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Nervborn to I 0 $cehs

Sig's" befare this'

SLEEPUp t hour
Dorvrr 21/r-3haws

h,{obiles, ntusic, pictures tln rvall, talldng' singrng.

10 -. 12 u'eeks

Up 1-lYzhours Dos.irZY2 -3 hours

or longer.

Play in nonring. Exercise in atlemoon' Raby pal with dangling, brightl,v coloureri
soft toys, soft toYs, rattles-


1B weeks

Up l%-2 horns (PreferablY

no longer tban? hours). Dorvn 2 -31xs


gyffi or activif toY, balls, Plastic

(3 - 4.5 rnonths)


lB -24 uieeks
(4.5 - 6 montlrs)


Dorvn 2-3.hours AX4 & Pfut

High chair with suction toy, play per

squealry toYs, teething toYs.

24 - 32 weeks (6 months)

Up 2 hours befween sieePs Douin 1%-2}rs ANI Doqn l%- 7 hours P\4

Household objects, e.g. saucepans, lids, plastic eups, nesf-ed crtps, chrtch balls, chewable plastic toYs, bath toYs'

32 - 42 uaeks


Up 2-3 houts Down 1-2 hls AM Dora,n 1-2 hours PN4

Safe place

to explore, iack-in-1he-box,

cloth books, rnotion toYs.

42 - 52 weeks (10 rnonths)

Up2-3 hours AM & PI\4 Dou'n 1- lYz lus Al\4 Doq'n 1- lt/2lus PIr4

Pln'amiCs, discs, stackhrg blocks, Colls, tnrcks, pt:zrleball.

12 months

Up 2-3 hours AM & Ph4 Sleep 1-Z hours

Tables and chairs, fitting toys, books, rnusic, ollm cl-rp, dish and spoo1l.


18 months

Frequently still need2 sleePs per day, but may ouly nced 1
sorne da1's.

pit, tliater and Pouring tcys, hailmering toys, q'ooden blocks.

nrardprilative tol's peggo), toy telephorre'

2 years

Usuaily 1-2 hours.

Crayons ald paper, books, puzzles- teddy hears and dolls.

3 )'eals

Usually i -2 hotns.



huckso orvn tools, dorigh.

r.l'ater toys, constructiau sel. orur suitcase and play

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