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Suasana pagi cerah di SMPN Pelita Harapan Jakarta mengiringi sebuah kisah keempat sekawan dengan Amalkter yang

berbeda-beda. Namun perbedaan tersebut tidak menjadikan mereka berempat berselisih, tetapi menjadikan mereka mascot dalam persahabatan yang sejati. AMAL, AFIS, MAJID, dan FIDA, itulah nama mereka. Mereka selalu kompak dan tampak ceria setiap hari. Jadi tidak heran jika mereka memiliki ribuan teman. Ke epat sekawan tersebut berbincangbincang sambil berjalan di koridor sekolah. MAJID : Hey sob, sebentar lagi kita UAN nich, pastinya waktu untuk kumpul-kumpul kita akan tersita buat belajar. Gimana nich? AFIS : Iya bener juga Zha, jadwal kita bakalan jungkir balik gara-gara persiapan UAN. Jadwal shopping, ke salon, creambath, manypadhy, dan pastinya jadwal kencan bareng bakalan ancur. Aduch, bisa-bisa rambut aku rontok nich. AMAL : Gak segitunya kalik, tergantung kita juga. Jika kita rajin menabung ilmu, maka kita tidak akan sibuk belajar. AFIS : Ah kamu ini Cha, mentang-mentang anak pintar jadinya sok ceramah. Huh nyebelin. MAJID : Sudah-sudah jangan berdebat, apa yang di omongin AMAL itu ada benarnya juga. Coba dech kalian bayangin, jika kita rajin belajar kita tidak perlu sibuk-sibuk mikirin UAN, itung-itung siap senjata dulu sebelum perang. Enjoy aja lagi, bener gak? AFIS : Iya-iya Bu guru. Belum masuk kelas aja sudah dapat ceramah dari Ibu AMAL dan Ibu MAJID, capek dech. FIDA : HahahaAFIS AFIS dari dulu penyakit marah kamu gak sembuh-sembuh yach. (Dengan nada ngeledek) AMAL : Maklumlah dia itukan The Queen of Angry in the World. MAJID : AMAL ini sukanya kok ngledekin aku terus. Kalau ngefans sama aku bilang aja dech. AMAL : Ih, gak banget dech. Bel masuk kelas berbunyi, merekapun masuk kelas untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Waktu cepat berlalu, tak terasa sudah saatnya pulang sekolah. AFIS : Guys, mau ke mana nich? Kalian mau langsung pulang atau mau shopping dulu? FIDA : Maybe, I go home now because Im tired. Seharian ulangan terus. AMAL : Iya sama. Aku juga mau langsung pulang banyak tugas yang harus di kerjakan plus jadwal les aku yang numpuk banget. Maklumlah, aku itukan orang sibuk. (Seraya tertawa)

MAJID : Aduch, jadi anak kelas tiga capek banget ya. Dikit-dikit tugas, dikit-dikit ulangan pusing. AMAL : Namanya juga sekolah. Hari demi hari berganti, namun ada keganjilan dari sikap AMAL, sehingga terjadi perselisihan di antara mereka. AFIS : Cha, akhir-akhir ini kamu kok sibuk banget yach? Sampai-sampai sahabat sendiri di lupain. AMAL : Sorry dech. Akhir-akhir ini aku sibuk ngerjain tugas, les, and belajar buat persiapan UAN nanti. MAJID : Yakin kamu nggak bohong sama kita? AMAL : Emh, beneran kok. Masak sich kalian nggak percaya sama sahabat sendiri. AFIS : Bukan gitu, akhir-akhir ini kita liat kamu pulang lebih awal, kalau kita ajak kumpulkumpul, kamu ada aja alasan inilah, itulah, HP kamu juga tidak pernah aktif. FIDA : Iya, juju raja lagi. AMAL : Nggak ada apa-apa kok guys. Sudah jangan di bahas. Nggak ada topik lain yach? (Mulai menitikan air mata) MAJID : Kamu kenapa sich Cha? Cerita dong sama kita. AFIS : Ayo dong Cha cerita sama kita. AMAL : Aku nggak kenapa-kenapa kok guys. Kenapa sich kalian nggak percaya? FIDA : Ugh tau wes. Kamu sudah nggak nganggep kita sahabat lagi. AMAL : Iya dech aku cerita. FIDA : Nah gitu dong. Dari tadi kenapa ceritanya. Ternyata AMAL ada masalah dengan orang tuanya, dan masalah itu membuat AMAL tidak semangat untuk belajar. Saat pulang sekolah MAJID, AFIS, dan FIDA berkumpul di rumah FIDA. AFIS : Guys aku kasian nich sama AMAL, dia les uterus. (Dengan wajah memelas) FIDA : Emang kamu punya rasa kasian?

