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Couvelaire uterus (also known as uteroplacental apoplexy) is a life threatening condition in which loosening of the placenta (abruptio placentae)

causes bleeding that penetrates into the uterine myometrium forcing its way into the peritoneal cavity. Symptoms and Signs Patients can have pain secondary to uterine contractions, uterine tetany or localized uterine tenderness. Signs can also be due to abruptio placentae including uterine hypertonus, fetal distress, fetal death, and rarely, hypovolaemic shock (shock secondary to severe blood loss). The uterus may adopt a bluish/purplish, mottled appearance due to extravasation of blood into uterine muscle. Pathophysiology "Couvelaire uterus" is a phenomenon wherein the retroplacental blood may penetrate through the thickness of the wall of the uterus into the peritoneal cavity. This may occur after abruptio placentae. The hemorrhage that gets into the decidua basalis ultimately splits the decidua, and the haematoma may remain within the decidua or may extravasate into the myometrium (the muscular wall of the uterus). The myometrium becomes weakened and may rupture due to the increase in intrauterine pressure associated with uterine contractions. This may lead to a life-threatening obstetrical emergency. Prevention The occurrence of couvelaire uterus can be prevented by prevention of abruptio placentae. This include proper management of hypertensive states of pregnancy; treatment of maternal diseases like diabetes mellitus, and other collagen disease complicating pregnancy; prevention of trauma during

pregnancy; mothers should also avoid smoking or consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Treatment The uterus should be evacuated and contractions should be stimulated using intravenous oxytocin; hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus) may be needed in some cases. Prognosis The fetus may be compromised if there is prolonged delivery because of the non-contractile uterus; severe bleeding may cause hypovolemic shock in the mother.

Vaginal atrophy Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) is thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to a decline in estrogen. Vaginal atrophy occurs most often after menopause, but it can also develop during breast-feeding or at any other time your body's estrogen production declines. For many women, vaginal atrophy makes intercourse painful and if intercourse hurts, your interest in sex will naturally wane. In addition, healthy genital function is closely intertwined with healthy urinary system function. Simple, effective treatments for vaginal atrophy are available. Reduced estrogen levels do result in changes to your body, but it doesn't mean you have to live with the discomfort associated with vaginal atrophy.

Symptoms With moderate to severe vaginal atrophy, you may experience the following vaginal and urinary signs and symptoms:

Vaginal dryness Vaginal burning Burning with urination Urgency with urination More urinary tract infections Urinary incontinence Light bleeding after intercourse Discomfort with intercourse Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal When to see a doctor By some estimates, about half of postmenopausal women experience vaginal atrophy, although few seek treatment. Many resign themselves to the symptoms or are embarrassed to broach the topic with their doctors. Make an appointment to see your doctor if you experience painful intercourse that's not resolved by using a vaginal moisturizer (Replens, others) or water-based lubricant (Astroglide, K-Y, others), or if you have vaginal symptoms, such as unusual bleeding, discharge, burning or soreness.

Causes Vaginal atrophy is caused by a decrease in estrogen production. Less circulating estrogen makes your vaginal tissues thinner, drier, less elastic and more fragile. A drop in estrogen levels and vaginal atrophy may occur:

After menopause During the years leading up to menopause (perimenopause) During breast-feeding After surgical removal of both ovaries (surgical menopause) After pelvic radiation therapy for cancer After chemotherapy for cancer As a side effect of breast cancer hormonal treatment Vaginal atrophy due to menopause may begin to bother you during the years leading up to menopause (perimenopause), or it may not become a problem until several years into menopause. Although the condition is common, not all menopausal women develop vaginal atrophy. Regular sexual activity helps you maintain healthy vaginal tissues. Risk factors Certain factors may contribute to vaginal atrophy. Among these are:

Smoking. Cigarette smoking impairs blood circulation, depriving the vagina and other tissues of oxygen. Decreased blood flow to your vagina contributes to atrophic changes. Smoking also reduces the effects of naturally occurring estrogens in the body. In

addition, women who smoke have an earlier menopause and are less responsive to estrogen therapy in pill form.

