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Unit Two : Ethics in Business Noun abuse behaviour consumption corruption counterfeit / counterfeiting creation crime economy effect

efficiency ethics finance forgery harm honour/ honesty increase infection legality offense perfection profit/profitability punishment reduction risk satisfaction threat Verb abuse (ze) behave consume corrupt counterfeit Adjective abusive behavioural corrupt counterfeit Synonym exploit / violate act / perform eat damage (v) fake / forged (adj) Opposite honest (adj) genuine (adj)

create economise (ize) affect finance forge harm honour increase infect legalize offend perfect profit punish reduce risk satisfy threaten

creative criminal economic / economical affected efficient ethical financial forged harmful/ harmless honest infectious legal offensive perfect profitable risky satisfied/satisfactory threatening

make / produce offense / fault save influence proficient morals / principles sponsor copy/fake/falsify hurt / damage truthful (adj) augment contaminate permit insult / upset ideal / wonderful income / revenue penalise decrease / diminish danger/ hazard (n) please menace

waste help dishonest decrease prohibit wrong reward increase/ augment safety (n) dissatisfy protect

English words theft property counterfeit unaffected piracy profitable narcotics crime combat priority corruption increase bottom top corrupt decline target halve reduce poverty

French Translation vol proprit contrefaon / faux nest pas atteint piraterie rentable trafic de stupfiants crime combattre priorit corruption augmenter bas sommet corrompu baisser cible rduire de moiti rduire, diminuer, baisser pauvret

Arabic Translation /

The source is : English Bac : The key to Success by Achit Djamel.

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