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#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

<fstream.h> <conio.h> <dos.h> <string.h> <process.h> <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <ctype.h>

class menu { private : void edit_menu(void) ; void report_menu(void) ; void room_edit_menu(void) ; void customer_edit_menu(void) ; public : void intro(void) ; void main_menu(void) ; void enter_password(void) ; } ;

class room { private : int recordno(int) ; void display_record(int) ; int roomno ; char roomcode[5] , status ; float tariff ; public : void add (void) ; void modify(void) ; void deletion(void) ; void display_room_record(void) ; void display_list(void) ; int room_found( int ) ; void change_status(int,char) ; char room_status(int) ; float get_data(int) ; } ;

class customer { private : int recordno(int) ; void display_record(int) ; void delete_record(int) ; int roomno ; char name[21] , phone[8] ; float advance , misc , room_srv ; public :

void void void void void void } ;

checkin (void) ; checkout (void) ; modify(void) ; deletion(void) ; display_list(void) ; display_customer_record(void) ;

class account { public : void prepare_bill(int, float, char t_name[21], float, float, float) ; } ;

void menu :: intro ( void ) { clrscr() ; gotoxy(30,3) ; cout<<"Welcome to Project" ; gotoxy(30,5) ; cout<<" Hotel Management " ; gotoxy(30,6) ; cout<<" ----- ---------- " ; gotoxy(15,8) ; cout<<"This project has the facility of maintaining " ; gotoxy(15,9) ; cout<<"records of ROOMS and CUSTOMERS." ; gotoxy(15,11) ; cout<<"This project can hold more than 10,000 room" ; gotoxy(15,12) ; cout<<"records at a time." ; gotoxy(15,14) ; cout<<"This project is very easy to work on and has self" ; gotoxy(15,15) ; cout<<"explanatory menus." ; gotoxy(15,17) ; cout<<"For the security reasons a password facility is " ; gotoxy(15,18) ; cout<<"also provided in this project." ; cout<<"\t" ; gotoxy(40,20) ; cout<<"By Harsh & Prateek"; gotoxy(20,23) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; main_menu(); } void menu :: enter_password() { clrscr() ; char pass1, pass2, pass3 ; gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<"Enter the password : " ; pass1=getch() ;

cout<<"*" ; pass2=getch() ; cout<<"*" ; pass3=getch() ; cout<<"*" ; getch(); if (pass1 == 'c' && pass2 == '+' && pass3 == '+') { return ; } clrscr(); gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<" WRONG PASSWORD " ; gotoxy(2,1) ; getch() ; exit(0) ; }

void menu :: main_menu(void) { char ch ; clrscr(); gotoxy(14,2); cout<<"*********** M . A . I . N gotoxy(30,5) ; cout<<"1. INTRODUCTION" ; gotoxy(30,7) ; cout<<"2. CHECK IN" ; gotoxy(30,9) ; cout<<"3. CHECK OUT" ; gotoxy(30,11) ; cout<<"4. CUSTOMER RECORD" ; gotoxy(30,13) ; cout<<"5. ROOM RECORD" ; gotoxy(30,15) ; cout<<"6. EDIT" ; gotoxy(30,17) ; cout<<"7. REPORT" ; gotoxy(30,19) ; cout<<"8. EXIT TO DOS" ; gotoxy(55,25) ; cout<<" Harsh & Prateek " ; gotoxy(30,21) ; cout<<"Enter your choice : " ; cin>>ch; getch(); if ( ch == '1' ) intro() ; else if ( ch == '2' ) { customer c ; c.checkin() ; } else if ( ch == '3' ) { customer c ; c.checkout() ;

M . E . N . U ***********";

} if ( ch == '4' ) { customer c ; c.display_customer_record() ; } else if ( ch == '5' ) { room r ; r.display_room_record() ; } else if ( ch == '6' ) edit_menu() ; else if ( ch == '7' ) report_menu() ; else if ( ch == '8' ) { clrscr(); gotoxy(26,10); cout<<" THANK U FOR USING OUR PROJECT "; getch(); gotoxy(32,12); cout<<" HAVE A NICE DAY " ; getch(); exit(0); } }

void menu :: edit_menu(void) { char ch ; while(1) { clrscr() ; gotoxy(34,4) ; cout<<" EDIT" ; gotoxy(30,8) ; cout<<"1. ROOM RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,10) ; cout<<"2. CUSTOMER RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<"3. BACK" ; gotoxy(30,15) ; cout<<"Enter your choice : " ; cin>>ch; getch() ; if ( ch == '1' ) room_edit_menu() ; else if ( ch == '2' ) customer_edit_menu() ; else if ( ch == '3' ) main_menu();