Never giving birth vaginally. Researchers have observed that women who have never given birth vaginally are more prone to vaginal atrophy than are women who have had vaginal deliveries. Complications With vaginal atrophy, your risk of vaginal infections (vaginitis) increases. Atrophy leads to a change in the acidic environment of your vagina, making you more susceptible to infection with bacteria, yeast or other organisms. Atrophic vaginal changes are associated with changes in your urinary system (genitourinary atrophy), which can contribute to urinary problems. You might experience increased frequency or urgency of urination or burning with urination. Some women experience more urinary tract infections or incontinence. Although stress incontinence is common among menopausal women, it doesn't appear to be caused by vaginal atrophy. The connection between estrogen deficiency and urinary problems remains unclear. Preparing for your appointment Your primary care provider may refer you to a specialist (gynecologist) to evaluate your condition. Questions your doctor may ask Your doctor will ask questions about the symptoms you're experiencing and assess your hormonal status. Questions your doctor may ask include:

What vaginal symptoms are you experiencing?

How long have you experienced these symptoms? Do you continue to have menstrual periods? How much distress do your symptoms cause you? Are you sexually active? Does the condition limit your sexual activity? Have you been treated for cancer? Do you use scented soap or bubble bath? Do you douche or use feminine hygiene spray? What medications or vitamin supplements do you take? Have you tried any over-the-counter moisturizers or lubricants?

Tests and diagnosis Diagnosis of vaginal atrophy may involve:

A pelvic exam, during which your doctor feels (palpates) your pelvic organs and visually examines your external genitalia, vagina and cervix. During the pelvic exam, your doctor also checks for signs of pelvic organ prolapse indicated by bulges in your vaginal walls from pelvic organs such as your bladder or rectum, or stretching of the support tissues of the uterus. A Pap test, which involves collecting a sample of cervical cells for microscopic examination. Your doctor may also take a sample of vaginal secretions or place a paper indicator strip in your vagina to tests its acidity. A urine test, which involves collecting and analyzing your urine, if you have associated urinary symptoms.

Treatments and drugs Mild symptoms of vaginal atrophy may be relieved by use of an over-the-counter lubricant or moisturizer. If symptoms are bothersome, however, either topical (vaginal) or oral estrogen is effective in relieving vaginal dryness and itchiness, and improving vaginal elasticity. Vaginal estrogen has the advantage of being effective at lower doses and limiting your overall exposure to estrogen. Estrogen applied to the vagina can still result in estrogen reaching your bloodstream, but the amount is minimal. Vaginal estrogen may also provide more direct relief of symptoms. You should experience noticeable improvements after a few weeks of estrogen therapy. Some symptoms of severe atrophy may take longer to resolve. If you have a history of breast cancer, oral estrogen therapy generally isn't recommended as it might stimulate cancer cell growth, especially if your breast cancer was hormonally sensitive. Whether low-dose vaginal estrogen is safe for breast cancer survivors is controversial. It's not known whether even a small increase in the level of estrogen circulating in your bloodstream may increase your risk of the cancer coming back. You might choose nonhormonal treatments, such as moisturizers and lubricants, instead. Topical estrogen Vaginal estrogen therapy comes in several forms. Because they all seem to work equally well, you and your doctor can determine which one is best suited to your preferences.

