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The developers would like to extend their sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the following that have extended their support and help for the success and completion of the program.
To Sir Marlon Salazar, our computer teacher, that provides us valuable guidance, assistance and knowledge in this study thank you. To my parents. Mr. & Mrs. Dindo Camba and Marilou Camba for their financial, moral support and for being their inspirations. To our friends and classmates, who accompanied us in gathering my needed data and always there to help. I offer my regards and blessing to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of my projects & program. To everyone who helped me that has not been mentioned I offer my regards and blessings to all of you that supported us in the completion in this project & program. First of all, I want to thank the Almighty Farther, who gave me the knowleged, wisdom, courage, strength, hope and health in making this project success. THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!


Private Sub cmd_login_Click() opendbsample1 With rstaccount .MoveFirst .FindFirst "Username= '" & txt1.Text & "'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox "UNAUTHORIZED USER" ElseIf txt2.Text = !Password Then frm4.Show Unload frm1 Else MsgBox "UNAUTHORIZED USER" End If End With End Sub Private Sub cmd_clear_Click() txt1.Text = Clear txt2.Text = Clear End Sub Private Sub cmd_close_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmd_register_Click() Unload frm1 frm5.Show End Sub Private Sub cmd5_Click() frm5.Show Unload frm1 End Sub

FORM 2 Private Sub cmd1_Click() If txt2.Text = txt3.Text Then opendbsample1 With rstaccount .AddNew !UserName = txt1.Text !Password = txt2.Text .Update End With MsgBox "record has been save" Else MsgBox " Password Mismatched" dbsample1.Close End If End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() frm1.Show Unload frm2 End Sub

FORM 3 Private Sub cmd1_Click() opendbsample1 With rststudent .MoveFirst .FindFirst "IDNumber= '" & txt1.Text & "'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox "UNAUTHORIZED USER" ElseIf txt2.Text = !Name Then frm3.Show With rststudent .AddNew !IDNUMBER = txt1.Text !Name = txt2.Text !YEARANDSECTION = cbo1.Text !Date = txt3.Text !Time = txt4.Text .Update End With MsgBox "record has been Saved" dbsample1.Close frm3.Show End If End With txt1.Text = Clear

txt2.Text = Clear txt3.Text = Clear txt4.Text = Clear cbo1.Text = Clear End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() opendbsample1 With rststudent .MoveFirst .FindFirst "IDNumber= '" & txt1.Text & "'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox "NO RECORD FOUND" Else txt2.Text = !Name cbo1.Text = !YEARANDSECTION txt3.Text = Date txt4.Text = Time End If End With MsgBox "RECORD FOUND" dbsample1.Close End Sub Private Sub cmd3_Click() frm1.Show Unload frm3 End Sub Private Sub cmd4_Click() txt1.Text = Clear txt2.Text = Clear cbo1.Text = Clear txt3.Text = Clear txt4.Text = Clear End Sub Private Sub cmd5_Click() frm2.Show Unload frm3 End Sub ___________________________________________________________________________ FORM 4 Private Sub cmd1_Click() opendbsample1 With rststudent

.MoveFirst .FindFirst "IDNumber= '" & txt1.Text & "'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox "NO RECORD FOUND" Else txt2.Text = !Name cbo1.Text = !YEARANDSECTION txt3.Text = Date txt4.Text = Time End If End With MsgBox "RECORD FOUND" dbsample1.Close End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() opendbsample1 With rststudent .AddNew !IDNUMBER = txt1.Text !Name = txt2.Text !YEARANDSECTION = cbo1.Text !Date = txt3.Text !Time = txt4.Text .Update End With MsgBox "record has been Saved" dbsample1.Close frm3.Show Unload frm4 End Sub Private Sub cmd3_Click() txt1.Text = Clear txt2.Text = Clear cbo1.Text = Clear txt3.Text = Clear txt4.Text = Clear End Sub Private Sub cmd4_Click() frm3.Show Unload frm4 End Sub Private Sub cmd5_Click() opendbsample1

With rststudent .Edit !IDNUMBER = txt1.Text !Name = txt2.Text !YEARANDSECTION = cbo1.Text !Date = txt3.Text !Time = txt4.Text .Update End With MsgBox "record has been edited" dbsample1.Close frm3.Show Unload frm4 End Sub ________________________________________________________________________ FORM 5 Private Sub cmd1_Click() opendbsample1 With rstaccount .MoveFirst .FindFirst "Username= '" & txt1.Text & "'" If .NoMatch Then MsgBox "UNAUTHORIZED USER" ElseIf txt2.Text = !Password Then frm2.Show Unload frm5 Else MsgBox "UNAUTHORIZED USER" End If End With End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() txt1.Text = Clear txt2.Text = Clear End Sub Private Sub cmd3_Click() End End Sub MODULES Public dbsample1 As Database Public rstaccount, rststudent As Recordset Public Sub opendbsample1() Set dbsample1 = OpenDatabase("D:\Thesis\convertedthesis.mdb")

Set rstaccount = dbsample1.OpenRecordset("account", dbOpenDynaset) Set rststudent = dbsample1.OpenRecordset("student", dbOpenDynaset) End Sub





MS Access

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