(Dengan nada meledek) MAJID : Sudahlah nggak usah berantem terus. Tau nggak, kalian itu seperti kucing dan tikus, rebut melulu. FIDA : Iya aku tau, sorry dech. MAJID : Gimana kalau kita tanya ke orang tuanya AMAL aja? Jadi kita tau apa yang sebenarnya terjadi antara AMAL dengan orang tuanya. Akhirnya mereka bertiga datang ke rumah AMAL, dan kebetulan pada saat mereka ke rumah AMAL, dia sedang les. Setelah mereka dipersilahkan masuk, mereka berbincang-bincang dengan Ibu AMAL. Mereka bertiga menanyakan apa yang terjadi antara AMAL dengan orang tuanya. Setelah bercerita panjang lebar, dan mereka telah mengetahui apa penyebabnya, mereka mohon undur diri kepada Ibu AMAL. Keesokan harinya AFIS, MAJID, dan FIDA menghampiri AMAL yang sedang duduk termenung di dalam kelas. FIDA : Woi. (Seraya mengagetkan AMAL) AMAL : Apa-apaan kalian ini, bikin aku kaget aja! MAJID : Kok kamu jadi nyalahin kita Cha? Kamu sich pagi-pagi sudah ngelamun, kena setan sekolah baru tau rasa kamu. (AMAL, AFIS, FIDA, dan MAJID tertawa bersama) FIDA : Cha, kita sudah tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini sikap kamu jadi aneh. AMAL : Kalian bicara apa sich, aku nggak ngerti? AFIS : Ampun dech AMALku sayangku cintaku sahabatku jangan tulalit donk. Sudah jelas kita ini lagi bahas sikap kamu yang berubah 180o. MAJID : Bener Cha, kita udah tau semuanya. AMAL : Kalian ini ada-ada aja, aku biasa aja kalian malah bilang aku berubah segala. Emang apa yang berubah? Aku tetap AMAL yang dulu. FIDA : Nggak Cha, kaum berubah semenjak kamu punya masalah dengan orang tua kamu. AMAL : Emang kalian tau apa tentang masalah aku ini? Kalian itu nggak tau apa-apa! (Dengan nada membentak)

FIDA : Kamu salah Cha, kita tau semuanya. AMAL : Maksudnya kalian tau masalhku dengan orang tuaku? (Dengan nada terbata-bata) AFIS : Yups betul betul betul. AMAL : Tapi gimana kalian bisa? FIDA : Iya kita tau dong. Kemarin kita bertiga sengaja ke rumah kamu buat tanya masalah ini ke ibu kamu, dan ibu kamu cerita semuanya ke kita. AMAL : Napa sich kalian ngelakuin hal ini? Lagian kalian bisa langsung tanya sama aku. FIDA : Kita ngelakuin hal ini karena kita kasian liat kamu kayak gini Cha? MAJID : Kita sudah tanya sama kamu tentang hal ini, tapi kamu cuma bilang ada masalah sama orang tua kamu. Kamu nggak jelasin apa masalah yang sebenarnya. Ya udah kita cari tau aja sendiri. AFIS : Terus kita tanya ke ibu kamu dan kita tau kamu kayak gini karena HP sama fasilitas yang kamu punya di tarik sama ibu kamu kan? AMAL : Iya, HP sama fasilitas yang ada buat aku ditarik sama orang tua aku. Karena itu aku nggak semangat belajar, lagian tanpa itu semua rasanya hampa. Untung I-pod aku nggak ikut di sandra. (Sambil mengeluarkan I-pod miliknya) AFIS : What, I-pod baru Cha! Pinjem dong? AMAL : Dasar kamu nggak bisa liat barang bagus sedikit. AFIS : Aduch, please dech Cha, tinggal pinjemin aja apa susahnya sich? AMAL : Iya ini aku pinjemin, tapi jangan sampai rusak ya? AFIS : Gitu dong, dri tadi napa? Masak pakai ceramah dulu? AMAL : Anak ini udah di pinjemin masih aja nyebelin, dasar Miss Lebay. MAJID : Kalian ini kok malah rebut soal I-pod sich? Kalian nggak inget kita seAMALng lagi bahas tentang apa? FIDA : Lebih baik seAMALng kita kembali ke permaslahan awal. Oke?

