Anda di halaman 1dari 2

Muscles Origin exact area Insertion exact area movement

tibialis anterior
tibia upper half andfoot
nterior surfacemedial cuneiform bone and base of first metatarsal
extensor digitorum
fibula longus
and tibiaanterior sufrace
and lateral lateral
condyle4 toes extends toes , dorsiflexes ankle and ev
extensor hallucis
longus anterior surface
great toe distal phalanxextends great toe, dorsiflexes ankle jo
fibularis longusfibula upper 2/3rds of
lateral surface
first everts the fot
fibularis brevisfibula lower 2/3rds of
lateral surface
fifthof fibula everts the foot
gastrocnemiusfemur medial condylecalcaneus
lateral condylevia achilles tendon
plantarflexes foot
soleus tibia and fibulaupper posteriorcalcaneus
surface via achilles tendon
plantarflexes ankle joint
tibialis posterior
tibia and fibulaposterior surface
tarsal bones and n/ametatarsals inverts the foot assists plantarflexion o
flexor digitorumtibia
llongus medial part ofphalanges
posterior surface
2nd to 5th toeflexes lateral 4 toes assists plantar flex
flexor hallucis fibula
longus lower 2/3rds of
toe surface
distal phalanxflexes great toe helps plantar flex and
m bone and base of first metatarsal
tends toes , dorsiflexes ankle and everts foot
tends great toe, dorsiflexes ankle joint and inverts foot
erts the fot
erts the foot
ntarflexes foot
ntarflexes ankle joint
erts the foot assists plantarflexion of ankle joint
xes lateral 4 toes assists plantar flexion and inverts the foot
xes great toe helps plantar flex and invert the foot

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