o lder children, particularly adolescents. Parenting adolescents can often present significant challenges for grandparents, particularly those who are elderly. Parenting adolescents can be an exhausting e ndeavor for the young or middle-aged parent, but imagine the demands placed on someone who is elderly, has limited physical capacity, and even more limited fin ancial means. Adolescents who have endured significant loss through death or abandonmen t or who have been raised in abusive homes, by parents who abuse drugs, or by parents who are serving time in prison are likely to act out emotionally and even physically, putting even greater stress on an already vulnerable family system. Human service professionals may enter a grandparent-led family system in numerou s ways they could be the school social worker working with the children, they

might be the child welfare caseworker assigned to assist the grandparents who ar e serving as relative foster care parents, or they might work for a human services agency offering outreach services to grandparent caregivers. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), an advocacy organization for the elderly population, recommends that faith-based organizations and school s be among the organizations conducting outreach efforts to grandparent-headed hou seholds, particularly within ethnic minority communities. AARP has also highlighted the ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

152 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional need for the development of more regional support groups focusing on important issues including respite care, parenting issues, and general emotional support, as well as the development of regional all-inclusive resource centers offering case mana gement services to meet the comprehensive needs of grandparent caregivers. Depression Another significant concern affecting the elderly population is the increased in cidence of depression. In fact, the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) estimate s that approximately 2 million individuals over the age of 65 suffer from some form of depression, and as many as 5 million more suffer from some form of depressive symptoms, although they may not meet all the criteria for clinical depression. Although prevalence rates can vary rather widely within the population, due in part to ho w depression is defined, these statistics indicate that at any given time anywhere between 5 to 30 percent of the elderly population may suffer from some form of depression, compared to a 1 percent prevalence rate in the general population, (Birrer & Vemuri, 2004 ). Depression rates in nursing homes are even higher, with some studies finding up to 50 percent of the residents meeting the criteria for clinical depression. The elderly are also disproportionately at risk for suicide. Although individuals ages 65 ye ars and older make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population, they account for nearly 1 8 percent of all those who committed suicide in the year 2001, which is the highes t rates of all age groups. Surprisingly, those elderly at the highest risk for suicide a re white males over the age of 85, many of whom are widowed (Birrer & Vemuri, 2004; McIntosh, 2003). Many believe that depression is just a normal part of the aging process caused b y the natural course of cognitive and physical decline and the multiple losses ass ociated with growing old. But depression is not a natural part of growing older and can be avoided. Unfortunately, many in the medical and mental health fields, even the e lderly themselves, believe that it is, and thus many in the elderly population who are suffering from depression remain undiagnosed and untreated. Misdiagnosis is also relatively common, with depression often being mistaken for dementia or some oth er form of cognitive impairment (Birrer & Vemuri, 2004). Human service professionals working with the elderly community must be observant

of the signs of depression. They must also be aware of the many risk factors for depression, including anxiety; chronic medical conditions such as heart dise ase, stroke, and diabetes; dementia; being unmarried; alcohol abuse; stressful life e vents; and minimal social support (Birrer & Vemuri, 2004; Lynch, Compton, Mendelson, Robins, & Krishnan, 2000; Waite, Bebbington, Skelton-Robinson, & Orrell, 2004). A 2001 study conducted in the Netherlands found that negative life events such as the death of a significant other, a history of sexual abuse, and relational s tress were all associated with depression later in life, but interestingly physical abuse, crime, disaster, and war events were not linked with depression later in life. The study also fou nd ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 153 that the number of negative life events throughout one s life was positively corre lated with depression later in life. Thus, it appears that traumatic events have a cum ulative effect that can potentially result in depression during old age. The authors of this study refer to this cumulative effect as social poverty and recommend that practitione rs focus on helping their elderly clients in skill building and with the development of h ealthy social relationships (Kraaij & de Wilde, 2001). Dementia The American Psychiatric Society defines dementia as progressive, degenerative i llnesses experienced during old age that impair brain function and cognitive ability. Dementia is an umbrella term encompassing most likely numerous disorders. Two of the most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer s disease and multi-infarct dement ia (small strokes in the brain). The general symptoms of dementia include a comprehensive shutting down of all bodily systems indicative by progressive memory loss, increased difficulty conce ntrating, a steady decrease in problem-solving skills and judgment capability, confusion, hallucinations and delusions, altered sensations or perceptions, impaired recognition of everyday objects and familiar people, altered sleep patterns, mot or system impairment,inability to maintain ADLs (such as dressing oneself),agitation,anxie ty, and depression. Ultimately, the dementia sufferer enters a complete vegetative state prior to death. According to the NIMH, multi-infarct dementia accounts for nearly 20 percent of all dementias, affecting about 4 in 10,000 people. Even more individuals suff er from some form of mild cognitive impairment, but do not yet meet the criteria for ful lblown dementia (Palmer, Fratiglioni, & Winblad, 2003). Alzheimer s disease affects approximately 4.5 million Americans, or about 5 percent of the population betwee n the ages of 65 and 74 years of age, and the incident rate increases to 50 percen t for those over 85 years of age. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, and it is only through an autopsy that a definitive diagnosis is made. The United States has experienced a dramati c increase in the incidence of dementia in the latter part of the twentieth centur y, primarily due to the increased human life span. It is theorized that dementia di d not have an opportunity to develop prior to the 1900s, when the average life span wa s