AMAL, AFIS, MAJID : Oke dech. FIDA : Menurut aku sikap orang tua kamu ada benarnya juga Cha. Jadi, kamu nggak perlu jadi pendiam kayak gini. Bawa Enjoy aja Cha. AMAL : Emang bener. Tapi, tanpa semua itu aku jadi tambah malas belajar karena bosen nggak ada hiburan. Aku sudah cukup tertekan harus belajar terus menerus. Orang tua aku nggak peduli sama aku lagi, mereka selalu nuntut ini, itu tapi mereka nggak mikir gimana perasaanku. Merek hanya tau keinginan mereka harus terpenuhi, tanpa berfikir kemampuan aku. Mereka egois! (Sambil menangis) MAJID : Sudah hapus aia mata kamu. Lebih baik seAMALng kita cari jalan keluarnya. AFIS : Aha, aku punya ide, aku punya ide, ide ini bagus, ide ini untuk kita. AMAL, AFIS, FIDA : Apa? Dasar Miss Lebay. AFIS : Emh, bagaimana kalau kita batasi pemakaian fasilitas yang ada. Selama inikan setiap hari, setiap jam, setiap menit and setiap detik kita selalu tergantung sama fasilitas yang ada. AMAL : Bener juga kamu Ra. Aku jadi sadar, kalau kita selalu tergantung sama fasilitas yang kita punya, kita bakalan jadi anak manja dan selalu tergantung sama apa yang ada. Emang susah buat kita merubah kebiasaan yang sudah mengakar di dalam diri kita. Tapi, apa kalian bisa ninggalin itu semua? Biar aku aja yang menjalankan ini semua. Aku punya sahabat seperti kalian juga sudah cukup buat aku. tapi aku masih butuh paling tidak HP sich. (Mereka tertawa bersama) AFIS : Emh, gimana ya? FIDA : Aku bisa kok. Ra, inikan ide kamu, kok malah kamu yang jadi ragu sich? AFIS : Uh, tadi aku nggak usul enak yach. Tapi, aku bisa kok. Demi sahabat aku tersayang. Tapi sesekali nggak apakan? FIDA : Ya nggak apalah. Namanya juga masih proses. Tpi jangan terlalu sering yach? MAJID : Intinya kita setuju sama usul AFIS tadi. Lagian selayaknya sahabat sejati itu selalu ada buat sahabatnya yang lagi butuh bantuan. Kamu sedih, kita juga ikut sedih Cha. Karena kita merasa ada yang hilang. Kita juga ngerasa nggak enak kalau kita having fun, tapi kamunya malah sedih, susah, campur aduk dech. Lagian kita juga harus konsentrasi sama UAN. Bener nggak? AMAL : Bener, kalau gitu terima kasih ya guys.

AFIS, FIDA, MAJID : Sama-sama. Kita sayang kamu Cha. (Sambil berpelukan) Akhirnya mereka berempat menyepakati perjanjian yang tadi diusulkan AFIS. Mereka berharap hal ini dapat memberikan hasil yang baik pada UAN nanti. Hari demi hari mereka lalui penuh suka cita, dan tidak terasa waktu UAN telah tiba. Pada waktu pengumuman hasil UAN, mereka lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Dan mereka di terima di SMA yang mereka inginkan selama ini. Sampai SMApun mereka tetap bersama. Sekian dulu yaaa kawan demikianlah artikel yag bisa saya update mengenai Contoh Naskah Drama Persahabatan 5 Orang, semoga Contoh Naskah Drama Persahabatan 5 Orang bermanfaat dan berguna untuk anda semua - Contoh Naskah Drama Persahabatan 5 Orang.

