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Buku "Engaging Autism" - Edisi Bahasa Indonesia

oleh Yayasan Ayo Main Full pada 8 Juni 2010 pukul 17:22

Engaging Autism
Using the Floortime Approach to Help Children Relate, Communicate, and Think

Karya Stanley I. Greenspan & Serena Wieder

Alih bahasa: Susi Purwoko Editor: Dra. Fridiawati Sulungbudi

Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. dan Serena Wieder, Ph.D mengembangkan pendekatan DIR/ Floortime yang populer untuk berbagai masalah perkembangan anak.

Pendekatan DIR/ Floortime mengutamakan BERMAIN, sebagai suatu relasi interaktif yang melibatkan pertukaran afektif/emosional yang memberikan landasan kuat bagi pengembangan keterampilan bahasa, kognisi, maupun keterampilan sosial dan emosional.

Bila dalam buku sebelumnya the Child with Special Needs, Greenspan & Wieder menfokuskan pada ke 6 tahapan dasar perkembangan emosi-intelektual yang perlu dikuasai setiap individu dengan berbagai permasalahan gangguan tumbuh kembang - yang harus dilalui oleh semua anak, baik normal, spesifik dengan autisme maupun dengan gangguan tumbuh kembang lainnya, maka dalam buku Engaging Autism ini pembahasan fokus untuk penanganan individu dengan autisme

sejak balita hingga usia sekolah dasar dan remaja, yaitu hingga tahapan ke 9 perkembangan emosi-intelektual yang merupakan landasan bagi kemampuan emosional fungsional sebagai manusia dewasa (tahapan ke 16).

Buku ini juga berisi petunjuk praktis teknik-teknik floortime secara detail sesuai tahapan perkembangan karena teknik floortime bukan hanya untuk balita saja.

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Hardcover, 580 hal, 15,5 x 20,5cm Bahasa Indonesia Harga Rp 175.000,-

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Book Review: "Engaging Autism"

oleh Yayasan Ayo Main Full pada 10 Juni 2010 pukul 17:54 Ini adalah sebuah buku yang berharga: berharga bagi orangtua yang khawatir akan anaknya; berharga bagi para profesional yang memberikan konsultasi, berharga bagi tim (orangtua dan profesional) yang mencari program intervensi untuk masalah yang sangat mengkhawatirkan ini. Program Floortime dan DIR adalah inovasi yang menarik dan sangat efektif." - T. Berry Brazelton M.D. Profesor Emeritus Klinik Pediatri Sekolah Kedokteran Harvard Dr. Greenspan menyediakan banyak metoda praktis untuk melibatkan anak-anak dengan autisme di dalam interaksi yang bermakna dengan orangtua dan guru. -Temple Grandin Penulis Thinking in Pictures.

"The long-awaited landmark guide to autism and ASD by the authors of the timeless classic The Child with Special Needs. The inspiring success of Dr. Stanley Greenspan's unique approach to autism and ASD (autistic spectrum disorders) is known to grateful parents and to professionals throughout the world. Now at last his highly effective and influential program is presented in one clear and accessible volume. A number of innovative, exciting features distinguish Greenspan's approach to autism: First, his program has demonstrated that children with signs of autism or autistic spectrum disorders do not have a fixed, limited potential, but in many cases can join their peers and lead full, healthy lives, emotionally and intellectually. Secondly, his approach can be applied at a very early stage, when signs of autism first appear. Thus, the hope of preventing the full onset of autism becomes a real possibility. Third, the approach empowers the entire family to promote their child's development throughout each day. Also, the DIR Floortime approach guides the efforts of speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and educators to work with the family and builds on the latest research on the development of the mind and brain. As cases of autism continue to rise worldwide, Dr. Greenspan's extremely successful Floortime approach is producing very promising results that could one day stem the tide against this dread disorder. No one involved in the care of children with autism, parent or professional, can afford to be without this landmark work." - Merloyd Lawrence Book "Stanley Greenspan's highly effective and influential approach to autism and autistic spectrum disorders is presented in one clear and accessible volume. A number of innovative, exciting features distinguish Greenspan's approach to autism. First, his program has demonstrated that children with signs of autism or autistic spectrum disorders do not have a fixed, limited potential, but in many cases can join their peers and lead full, healthy lives, emotionally and intellectually. Second, his approach can be applied at a very early stage, when signs of autism first appear. Thus, the hope of preventing the full onset of autism becomes a real possibility. Third, the approach empowers the entire family to promote their child's development throughout each day.

Also, the Floortime approach guides the efforts of speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and educators to work with the family and builds on the latest research on the development of the mind and brain. As cases of autism continue to rise worldwide, Greenspan's Floortime approach is producing promising results that could one day stem the tide against this dread disorder" Libra Publishers, Inc. COPYRIGHT 2006 "This is a terrific book, and well worth reading. Its first few chapters, in particular, are positively inspirational. The authors bust through myths, clarify the issues surrounding diagnosis, and offer parents legitimate hope. On the other hand, the authors seem to be altogether unaware of the extraordinary difficulties that stand between parents and the ability to institute an "ideal" therapeutic program for their child." - Lisa Jo Rudy, Guide "Greenspan and Wieder (The Child with Special Needs) start out by redefining autism in realistic yet positive terms which open the door for successful intervention: instead of focusing solely on the autistic spectrum, a more flexible axis measuring progress, on which placement is not fixed, can give parents and children a "a healthy developmental trajectory," taking into account such goals as "showing intimacy and warmth ... communicating with gestures ... and talking meaningfully." The authors give readers a pragmatic approach to thinking about people on the autistic spectrum, including specific ideas for enhancing connectivity and communication in people of any age, most of whom "rarely advance intellectually above the ten-to-twelve-year-old level ... when they could progress far beyond the level of concrete thinking," if only there were a curriculum that would "challenge them to do so." Most of the text is used to help develop an engaging program for someone with autism, including resources and examples, in order to address "relationships, specific behaviors, the creative use of ideas, and the various processing areas." This is essential reading for caregivers, parents and friends of people on the spectrum, as well as compelling reading for anyone who wants to learn more about autism." - Publishers Weekly. "Highly effective and influential approach to autism and autistic spectrum disorders is presented in one clear and accessible volume." -- Family Therapy, 2006 "Highly effective and clear and accessible volume... Preventing the full onset of autism becomes a real possibility." -- Adolescence, Summer 2006 "Offers hope to parents...Confirms the worth, feasibility, and the necessity of comprehensive programs for youth with autistic spectrum disorder." -- Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, Summer 2006 "Theres no better expert on the subject." -- Midwest Book Review, 6/06 "[An] excellent bookThe definitive guide to Greenspans respected 'floortime' method...illuminating...highly recommended." -- Library Journal, starred review 04/12/06 "An excellent introductionA thoughtful theoretical examination of autism and autism spectrum disordersa reassuring and hopeful guide." -- Parent and Preschooler Newsletter, September 2006

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