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Teacher Education Lesson Plan: Science Lesson 1

Teacher Candidate: Dominique Wooders October 1, 2012; 11:30am School: Mathews Elementary School Science/ 5th grade Date and Time of Lesson: Subject/Grade Level:

Description of Lesson: During this lesson I will explore the parts of an Ecosystem. We will discuss biotic and abiotic factors, populations and communities, and microorganisms. We will practice identifying and deciphering biotic and abiotic factors and the difference between a population and a community. At the end of the lesson, students correctly categorize biotic and abiotic factors by organizing them on a t-chart (graphic organizer). Lesson Title: What are the Parts of an Ecosystem? Curriculum Standards Addressed:
SC Curriculum Standard(s): 5-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. SC Academic Indicator(s): 5-2.2: Summarize the composition of an ecosystem, considering both biotic factors (including populations to the level of microorganisms and communities) and abiotic factors.

Cross Curricular Connections: This Science lesson will correlate with Language Arts and Art with the use of the T-chart (graphic organizer) Instructional Objective(s) Criteria:

TSWBAT; answer the question What is an ecosystem? (living and non-living things in an area) TSWBAT; decipher, classify, and give examples of biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. As well as be able to identify the difference between the two. TSWBAT; identify populations and communities and know the difference between the two. I will also make mention of what a microorganism is. (Living things that are too small to be seen without a microscope). TSWBAT; categorize, biotic and abiotic factors when given a picture or a word, and they will also be able to explain their reasoning. (Example: Student is given a picture of, water, a deer, and the word air. He/ she will be able to tell me weather the deer is the biotic and weather the water and air are abiotic). o I expect my students to perform this objective with a 100% success rate. 5-2.2

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre-Assessments:

The students will be asked the question, What is an ecosystem? (They have discussed this in prior grades (1-4) I am expecting at least one child to be able to answer this question. If not then I will lead in to my definition. An ecosystem is all living and non-living things in an area. My example will be the classroom they are sitting in. It has living things (them) and non-living things (desk, chair, ect.) in and area (the classroom). I will then display a picture on a power point of an aquarium, I will then ask for them to write down what are the living thing in the aquarium; then let a few share their answers with the class. And repeat with non-living things. o These questions will help me to see if they have an idea of what an ecosystem is and if they can tell the difference between living and nonliving things (biotic and abiotic) The students will be asked to give me an example of a biotic factor and explain why it is biotic; the same for abiotic. I will also show a series of pictures on the Smartboard and ask students to tell me biotic, abiotic, population, or community. o This will be when I display the pictures and have selected students tell me whether they are biotic or abiotic. The students will be handed a worksheet that will consist of the question What is an Ecosystem, pictures of biotic and abiotic factors and six vocabulary words (biotic, abiotic, population, community. The vocabulary will be defined to gage if they have and understanding of what each component is. The sheet will also have a box of words (plants, animals, ect.) that they will have to categorize into populations and communities. o See example

During Assessment:


Materials/Resources: Science work book Pencil Paper Smartboard Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge): South Carolina Academic Indicators: 1-2.5,
2-2.3, 3-2.3, and 4-2.2.


Procedures: 1. The students will first be asked the question What is an Ecosystem?
(living and non-living things in an area)

I will then introduce the lesson to them 2. They will then view a power point of an aquarium, I will then ask for them to write down what are the living thing in the aquarium; then let a few share their answers with the class. And repeat with non-living things. This is when I will break down biotic and abiotic; what they mean and how they differ and give visual example Biotic: living things Plants and animals Abiotic: non-living things Water and air 3. After I have given them a visual of abiotic and biotic, I will then introduce community and population. They will be given a definition as well as visual and relatable examples. They will be shown the different between the two. Populations: A group of one species that live in an area at the same time

White Tail Deer Spotted Owl Maple Tree

Community: All of the Populations in an area

4. After the vocabulary has been discussed; I will do a check point to see if they are really getting an understanding of what is being taught. This is the during assessment: The students will be asked to give me an example of a biotic factor and explain why it is biotic; the same for abiotic.I will also show a series of pictures on the Smartboard and ask students to tell me biotic, abiotic, population, or community). 5. If they are on target I will summarize and give them the post-assessment. While they are working I will be walking around to make sure everyone is on target and has a grasp on the concept. 6. Following the assessment will be the activity. A hands on activity that will assist in the understanding of the lesson.

White Tail Deer, Spotted Owls, Maple Trees Red Tail Deer, Crab Grass, Oak Trees

Accommodations: This class does not have any students with learning

disabilities. We do, however, have two ESOL students, but they are both pretty fluent in English. If by chance, a student has a hard time understanding the differences between biotic or abiotic or cant grasp an understanding of populations or communities or is just completely lost, then I will provide one on one time. This will be done during the hands on activity, so that it will put a visual along with the material and hopefully activate their understanding.

Name:_________________________ What is an Ecosystem? :

A. Define. 1. Biotic Factor: 2. Abiotic Factor: 3. Population: 4. Community: B. Place in the correct column Deer Owl Plants Water Soil Air



C. Place each population in a box and circle the box containing the community.

White Tail Deer Oak TreeMaple Tree Tail Deer Red

White Tail Deer Spotted Owl White Tail Deer Tree Oak RedTail DeerOak Tree Maple Tree Spotted OwlRed Tail

Name:_________________________ What is an Ecosystem? : living and non-living things in an area

A. Define. 1. Biotic Factor: living things 2. Abiotic Factor: non-living things 3. Population: a group of one species that live together in an area at the same time 4. Community: all the populations an area B. Place in the correct column Deer Owl Plants Water Soil Air

Deer Owl Plants Water Soil Air


C. Place each population in a box and circle the box containing the community.

W ite Ta D h il eer

Oak Tree

Ma le Tre Red Tail Deer p e

White Tail Deer S potte Owl W iteTail D e Oak Tree d h er Red Tail Deer OakTree Maple Tree Spotted Owl R Tail ed
D er e

Each box should contain one of each species (Population: one species living in an

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