Sunny morning mood at Pelita Harapan SMP Jakarta accompany a trio with a fourth story Amalkter different. But the difference does not render the four loggerheads, but they made the mascot of true friendship. AMAL, AFIS, MAJID, and FIDA, that's their name. They always seemed cheerful compact and every day. So do not be surprised if they have thousands of friends. Epat adjacency to the conversation while walking in the school corridor. MAJID: "Hey sob, soon we UAN nich, surely the time for get-togethers we would be taken up for study. How nich? " AFIS: "Yes bener also Zha, your schedule is going to be turned upside down because of the preparation of UAN. Schedule shopping, to the hairdresser, cream bath, manypadhy, and must schedule a date with my going to suck. Aduch, might nich my hair fall out. " CHARITY: "No segitunya kalik, depending on us too. If we are diligent saving knowledge, then we will not be busy studying. " AFIS: "Oh ye Cha, just because smart kids become pretentious lectures. Huh annoying. " MAJID: "It-is not to argue, what's in it AMAL omongin a point. Try dech you imagine, if we study hard we do not need to busy-busy thinking about UAN, it was counted as ready weapons before the war. Enjoy wrote again, bener not? " AFIS: "Yes-yes ma'am teachers. Have not been able to go to class wrote AMAL and lectures from Mom Mom MAJID, dech tired. " FIDA: "Ha ... ha ... ha ... AFIS AFIS of first disease you're not angry yach heal." (The tone ngeledek) CHARITY: "He's known itukan The Queen of Angry in the World." MAJID: "This joy AMAL ngledekin why I continue. If I say the same ngefans wrote dech. " CHARITY: "Uh, not really dech." The bell rang to go to class, they also entered the classroom for a lesson. Time flies, does not feel it's time to come home from school. AFIS: "Guys, where are you going nich? You want to go home or going shopping first? " FIDA: "Maybe, I go home now because I'm tired. Repeat all day hold. " CHARITY: "Yes the same. I also want to go home a lot of tasks that must be done plus a stacked schedule tutoring me really. Known, I itukan busy man. " (As she laughs) MAJID: "Aduch, so third graders tired huh. Little bit assignment, a little bit repeated dizzy. " CHARITY: "His name is also the school." Day after day change, but there are anomalies of AMAL attitude, resulting in disputes between them. AFIS: "Cha, lately you're really busy really yach? To the extent lupain own companions. " CHARITY: "Sorry dech. Lately I'm busy work on assignments, tutoring, and study for the preparation of UAN later. " MAJID: "Sure you're not true at us?" CHARITY: "EMH, really really. Cook sich friend you do not believe in yourself. " AFIS: "Not so, lately we see you're home early, if we take get-togethers, there you wrote this reason, that is, the HP you also never active." FIDA: "Yes, juju king again." CHARITY: "Nobody's okay guys. It should not be discussed. There's no other topic yach? " (Start Shedding tears) MAJID: "You are why sich Cha? Dong story with us. " AFIS: "Come on Cha story with us." CHARITY: "I do not see why guys anyway. Why do not you believe sich? " FIDA: "Ugh know wes. You do not nganggep our friends again. " CHARITY: "Yes dech I tell."

FIDA: "Well so dong. Of why the story was. " Apparently there is a problem with the AMAL parents, and the problem was made AMAL not eager to learn. When home school MAJID, AFIS, and FIDA FIDA gathered at the house. AFIS: "Guys I kasian same nich AMAL, tutoring her uterus." (With a pitiful face) FIDA: "Really you got a taste too sad?" (With a teasing tone) MAJID: "Please do not have to fight continues. Here's the kicker, you were like cat and mouse, grab all the time. " FIDA: "Yeah I know, sorry dech." MAJID: "Why do not we ask all parents wrote AMAL? So we know what really happened between AMAL with his parents. " Eventually they all come home AMAL, and happened by the time they AMAL home, he was tutoring. Once they were allowed through, they talked with Mother CHARITY. The three of them asks what happened between AMAL with his parents. Having talked at length, and they already know what causes it, they beg to Mother AMAL resign. The next day AFIS, MAJID, and FIDA approached AMAL sitting pensively in the classroom. FIDA: "Woi." (As surprising AMAL) CHARITY: "What the fuck you guys, made me shocked ONLY!" MAJID: "Why are you so Cha blame us? You sich morning was vacant, the devil got new school think you know. " (AMAL, AFIS, FIDA, and MAJID laugh together) FIDA: "Cha, we already know why lately you're so strange attitude." CHARITY: "What are you talking sich, I do not get it?" AFIS: "Please dech AMALku love dear friend do tulalit donk. It's clear we are again discussing your attitude has changed 180 . " MAJID: "Bener Cha, we already know everything." CHARITY: "You there-there wrote, I used to say I wrote you even changed everything. Weve what changed? I still AMAL was. " FIDA: "No Cha, the change since you had problems with your parents." CHARITY: "Really you know anything about the problem I? You guys that do not know anything! " (The tone snaps) FIDA: "You're wrong Cha, we know everything." CHARITY: "That you know masalhku with my parents?" (With stammering tone) AFIS: "Yups really really well." CHARITY: "But how can you?" FIDA: "Yes we know dong. Yesterday the three of us stumbled into the house you asked for this issue to your mother, and your mother told me everything to us. " CHARITY: "Napa sich ngelakuin you this? Anyway you can just ask me. " FIDA: "We do this because we ngelakuin kasian Cha clay you like this?" MAJID: "We've been wondering about this with you, but you're just saying there is a problem at your parents. You do not jelasin what the actual problem. Yes we are looking already know wrote itself. " AFIS: "Then we asked the mother to you and we know you like this because of mobile phones at the facilities you have at your mom pull together right?" CHARITY: "Yes, HP equal facilities there for me my parents pulled together. Because of that I'm not the spirit of learning, anyways without it all feels hollow. Fortunately, I-pod I do not participate in sandra. "

