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Tugas Bahasa Inggris (R.

A Kartini ) Presenting Nutrisari :

1)First, prepare the cups,spoons,1 (one) sachet NutriSari, ice,and mineral water.(Desta) 2)Second,enter 1 (one) sachet in a glass NutriSari.(Bella) 3)Third, pour water into the glass.(Vindi) 4)Fourth, stirring until well blended.(Lita) 5)Fifth, give the glass with fruit garnish as desired or taste to make it more attractive.(Rahma) 6)Sixth, NutriSari ready to enjoy(bersama) TUGAS : Vindi : es ,sendok Desta : Pisau Rahma :titipan Lita : air mineral 1 L Bella : gelas

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