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Amen INDEED there was a change when Jesus came .....

( Hebrews ch 7 Vs 12)- For the priesthood being CHANGED there is made of necessity a CHANGE also of the LAW. Paul said there is now neither male nor female we are all ONE IN CHRIST JESUS.... The LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS hath set us free from the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. ( Romans 8:2) So we had the LAW OF MOSESl of which lead us to the LAW OF CHRIST through the LAW OF FAITH (Romans 3:27) on into the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY which indeed is the LAW OF THE SPIRIT. WHICH IS LOVE, PERFECTION. 1. LAW OF MOSES 2. LAW OF CHRIST 3. LAW OF FAITH 4. LAW of the SPIRIT, PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY. ONE leads to the other. For the end of the commandment is charity (LOVE) out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. (1 Timothy 1:5). Bear ye one anothers burden so fulfill ye the law (Galation 6:2) For Christ is the END of the LAW for righteousness to everyone that beleiveth (Romans 10:4) Having abolished (meaning: to anulled, repealed or destroyed) in his flesh the enmity even the LAW OF COMMANDMENTS contained in ordinances: for to make in himself of TWAIN ONE NEW MAN, so making peace. ( Epesians ch 2 : 15) Jews and Gentiles being reconciled both unto God in ONE body by the cross. Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and shall cleave to his wife and they TWO (TWAIN) shall be ONE FLESH. Even as it was in the begenning! (Gen 2:24 - Matt 19:5) Therefore they are no more TWAIN, but ONE FLESH. Therefore what God hath put together let no man put asunder! EPHESIANS 5:32 This is a great MYSTERY but I speak concerning Christ and the church. His original plan never changed from the begenning although Satan tried and is still trying to destroy the plan of God and Jesus delevired us from the curse of the fall and has putting us back in the original right standing with and in him. ONENESS. Hereby we know that we dwell in him and he in us, because he has given us his SPIRIT (LOVE) (1 Jon 4 : 14) (Eph. 2 : 22)- In whom ye also are builded together for a habation of God through the spirit.

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