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Dawn Bantel, ND
229 S. Herbert Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701
520-203-0270 (fax)

This abstract is being submitted for oral presentation (90 minutes).

Title: Management of the Eating Disordered Patient for the Primary Care Provider

Course Description:
Eating disorders are complex, and the treatment of those affected is often challenging. This course is
designed to help the primary care provider in the assessment and treatment of the eating disordered
patient. Included are clinical pearls for common health complaints as well as an emphasis on the
integrative approach to treatment.

Target audience: medical practitioner, student.
Learning objectives include: Being able to medically assess, monitor and treat the common complaints
of the eating disordered patient. Audience will gain an understanding of the levels of treatment and
explore a successful treatment model.

Presentation Outline:
I. Quick review of the DSM-IV definitions of Eating Disorders
II. Medical Assessment
a. What eating disordered patients want you to know
b. Medical intake
c. PE
d. Labs
e. EKG
III. Levels of treatment
a. APA guidelines
b. The issue of insurance
IV. The other members of the integrative treatment team
a. Dietician
b. Therapist
c. Psychiatrist
i. Research on psychiatric meds & eating disorders
d. EEG biofeedback
e. Group support
f. Acupuncturist, body workers, yoga instructors
V. The role of the primary care provider
a. Medical monitoring
b. Weight
c. Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
d. Treatment of Common Complaints
i. Nutritional supplementation
ii. Effective treatment of digestive issues
iii. Mood support
iv. Sleep
v. Functional medicine
vi. IV’s
vii. Colon hydrotherapy
viii. The issue of food allergy testing/ counseling
VI. Expectations for Recovery

Bio: Dr. Dawn Bantel has been the medical director of Mirasol in Tucson, AZ for five years. Mirasol is
an integrative residential treatment center for adolescent girls and women with eating disorders. Patients
come from across the globe to begin their recovery process in a nurturing and holistic environment. She
graduated from National College of Natural Medicine in 2001 and holds a B.S. in psychology from the
University of Arizona. She enjoys educating her patients and has previously held a teaching position at
the Asian Institute of Medical Studies and at the Providence Institute.

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