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Appendicular consists of
a) Pectoral girdles and forelimbs (arms) b) Pelvic girdles and hind limbs (legs)

Each pectoral girdles consist of two bones: Clavicle (collar bone) Scapula (shoulder blade) Clavicle is long and slender S-shaped bone that is positioned horizontally above the 1st ribs.

Spatula is a large, flat and triangular bone situated in the posterior part of thorax. Fore limb (arm) consist of: Humerus Ulna Radius Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges

The humerus is the longest and largest bone of upper limb. At the shoulder, it articulates with scapula. At the elbow, it articulates with the radius and ulna. The carpus (wrist of hand) consists of eight small bones called carpals. The metacarpus ( palm of hand) contains five bones called metacarpals.

Phalanges are the bones of fingers. Each hand there are fourteen phalanges. There are two phalanges in thumb and three phalanges in each of the other four digits.

Pelvic girdles consist of two hip bones that provide strong and stable support for the vertebral column. The hip bones are joins to each other at joint called symphysis.

Hind limb (leg) consists of: Femur Tibia Fibula Tarsal Metatarsal Phalanges

The femur or thigh bone is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body. The head of the femur forms a joint with the hip bone. The other end of the femur forms a joint with the tibia.

The patella or kneecap is a small triangular bone which protect the knee joint. The fibula which is parallel and lateral to the tibia. Fibula is smaller than tibia.

The tarsals are ankle bones. There are seven tarsal but only one articulates with the tibia and fibula Metatarsals consist of five bones that articulates with tarsals at the ankle and phalanges at the toes.

The end

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