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PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN IPS BERCIRIKAN PAIKEM . PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN IPS BERCIRIKAN PAIKEM Oleh: Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, M.Pd. (Unesa) Email: ABSTRACT Learning activities aimed at developing the potential that exists on self-esteem, both in aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Social Studies (IPS) is one of the subjects in elementary school also seeks to develop the full potential of students through active learning activities, innovative, creative, effective and joiful. Through social studies subjects learners can be directed to an Indonesian citizen of a democratic and responsible and peace-loving citizens of the world. Teachers need to develop a strategy oriented to student learning (Student Centered Learning) and supported by the application of varying multimetode and multimedia of effective learning for students motivated to participate actively in the learning process. Social studies is characterized by active learning, innovative, creative, effective and joiful learning (PAIKEM) demands the application of multi-method, multi-media and work practices within the team and take advantage of the school environment as a source of learning. PAIKEM assume that learning is an individual process, a social process that is enjoyable, and never ceased to construct meaning. Learning the nuances IPS PAIKEM need to apply a range of innovative learning model (cooperative, inquiry, problem-based, etc.), multi-method and multi-media ... Read More


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