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CAROLE MORTIMER | lifelong affair A dying sister's wish made Morgan a prisoner! The television report said no one—incuding Morgan's sister and brother-in-law —had jengefulfariy against lone woman with lots of love to give... Even Alex couldn't take that away from her! CAROLE MORTIMER is 2 popular writer in the 4 Harlequin Presents series. The quality of her writing and the fascinating personalities she portrays will appeal toa wide audience. The most popular romance fiction ail over the world Harlequin'Books ... betause no one touches the heart ‘of awoman quite like Harlequin! ISBN G-373-i0b27-0 | | | Yor ‘65375 For John and Matthew ————— Harlequin Presents frs{ edition Septernber 198 (SBN 0-378-10827-0 Original hardoover edilion published in 1888 by Mills & Boon Limited Copyright @ 1982 by Carole Mork mar. rights roamrwod Prillpsine copyright 196, Australian copyright 1909. Comer inustraton copyright © 1983 by Waker Blade Shusraon Linton, Except tor ung i any review, the reproduction or uelizwton of, this workin mola arn pert insary form by any slacrontc, ‘Rechookalor ater exer row koa ct hreate seni, ing xorograplty ohowocopying and recorcing, ox in any rvall tape celta eben kecatie wiht ‘the permission of Ibe pubfishr, Harlequin Eniorprisesdirided, 2225 Cuneah Mit Rad, Dan Mili, Guise, Canada MERE SKS,

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