} }

void menu :: room_edit_menu(void) { char ch ; while(1) { clrscr() ; gotoxy(34,4); cout<<"EDIT ROOM"; gotoxy(30,8) ; cout<<"1. ADD ROOM RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,10) ; cout<<"2. MODIFY ROOM RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<"3. DELETE ROOM RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,14) ; cout<<"4. BACK" ; gotoxy(30,17) ; cout<<"Enter your choice : " ; cin>>ch; getch() ; if ( ch == '1' ) { room r ; r.add() ; } else if ( ch == '2' ) { room r ; r. modify() ; } else if ( ch == '3' ) { room r ; r.deletion() ; } else if ( ch == '4' ) break ; } }

void menu :: customer_edit_menu(void) { char ch ; while(1) { clrscr() ; gotoxy(34,4); cout<<"EDIT CUSTOMER"; gotoxy(30,8) ; cout<<"1. MODIFY CUSTOMER RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,10) ;

cout<<"2. DELETE CUSTOMER RECORDS" ; gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<"3. BACK" ; gotoxy(30,15) ; cout<<"Enter your choice : " ; cin>>ch; getch() ; if ( ch == '1' ) { customer c ; c.modify() ; } else if ( ch == '2' ) { customer c ; c.deletion() ; } else if ( ch == '3' ) break ; } }

void menu :: report_menu(void) { char ch ; while(1) { clrscr() ; gotoxy(34,4); cout<<"REPORT"; gotoxy(30,8) ; cout<<"1. LIST OF ROOMS" ; gotoxy(30,10) ; cout<<"2. LIST OF CUSTOMERS" ; gotoxy(30,12) ; cout<<"3. BACK" ; gotoxy(30,15) ; cout<<"Enter your choice : " ; cin>>ch; getch() ; if ( ch == '1' ) { room r ; r.display_list() ; } else if ( ch == '2' ) { customer c ; c.display_list() ; } else if ( ch == '3' ) { main_menu(); break ; }

} }

int room :: room_found ( int t_roomno ) { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int found = 0 ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room))) { if ( roomno == t_roomno ) found = 1 ; } file.close() ; return found ; }

void room :: display_list (void) { clrscr() ; fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int row = 5 , found = 0 , pageno = 1 ; gotoxy(18,1) ; cout<<"LIST OF ROOMS" ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<" Room code Room no. Status Tariff " ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room))) { delay(50) ; found = 1 ; gotoxy(2,row) ; cout<<roomcode ; gotoxy(16,row) ; cout <<roomno ; gotoxy(29,row) ; cout <<status ; gotoxy(42,row) ; cout <<tariff ; if ( row == 23 ) { row = 5 ; gotoxy(66,1) ; cout<<"Page no. : " <<pageno ; pageno++ ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(18,1) ; cout<<"LIST OF ROOMS" ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<" Room code Room no. Status Tariff " ; } else

row++ ; } if ( !found ) { gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"Records not found" ; } gotoxy(66,1) ; cout<<"Page no. : " <<pageno ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; file.close () ; }

int room :: recordno(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int count = 0 ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room))) { count++ ; if (t_roomno == roomno) break ; } file.close() ; return count ; }

void room :: display_record(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int found = 0 ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room)) && !found) { if (t_roomno == roomno) { found = 1 ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"Room code : " <<roomcode ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout<<"Room no. : " <<roomno ; gotoxy(1,7) ; cout<<"Status : " <<status ; gotoxy(1,8) ; cout<<"Tariff : " <<tariff ; } } file.close () ; }

void room :: display_room_record(void) {

clrscr() ; menu m; int valid ; int t_roomno ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. : " ; cin>>t_roomno ; if (!room_found(t_roomno)) { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; m.main_menu(); } clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,3) ; cout<<"ROOM RECORD" ; display_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; m.main_menu(); }