Vaginal estrogen cream (Estrace, Premarin, others). You insert this cream directly into your vagina with an applicator, usually at bedtime. Your doctor will let you know how much cream to use and how often to insert it, usually a daily application for the first few weeks and then two or three times a week thereafter. Although creams may offer more immediate relief than do other forms of vaginal estrogen, they can be more messy. Vaginal estrogen ring (Estring). A soft, flexible ring is inserted into the upper part of the vagina by you or your doctor. The ring releases a consistent dose of estrogen while in place and needs to be replaced about every three months. Many women like the convenience this offers. Vaginal estrogen tablet (Vagifem). You use a disposable applicator to place a vaginal estrogen tablet in your vagina. Your doctor will let you know how often to insert the tablet; you might, for instance, use it daily for the first two weeks and then twice a week thereafter. Oral estrogen therapy If vaginal dryness is associated with other symptoms of menopause, such as moderate or severe hot flashes, your doctor may suggest estrogen pills, patches or gel, or a higher dose estrogen ring along with a progestin. Progestin is usually given as a pill, but combination estrogen-progestin patches also are available. Talk to your doctor to decide if hormone treatment is an option and, if so, which type is best for you. Lifestyle and home remedies If you're experiencing vaginal dryness or irritation, the following measures may provide some relief:

Try a vaginal moisturizer, such as K-Y Silk-E, Me Again or Very Private, to restore some moisture to your vaginal area. You may

have to apply the moisturizer every two to three days. The effects of a moisturizer generally last a little longer than those of a lubricant.

Use a water-based lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y, to reduce discomfort during intercourse. Avoid petroleum jelly or other petroleum-based products for lubrication if you're also using condoms. Petroleum can break down latex condoms on contact. Allow time to become aroused during intercourse.

Alternative medicine A variety of alternative medicines are used to treat vaginal dryness and irritation associated with menopause, but few approaches are backed by evidence from clinical trials. Interest in complementary and alternative medicine is growing and researchers are working to determine the benefits and risks of various alternative treatments for vaginal atrophy. Here are some of the approaches under investigation:

Black cohosh. Black cohosh is an herbal supplement that's often used to treat menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flashes. But it doesn't seem to work for vaginal atrophy. A yearlong trial of about 350 women experiencing menopausal symptoms was published by the North American Menopause Society. The trial compared black cohosh and other herbal supplements with a sham pill (placebo). The investigators found that the herbal supplements including black cohosh were not effective in treating vaginal atrophy.

Isoflavones. These are plant-derived compounds that have estrogen-like properties (phytoestrogens). The supplements are usually extracted from soy and red clover. They may be helpful for certain menopausal symptoms, including vaginal atrophy, but the evidence is still slim. Be careful using phytoestrogen supplements if you have an increased risk of a disease or condition that's affected by hormones, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or breast, uterine or ovarian cancer. Also, be cautious if you're already taking a medication that increases your level of estrogen, such as birth control pills, hormone therapy or tamoxifen. Vitamin D. There's some evidence that vitamin D may help relieve vaginal dryness, although more study is needed. Vitamin D also helps your body absorb calcium, which can help prevent bone loss associated with menopause. You can get vitamin D from sunlight, fortified milk, breakfast cereals and other fortified foods, and supplements. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This is a natural steroid produced by your adrenal gland that's converted into estrogen and testosterone. With aging, the level of DHEA declines in women, suggesting this depletion may have something to do with age-related problems. Some studies show that intravaginal DHEA tablets help to reverse vaginal atrophy without increasing levels of circulating estrogen. But these positive results need to be duplicated before they can be considered standard therapy. Prevention Regular sexual activity, either with or without a partner, can decrease problems with vaginal atrophy. Sexual activity enhances blood flow to your vagina, which helps keep vaginal tissues healthy.

A hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman's uterus. A woman may have a hysterectomy for different reasons, including:

Uterine fibroids that cause pain, bleeding, or other problems Uterine prolapse, which is a sliding of the uterus from its normal position into the vaginal canal Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries Endometriosis Abnormal vaginal bleeding Chronic pelvic pain Adenomyosis, or a thickening of the uterus Hysterectomy for non cancerous reasons is usually considered only after all other treatment approaches have been tried without success. Types of Hysterectomy Depending on the reason for the hysterectomy, a surgeon may choose to remove all or only part of the uterus. Patients and health care providers sometimes use these terms inexactly, so it is important to clarify if the cervix and/or ovaries are removed:

In a supracervial or subtotal hysterectomy, a surgeon removes only the upper part of the uterus, keeping the cervix in place. A total hysterectomy removes the whole uterus and cervix. In a radical hysterectomy, a surgeon removes the whole uterus, tissue on the sides of the uterus, the cervix, and the top part of the vagina. Radical hysterectomy is generally only done when cancer is present. The ovaries may also be removed -- a procedure called oopherectomy -- or may be left in place.

