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Left over Sausages in blankets with sweet chilli sauce and straw potatoes

Prep time 10 min Cook time 10min This is a great idea to make yesterdays leftover sausages into something quirky, quick and refreshing. Servings 2 Ingredients: 6 cocktail sausages wrapped in streaky bacon (cooked) 50ml sweet chilli sauce 50ml Rich gravy Fresh coriander leaves Straw fried Potatoes Direction: Pre heat a non sticky pan. Spread the sausages wrapped in bacon, and heat them through, crisping up the surface of the bacon. Add the sweet chilli sauce and left over gravy and coat the sausages evenly. Serve hot, sprinkled with freshly chopped coriander leaves, straw potatoes (Bombay mix works equally well) and a few cocktail sticks.

@freerangechef on twitter

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