about 47 years. There is no known cure for dementia, thus treatment is focused o n delaying and relieving symptoms. Human service professionals may work directly with the sufferer of dementia or with the caregiver (typically a spouse or adult child) if they work in a practic e setting that serves the elderly community. However, dealing with dementia as a clinical issue can occur in any practice setting because any client may have a relative sufferi ng from one of these disorders and will therefore need counsel and perhaps even case man agement. Consider the practitioner who is assisting a client manage his ailing mother, questioning whether she is suffering from a cognitive impairment, grieving the s low loss ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

154 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional of the mother she loves, and needing support in making difficult decisions such as determining when her mother can no longer live alone. Or, consider the school social worker who is counseling a student whose grandfather was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease. The pressure on the entire family system will affect the stud ent in numerous ways academically, emotionally, perhaps even physically and will frequently magnify any existing issues with which the student is currently struggling. Elder Abuse The elderly are a vulnerable population due to such factors as their physical fr ailty, dependence, social isolation, and the existence of cognitive impairment and as such are at risk of various forms of abuse and exploitation. The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) defines elder abuse as any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a car egiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. The specific definition of elder abuse varies from state to state, but in general can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment, or fi nancial exploitation. Although elder abuse is presumed to have always occurred, just as other forms of abuse such as child abuse and spousal abuse, it was not legally defined until ad dressed within a 1987 amendment of the Older Americans Act. Reports of elder abuse have increased significantly over the last several years due to an increase in reporting requir ements, but also due to societal changes that are putting more older adults at risk. In 1986, there were 117,000 reports of elder abuse nationwide, and by 1996 the n umber of abuse reports increased to 293,000 (Tatara & Kuzmescus, 1997). By the year 2000 (the most recent reported data) the number of elder abuse reports had risen to an alarming 472,813 among all 50 states, Guam, and Washington, D.C. One reason f or the rise in abuse reports is that the newest figures include not only abuse in d omestic settings, but include abuse in institutional settings as well, but despite the m ore comprehensive data collection methods there is no escaping the fact that elder abuse is increasing within the United States (Teaster, 2000). Elder abuse is projected to continue to rise in the coming years due to the increased life span and the resultant inc rease in chronic illnesses, changing family patterns, and the complexity involved with co ntemporary caregiving.

Sixty percent of all reported abuse victims are women, 65 percent of victims are white, more than 60 percent of abuse incidences occurred settings, with about 8 percent occurring in institutionalized settings. Family were the most commonly cited perpetrator, including both spouses and ren (Teaster, 2000).