void room :: change_status(int t_roomno , char t_status) { int recno ; recno = recordno(t_roomno) ; fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::out | ios::ate) ; int location ; location = (recno-1) * sizeof(room) ; file.seekp(location) ; status = t_status ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(room)) ; file.close () ; }

char room :: room_status(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int found = 0 ; char t_status ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room)) && !found) { if (t_roomno == roomno) { found = 1 ; t_status = status ; } } file.close () ; return t_status ;

float room :: get_data(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; float t_tariff ; while ( *) this, sizeof(room))) { if (t_roomno == roomno) { t_tariff = tariff ; break ; } } file.close() ; return t_tariff ; }

void room :: add (void) { char ch ; char t_rcode[5] ; int t_roomno ; char t_status ; float t_tariff ; do { fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::out | ios::app ) ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(1,1) ; cout<<"Enter the details for the room" ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Code : " ; gotoxy(1,4) ; cout<<"Room no. : " ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"Status : " ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout<<"Tariff : " ; gotoxy(20,11) ; cout<<"SS : SINGLE SUIT" ; gotoxy(20,12) ; cout<<"SR : SINGLE ROOM" ; gotoxy(20,13) ; cout<<"DR : DOUBLE ROOM" ; gotoxy(20,14) ; cout<<"DS : DOUBLE SUIT" ; int valid = 0 ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM CODE (SS/SR/DR/DS)" ; gotoxy(13,3) ; cin>>t_rcode ; strupr(t_rcode) ;

char *string[4] = {"SS","DR","SR","DS"} ; int result , count = 0 ; for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) { result = strcmpi(t_rcode,string[i]) ; if ( result != 0 ) count++ ; } if ( count == 4 ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"INVALID CODE" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,3) ; clreol() ; } } while ( valid == 0 ) ; for ( int i=11; i<=14; i++ ) { gotoxy(1,i) ; clreol() ; } do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM NUMBER" ; gotoxy(13,4) ; cin>>t_roomno ; getch(); if ( t_roomno <= 0 || t_roomno > 900 ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"IT SHOULD NOT BE NEGATIVE OR ZERO OR GREATER THAN 900" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,4) ; clreol() ; } if ( room_found( t_roomno ) ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. ALREADY EXIST" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,4) ; clreol() ; }

} while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM STATUS : V=vacant, O=occupied" ; gotoxy(13,5) ; cin>>t_status ; t_status = toupper(t_status) ; if (t_status != 'O' && t_status != 'V') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"INVALID DATA ENTERED" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,5) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE TARIFF FOR THE ROOM" ; gotoxy(13,6) ; cin>>t_tariff ; getch(); if ( t_tariff <= 0 ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"IT SHOULD NOT BE NEGATIVE OR ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,6) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; gotoxy(1,8) ; cout<<"Do you want to save the record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(42,8) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,8) ; clreol() ; }

} while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'Y') { strcpy(roomcode,t_rcode) ; roomno = t_roomno ; status = t_status ; tariff = t_tariff ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(room)) ; } gotoxy(1,9) ; cout<<"Do you want to add more records (y/n) : do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(42,9) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,9) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; file.close () ; } while ( ch == 'Y') ; }

" ;

void room :: modify(void) { clrscr() ; int valid ; char ch ; char t_rcode[5] ; int t_roomno , tr ; char t_status ; float t_tariff ; fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::out | ios::ate) ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. to be modified " ; cin>>tr ; getch(); if ( !room_found( tr ) ) { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; return ; } display_record(tr) ; gotoxy(1,10) ; cout<<"Do you want to modify this Room Record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(48,10) ;

cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,9) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'N') return ; gotoxy(1,12) ; cout<<"ENTER THE NEW DATA FOR THE ROOM" ; gotoxy(1,14) ; cout<<"Code : " ; gotoxy(1,15) ; cout<<"Room no. : " ; gotoxy(1,16) ; cout<<"Status : " ; gotoxy(1,17) ; cout<<"Tariff : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM CODE (SS/SR/DR/DS)" ; gotoxy(13,14) ; cin>>t_rcode ; getch(); strupr(t_rcode) ; char *string[4] = {"SS","DR","SR","DS"} ; int result , count = 0 ; for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) { result = strcmpi(t_rcode,string[i]) ; if ( result != 0 ) count++ ; } if ( count == 4 ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"INVALID CODE" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,14) ; clreol() ; } } while ( valid == 0 ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM NUMBER" ; gotoxy(13,15) ; cin>>t_roomno ; getch();

if ( t_roomno <= 0 || t_roomno > 900 ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"IT SHOULD NOT BE NEGATIVE OR ZERO OR GREATER THAN 900" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,15) ; clreol() ; } if ( room_found( t_roomno ) && t_roomno != tr ) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. ALREADY EXIST" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,15) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM STATUS : V=vacant, O=occupied" ; gotoxy(13,16) ; cin>>t_status ; getch(); t_status = toupper(t_status) ; if (t_status != 'O' && t_status != 'V') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"INVALID DATA ENTERED" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,16) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE TARIFF FOR THE ROOM" ; gotoxy(13,17) ; cin>>t_tariff ; getch(); if ( t_tariff <= 0 )

{ valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"IT SHOULD NOT BE NEGATIVE OR ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(13,17) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; gotoxy(1,19) ; cout<<"Do you want to save the record (y/n) : do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(42,19) ; ch = getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,19) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'Y') { int recno ; recno = recordno(tr) ; int location ; location = (recno-1) * sizeof(room) ; file.seekp(location) ; strcpy(roomcode,t_rcode) ; roomno = t_roomno ; status = t_status ; tariff = t_tariff ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(room)) ; } file.close () ; }

" ;

void room :: deletion(void) { clrscr() ; int valid ; char ch ; int t_roomno ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. to be deleted " ; cin>>t_roomno ; if ( !room_found( t_roomno ) ) { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ;

return ; } display_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,10) ; cout<<"Do you want to delete this Room Record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(48,10) ; cin>>ch ; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,9) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'N') return ; fstream file ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::in) ; fstream temp ;"temp.dat", ios::out) ; while ( !file.eof() ) { *) this, sizeof(room)) ; if ( file.eof() ) break ; if ( roomno != t_roomno ) temp.write((char *) this, sizeof(room)) ; } file.close() ; temp.close() ;"ROOM.DAT", ios::out) ;"temp.dat", ios::in) ; temp.seekg(0) ; while ( !temp.eof() ) { *) this, sizeof(room)) ; if ( temp.eof() ) break ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(room)) ; } file.close() ; temp.close() ; }

void customer :: display_list(void) { clrscr() ; fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int row = 5 ; int found = 0 ; int pageno = 1 ; int total = 0 ; gotoxy(18,1) ; cout<<"LIST OF CUSTOMERS" ;

gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<" Room no. Name Phone Room service Advance Misc." ; while ( *) this, sizeof(customer))) { total++ ; found = 1 ; gotoxy(2,row) ; cout<<roomno ; gotoxy(12,row) ; puts(name) ; fflush(stdout) ; gotoxy(34,row) ; cout<<phone ; gotoxy(47,row) ; cout<<room_srv ; gotoxy(62,row) ; cout<<advance ; gotoxy(72,row) ; cout<<misc ; if ( row == 23 ) { row = 5 ; gotoxy(66,1) ; cout<<"Page no. : " <<pageno ; pageno++ ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(18,1) ; cout<<"LIST OF CUSTOMERS" ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<" Room no. Name Phone Room service Advance Misc." ; } else row++ ; } if ( found==0 ) { gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"Records not found" ; } gotoxy(66,1) ; cout<<"Page no. : " <<pageno ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,5) ; cout<<"Total no. of Customers = " <<total ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; file.close () ; }

void customer :: checkin(void) { room r ;

