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MUSCULOCUTANEOUS n (C5-7) Forms at the level of Teres Minor => Pierces Cracobrachialis m => Travels between Biceps Brachii and Brachialis mm, emerges lateral to the Biceps tendon => Becomes Lateral Cutaneous n of the forearm. Becomes truly subcutaneous as pierces fascia and joins Cephalic v. Innervates: - Coracobrachialis m; - Bicpes Brachii m; - Brachialis m.

RADIAL n (C5-T1) Emerges from the Posterior cord of BP, anterior to the Long Head of Triceps m, medial to the Humerus and Posterior to the Brachial a => gives branches to Long and Medial Heads of Triceps => winds around the back of the Humerus with Deep artery of the Arm => enters Radial Groove => gives off a branch to Lateral head of the Triceps m => as it reaches the lateral aspect of Humerus => pierces Intermuscular Septum and becomes anterior => descends to the Lateral Epicondyle between Brachioradialis and Brachialis mm => divides into Superficial Branch and Deep Branch. Superficial Branch is exclusively sensory to posterior hand and fingers. Deep Branch is exclusively muscular and articular supply.

MEDIAN n (C6-T1) Runs medial to the Humerus and lateral to the Brachial a in the upper arm. Midway down the arm (i.e. around Nutrient Artery of the Humerus) crosses over, anterior to Brachial a and runs

medial to Brachial a. It then enters Cubital Fossa under Bicipital Aponeurosis and Medial Cubital v. Median n has NO branches in the Axilla or arm.

ULNAR n (C8-T1) Emerges from BP anterior to the Long Head of Triceps m and Teres Major attachment to the Humerus and medial to Brachial a. Around mid-arm, (i.e. about where Median n crosses over Brachial a and isthmus of the Humeral Nutrient a) pierces the Medial Intermuscular Septim with Superior Collateral Ulnar a and enters the posterior compartment of arm. Descends posterior to Medial Condyle of Humerus and enters forearm between the heads of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris m. Like Median n, Ulnar n has NO branches in the Axilla or arm.

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