(As he issued his I-pod) AFIS: "What, I-pod new Cha! Borrow dong? " CHARITY: "You can see you're not a little good stuff." AFIS: "Aduch, please dech Cha, stay hard sich pinjemin wrote what?" CHARITY: "Yes it's me pinjemin, but do not get broken it?" AFIS: "Yeah dong, dri was why? Cook made first lecture? " CHARITY: "This child is already in pinjemin aja still annoying, Miss Lebay basis." MAJID: "You is why even seized about I-pod sich? You do not remember us anymore seAMALng talk about what? " FIDA: "Better seAMALng permaslahan us back to the beginning. Okay? " AMAL, AFIS, MAJID: "Okay dech." FIDA: "I think the attitude of your parents have a point Cha. So, you do not need to be quiet like this. Bring Enjoy Cha wrote. " CHARITY: "It is true. But, without it I got a little lazy to learn because I'm bored not no entertainment. I was quite distressed to learn continuously. My parents do not care about me anymore, they always demanded this, but they're not thinking it's how I feel. Brand only know their wishes should be met, without me thinking skills. They're selfish! " (Sobbing) MAJID: "It is clear aia your eyes. SeAMALng better we find a way out. " AFIS: "Aha, I have an idea, I have an idea, the idea is good, the idea is for us." AMAL, AFIS, FIDA: "What? Miss Lebay basis. " AFIS: "EMH, what if we limit the use of existing facilities. During inikan every day, every hour, every minute and every second we always hung together existing facilities. " CHARITY: "you also Bener Ra. It makes me realize that if we are always depending on each facility that we have, we are going to be a spoiled brat and always hung together what is. Weve really difficult for us to change habits that have been ingrained in us. But, what can you ninggalin it all? Let I wrote that runs it all. I have a friend like you should be fine for me. but I still need at least HP sich. " (They laugh together) AFIS: "EMH, how are ya?" FIDA: "I can do that. Ra, inikan your idea, why even you are so hesitant sich? " AFIS: "Uh, I was not feeling yach proposal. But, I can really. For me dear friend. But occasionally not do with it? " FIDA: "Yes, do not matter. His name is still a process. TPI yach not too often? " MAJID: "The point we agree at last AFIS proposal. Anyway should a true friend is always there for another friend who needed help. You sad, sad we killing Cha. Because we feel something is missing. We also feel really bad if we're having fun, but kamunya even sad, hard, mixed dech. Anyway we also have the same concentration of UAN. Bener not? " CHARITY: "Bener, if so thank you ya guys." AFIS, FIDA, MAJID: "You're welcome. We love you Cha. " (While hugging) Finally, the four of them agreed that the agreement was proposed AFIS. They hope it can give good results on UAN later. Day after day they take great joy, and did not feel the time has come UAN. At the time of announcement of results of UAN, they pass with a satisfactory grade. And they received in high school they wanted for it. SMApun until they stick together. So first yaaa yag friends ... so I can update the article about Drama Script Example 5 People Friendship, Friendship hopefully Drama Script Example 5 People find useful and helpful for all of you - Sample Script Drama Friendship 5 People.

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