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A disgraceful Exploitation

A bout four months from the previous heavy raining in Hathermoot ,the land
became extremely green and matured therefore this kind nature must be
exploited by Hathermee people nevertheless the local people don’t utilize this gift in
the proper way from so many different opportunities that have given by Allah so this
nature has been exploited by other strange people from outside Hathermoot
enormously from Shabwa province as a result of that Shabwanee gaining this nature
in beekeeping ,raising livestock and more other chances.
In spite of those Hathermee youths and unemployed men who are hanging around in
the same time they are suffering from what happened for them last four months and
the high cost of living these days. Moreover most of them consider this kind of
working like beekeeping or pasturing as a bad and substandard business .
Shabwanee beekeepers and shepherds have taken an advantage on them to exploit
their wonderful nature and not this the fundamental issue but the most important kind
of exploiting that Shabwanee beekeeper have brought their problems and revenges
with them to the place which live in and work; to innocent Hathermee kind people
and then release their stress on them by threatening them and showing off their guns
in away of arrogance and the most dangerous thing is that those Shabwanee are
chasing by their enemies and fight each other.
Consequently this stress and kind of intimidating by beekeepers stressed out the
innocent people and villagers .For that reason a teenager student who studied in the
first level in Mayfa'a {about ten kilometers for Mukalla city} had been killed by
beekeeper from Shabwa by mistake thinking he is one of his enemy's tribe while the
victim was revising his study for the first semester exams in his farm ;running away to
leave Helmi Baumy died in his father's farm for about one day and a half . In a few
words his despicable treatment by exploiters inflamed the whole Hathermee residents
who have known of their politeness and intimacy all over the world.
By: Suleiman Raise Bauzer

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