all abuse in domestic members adult child

Every state in the United States has an adult protective services agency, althou gh there is significant variation between states, particularly related to reporting laws and investigation methods and policies. Some states have separate agencies handling elder abuse, and some combine the protection of elderly with the protection of disable d ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 155 ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 adults of all ages. One significant difference between state policies involves w ho is considered a mandated reporter. Sixteen states require anyone who is aware of el der abuse to report it. About half the states require medical personnel, the clergy, and mental health personnel, including all human service professionals, to report el der abuse. Some states specify that only medical personnel are mandated reporters. Y et five states Colorado, Delaware, New York, South Dakota, and Wisconsin do not mandate that anyone report elder abuse (Teaster, 2000). Elder abuse tends to be grossly underreported for several reasons, but many cite the lack of uniform reporting requirements as a primary reason. Because of the wide range of elder abuse reporting requirements, as well as differences in Adult Protectiv e Services investigation policies and enforcement powers, it is essential that those workin g in the human services field be aware of the elder abuse reporting laws and requi rements in their state. Many human service professionals may be in a position to protect an elderly client but may not be aware that their state has an elder abuse hotline. Caregiver burnout is one of the primary risk factors of elder abuse. The most common scenario involves a loving family member who becomes intensely frustrated by the seeming impossible task of caring for a spouse or parent with a chronic i llness such as dementia. Providing the continuous care of someone with Alzheimer s diseas e, for example, can be frustrating, provoking an abusive response from someone with no history of abusive behavior. An example of such an incident is included in Bergeron and Gray s (2003) article on the ethical dilemmas facing support group facilitators. In this vignette, an elderly man is discussing the intense frustration he endures when attempting to encourag e his wife, who is suffering from Alzheimer s disease, to undress at the end of the day and put nightclothes on. He describes how he starts by talking to her and asking her to please remove her blouse. He gently attempts to coax her to cooperate by helping her with a button, but she backs away from him. He then attempts to illustrate what he wants by undressing himself. She does not follow this prompt and continues to be

combative and agitated, behavior consistent with Alzheimer s disease. Finally, thi s overwhelmed and overburdened husband admits to resorting to slapping his wife to get her to cooperate. One of the most effective intervention strategies is caregiver support groups. T hese groups are typically facilitated by a social worker or other human services prac titioner and focus on providing caregivers, many of whom are elderly themselves, a safe p lace to express their frustrations, sadness, and other feelings related to caring for their dependent elderly loved one. Although these support groups provide a wonderful opportunity for caregivers to share their frustrations and caregiving challenges, they can put facilitators in an ethical bind if group members disclose, either directly o r inadvertently, that they are abusing their elderly charge. This issue becomes even more problematic if group members are not warned in advance of the limits of confiden tiality, but are encouraged to open up and share their struggles in the safety of the support group, only to be reported for abuse after an emotional disclosure. Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

156 part two Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional Bergeron and Gray recommend that human service professionals become aware of elder abuse reporting laws in their state and that they inform all group memb ers of these laws as well as the limits of confidentiality before the group process beg ins. Other suggestions include developing a rapport with adult protective services personne l to coordinate services before an abuse report must be made, monitoring group member disclosures, and listening for situations that sound as though they are approach ing a crisis stage. By noting comments referencing a feeling of being tempted to strik e out physically, the support group facilitator can intervene and secure supportive se rvices before the situation evolves into an abusive situation warranting protective ser vices intervention (Bergeron & Gray, 2003). Practice Settings Serving the Elderly Human service professionals wishing to provide direct service to the elderly com munity have a wide array of choices in practice settings. Virtually all practice settin gs delivering services to the elderly have certain treatment and intervention goals, including the promotion of the health and well-being of the elderly, special attention to the needs of special populations such as women and ethnic minority groups, providing effective services at an affordable price, identifying the common needs of all e lders, and removing existing social barriers so that elders can be empowered to seek assist ance in meeting those needs. Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), discussed earlier in this chapter, often serve as human service agencies offering direct service to the elderly community on a loc al level. Generally these agencies offer a multitude of services for the elderly su ch as nutrition programs, services for homebound elderly, low-income minority elderly, and other programs focusing on the needs of the elderly within the local community. Many AAAs also act as a referral source for other services in the area. For instance, the MidFlorida AAA offers programs for those suffering from Alzheimer s (including caregi ver respite), a toll-free elder hotline that links area elderly with resources, an emergency home energy assistance program, paralegal services, home care for the elderly, Medicaid waivers, and practitioners who work with the elderly in helping them to make informed decisions. Most AAAs offer both in-house services, many of whic h

