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SPINAL TREATMENT METHODS OF TREATMENT: - els 55 Wu eLIEVE IN GORY COLLEGE ttt xxviii Introductory, nature's great seerets have been brought tw light by aceident or by chance, The true seerct of euriug disease was discovered in this way and by people withoar pre vious education in therapeutic methorls 4, Dr. D. Chaliss Faust’s roent vip te Bohemia the fotherland of Naprapathy, brought bach this must interesting bit at history: Ainong, the Rohemians many were obliged to cary heavy loads on their heads and shoulders or do heavy lifting. Sprained packs were conanon. When such occurred, the patient would lie face downward on w couch, and the ductor or operator would place his hands over the injured and sprained part of the back. But instead of giving a rubbing ueatment, this Bohemian pructitioner would deliver a short. quek thrust upon the bones themselves. ‘The clisk (such 1s you hesr and feel when vou eliek your knuckle-joints) which followed this thrust always brought a most wonderful sense of relief, So effective and certain was this “thrast treatment” that & rubbing treatment was considered very inferior in comparison, So this, then, is the way in which the adjusting treatment startod But as time went on it was noted shat other diseases, with which the patient was suffering, were vielding along with the strained byes. Thus was a true secret of curing disease of the vital organs brought to light, and no disevery, none excepted, is doing more to bring about a complete revolution in the healing art than is this one, Bohemia is a wonderful country, abounding in many interesting and historieal qhjocts, hut the most interestingr of all to me was the old histurie man under whom T studied, Napravit, Thad heard much of the old fellon Anring my two years’ residence in Cedar Itapids, Jowa, amongst the Bohemians. leaning what 1 could of the history of Napravit, and every yood tLing | heard of him The Uiyin of Splut Adjastou nt avis was true, He was called the “Lipony Doctor," andit was said that people came (o him from: smiles around aud were healed of anany troubles, When told tit his tome had reached as far as Ameriew, amd that J Lad tesoeded irom seress the water to study under bi ord Tut took it as a matter of cour Phe doctor's amie i Pax Tes Velde. otal he is a iret descendant of the urimal Napravit physican. He used to keep books for his farker and grandfather. and he showed ue nurnervus Westionials dating as far back as the year IMO. ‘The author heleves that this matter is worthy of a thorough investigation Ly the medieul profession, because of the remarkable cffeets claimed to be obtained by the administration of spinal adjustment Many adjusters, with moderate training and Little experiences, who are now using this method, claim hat they are very successful in the removal of impingement or interfereuce with nerves rnd hi Whe restoration of them normal mutrient supply. thus restoring to them their normal excitability and their {reedem to transfer impulse, which they claim restores normal function in previously diseased parts of the hady BEGINNING OF SPINAL ADJUSTMENT IN AMERICA, Tiesides the instances cited ahove, we have from many sourees learned of many different erude methods of spinal treatment in many places in America before it was ever introduced asa school of practice ‘There were some methods tending to adjust, spinal vertobre introduced hy 4. T. Still into a system known as Osteopathy. To-day we find that the osteopaths in snany places are beginning to learn aud to use the specific

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