Surgical Techniques for Hysterectomy Surgeons use different approaches for hysterectomy, depending on the surgeons experience, the reason for the hysterectomy, and a woman's overall health. The hysterectomy technique will partly determine healing time and the kind of scar, if any, that remains after the operation. There are two approaches to surgery a traditional or open surgery and surgery using a minimally invasive procedure or MIP.

Open Surgery Hysterectomy An abdominal hysterectomy is an open surgery. This is the most common approach to hysterectomy, accounting for about 65% of all procedures. To perform an abdominal hysterectomy, a surgeon makes a 5 to 7 inch incision, either up-and-down or side-to-side, across the belly. The surgeon then removes the uterus through this incision. On average, a woman spends more than three days in the hospital following an abdominal hysterectomy. There is also, after healing, a visible scar at the location of the incision. MIP Hysterectomy There are several approaches that can be used for an MIP hysterectomy:

Vaginal hysterectomy: The surgeon makes a cut in the vagina and removes the uterus through this incision. The incision is closed, leaving no visible scar. Laparoscopic hysterectomy: This surgery is done using a laparoscope, which is a tube with a lighted camera, and surgical tools inserted through several small cuts made in the belly. The surgeon performs the hysterectomy from outside the body, viewing the operation on a video screen. Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy: Using laparoscopic surgical tools, a surgeon removes the uterus through an incision in the vagina.

Robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy: This procedure is similar to a laparoscopic hysterectomy, but the surgeon controls a sophisticated robotic system of surgical tools from outside the body. Advanced technology allows the surgeon to use natural wrist movements and view the hysterectomy on a three-dimensional screen. Comparison of MIP Hysterectomy and Abdominal Hysterectomy Using an MIP approach to remove the uterus offers a number of benefits when compared to the more traditional open surgery used for an abdominal hysterectomy. In general, an MIP allows for faster recovery, shorter hospital stays, less pain and scarring, and a lower chance of infection than does an abdominal hysterectomy. With an MIP, women are generally able to resume their normal activity within an average of three to four weeks compared to four to six weeks for an abdominal hysterectomy. And the costs associated with an MIP are considerably lower than the costs associated with open surgery, depending on the instruments used and the time spent in the operating room. Robotic procedures, however, can be much more expensive. There is also less risk of incisional hernias with an MIP. Not every woman is a good candidate for a minimally invasive procedure. The presence of scar tissue from previous surgeries, obesity, and health status can all affect whether or not an MIP is advisable. You should talk with your doctor about whether you might be a candidate for an MIP. Risks of Hysterectomy Hysterectomy is a low-risk surgery. Most women who undergo hysterectomy have no serious problems or complications from the surgery. However, as with any surgery, hysterectomy can result in complications for a small minority of women. Those complications include:

Urinary incontinence Vaginal prolapse (part of the vagina coming out of the body) Fistula formation (an abnormal connection that forms between the vagina and bladder)

Chronic pain Other risks from hysterectomy include wound infections, blood clots, hemorrhage, and injury to surrounding organs, although these are uncommon. What to Expect After Hysterectomy After a hysterectomy, if the ovaries were also removed, a woman will enter menopause. If the ovaries were not removed, a woman may enter menopause at an earlier age than she would have otherwise. Most women are told to abstain from sex and avoid lifting heavy objects for six weeks after hysterectomy. After a hysterectomy, the vast majority of women surveyed feel the operation was successful at improving or curing their main problem (for example, pain or heavy periods).

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