are facilitated by human service professionals, as well as funding off-site prog rams. Human service professionals working at an AAA-funded center might facilitate car egiver respite programs, or they might provide case management services for an agency that provides employment services for clients over 60 years old. Even at centers where services are primarily medical in nature, human service professionals often prov ide adjunct counseling and case management as a support service. Other practice settings include adult day cares, geriatric assessment units, nur sing home facilities, veterans services, elder abuse programs, adult protective servic es, ISBN: 0-536-39113Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 157 bereavement services, senior centers, and hospices. A human service professional will likely perform similar types of direct service, consultation, and educational se rvices focused on assisting older clients maintain or improve their quality of life, independen ce, and level of self-determination. Tasks are typically performed using a multidisc iplinary team approach and can include conducting psychosocial assessments, providing cas e management, developing treatment plans, providing referrals for appropriate serv ices, and providing counseling to the elderly clients and their families. Services are also provided to family caregivers offering support and respite care. As the frail elderly population has increased in numbers, the government has shi fted its priorities and began developing programs aimed at long-term health-care need s, with a particular focus on vulnerable populations such as women, ethnic minoriti es, and the elderly living in rural communities. It is difficult to define who is spe cial or particularly vulnerable within the elderly population because in many senses all elderly could conceivably be considered special in that they are vulnerable to social, e conomic, physical, and psychological harm or exploitation simply by virtue of their advan cing age and corresponding dependency needs. But many gerontologists classify various subpopulations as more vulnerable for various reasons. For instance, successful aging has been linked to good economic status, good health-care, relatively low stress levels, and high levels of social connections. A 2004 study also showed a link between g ood health and financial stability, finding that Caucasians tend to have greater eco nomic wealth and better health than African-American and Latino populations (Lum, 2004 ). Women are often considered a special population because as a group they are more prone to depression and typically have a worse response to antidepressant medication (Kessler, 2003). Women often experience greater financial vulnerabili ty, particularly if divorced or widowed, and are often in lower-wage jobs, undereducated, and underinsured. Widowhood is a common occurrence for women because they live an average of seven years longer than men, and although the ma jority of women in the United States marry, by the age of 65, 75 percent of women are unmarried. Widowhood puts women at increased risk for lower morale and

other mental health problems, even though these symptoms abate with time and intervention (Bennett, 1997). Research has also shown a link between stress and racism that affects quality of life. A study conducted in 2002 found that racism, and particularly institutiona lized racism (such as government-sanctioned racism through discrimination in housing, employment, and health care), had a detrimental affect on elderly African Americ ans, particularly males, who tend to experience worse racial discrimination than wome n (Utsey, Payne, Jackson, & Jones, 2002). Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Clinical Issues and the Role of the Human Service Professional Other special populations could conceivably include any subgroup that is vulnera ble at any point across the life span because of physical or mental disability, vete rans status, and those individuals living in isolated rural areas. Identifying specia l populations within the elderly population will allow the human service professio nal to explore issues that can potentially render the elderly client at increased ri sk and vulnerability during old age. For example, research has shown that veterans are at special risk for depression, PTSD, and alcohol abuse. Thus, elderly veterans will be at particular risk for these conditions. An elderly client who is developmentally disabled will also face increased vulnerability compared to those in the elderly populati on who have intelligence in the normal range. A human service professional who is well versed on typical risk factors for the elderly in the United States, as well as for the increased risk factors facing special populations, will be far more effective in protectin g and advocating for their elderly clients. Concluding Thoughts on Services to the Elderly The elderly population is increasing at a dramatic rate in the United States, re ndering this one of fastest growing target populations of human service agencies. As the baby boomers continue to age and as life continues to become more complex, many within the elderly population will rely on human service professionals to meet m any of their basic needs. Many human service educational programs are adding the fie ld of elderly care, or social gerontology, as an area of specialization in response to the growing need for practitioners committed to work with this population in a varie ty of capacities. Future considerations include the continued effort to identify vulnerable popula tions, as well as addressing ongoing concerns such as the shortage of available afforda ble housing, the available of long-term care, health-care services directed to the elderly population, and the increased role of parenting responsibilities placed on the elderly population. Human service professionals can make a significant positive impact on the lives of the elderly and their family members by addressing both ongoing and anticipated needs of this population. references

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ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 ISBN: 0-536-39113-0 chapter 6 Aging and Services for the Elderly 161 McGowin, D. F. (1994). Living in the labyrinth: A personal journey through the m aze of Alzheimer s. New York: Delta Books. Osborne, H. (2002). Ticklebelly hill: Grandparents raising grandchildren. Bloomi ngton, IN: Authorhouse. Rosenthal, E. R. (1990). Women, aging and ageism. Binghamton, NY: Huntington Par k Press. internet web sites related to aging Alzheimer s Disease Education & Referral Center: AARP: Arthritis Foundation: Elder Hostel: The Grandparent Foundation: National Indian Council on Aging: Introduction to Human Services:Through the Eyes of Practice Settings, by Michell e E. Martin. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Copyright 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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