menu m1; char ch ; int valid = 1 ; int t_roomno , t_no_cust ; char t_name[21] , t_address[35] , t_phone[8] , t_nation[16] , t_passport[30] ; float t_advance , t_misc , t_room_srv ; clrscr() ; gotoxy(1,1) ; cout<<"Enter the details of the Customer" ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Room no. : " ; gotoxy(1,4) ; cout<<"Name : " ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"No. of guests : " ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout<<"Address : " ; gotoxy(1,7) ; cout<<"Phone : " ; gotoxy(1,8) ; cout<<"Nationality : " ; gotoxy(1,9) ; cout<<"Passport no. : " ; gotoxy(1,11) ; cout<<"Advance : " ; gotoxy(1,12) ; cout<<"Miscellineous : " ; gotoxy(1,13) ; cout<<"Room service : " ; gotoxy(20,3) ; cin>>t_roomno ; char t_status ; t_status = r.room_status(t_roomno) ; if (!r.room_found(t_roomno) || t_status == 'O') { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND OR NOT VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; m1.main_menu() ; } do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE NAME OF THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(20,4) ; gets(t_name) ; strupr(t_name) ; fflush(stdin) ; if ((strlen(t_name) <= 0) || (strlen(t_name) > 20)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT BE ZERO OR GREATER THAN 20" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ;

getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,4) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE NO. OF GUESTS WITH THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(20,5) ; cin>>t_no_cust ; if ((t_no_cust < 0) || (t_no_cust > 4)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"GUESTS SHOULD NOT BE LESS THAN 0 OR GREATER THAN 4" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,5) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ADDRESS OF THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(20,6) ; gets(t_address) ; fflush(stdin) ; if ((strlen(t_address) <= 0) || (strlen(t_address) > 50)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT BE ZERO OR GREATER THAN 50" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,6) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE PHONE NO. OF THE CUSTOMER, ENTER '-' FOR NO PHONE NO." ; gotoxy(20,7) ; cin>>t_phone ; if ((strlen(t_phone) < 8 && strlen(t_phone) > 1) || (strlen(t_phone) > 8)) {

valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT LESS THAN 8 OR GREATER THAN 8" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,7) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER NATIONALITY OF THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(20,8) ; gets(t_nation) ; fflush(stdin) ; if ((strlen(t_nation) <= 0) || (strlen(t_nation) > 15)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO OR GREATER THAN 15" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,8) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER PASSPORT NO. OF THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(20,9) ; gets(t_passport) ; fflush(stdin) ; if ((strlen(t_passport) <= 0) || (strlen(t_passport) > 15)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO OR GREATER THAN 15" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,9) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ;

gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ADVANCE IN RS. " ; gotoxy(20,11) ; cin>>t_advance ; if (t_advance < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,11) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE MISCELLENIOUS CHARGES" ; gotoxy(20,12) ; cin>>t_misc ; if (t_misc < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,12) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM SERVICE CHARGES" ; gotoxy(20,13) ; cin>>t_room_srv ; getch(); if (t_room_srv < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ;

gotoxy(20,13) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; gotoxy(1,15) ; cout<<"Do you want to save the record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(42,15) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,15) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'Y') { r.change_status(t_roomno,'O') ; roomno = t_roomno ; strcpy(name,t_name) ; strcpy(phone,t_phone) ; advance = t_advance ; misc = t_misc ; room_srv = t_room_srv ; fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::out | ios::app ) ; file.write((char*) this, sizeof(customer)) ; file.close() ; } m1.main_menu() ; }

void customer :: display_record(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int found = 0 ; while ( *) this, sizeof(customer)) && !found) { if (t_roomno == roomno) { found = 1 ; gotoxy(1,5) ; cout<<"Room no. : " <<roomno ; gotoxy(1,6) ; cout<<"Customer Name : " <<name ; gotoxy(1,7) ; cout<<"Phone no. : " <<phone ; gotoxy(1,8) ; cout<<"Advance : " <<advance ; gotoxy(1,9) ; cout<<"Misc. charges : " <<misc ; gotoxy(1,10) ; cout<<"Room Service Charges : " <<room_srv ; } }

file.close () ; }

int customer :: recordno(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; int count = 0 ; while ( *) this, sizeof(customer))) { count++ ; if (t_roomno == roomno) break ; } file.close() ; return count ; }

void customer :: modify(void) { clrscr() ; room r ; int valid ; char ch ; int t_roomno , tr ; char t_name[21] , t_phone[8] ; float t_advance , t_misc , t_room_srv ; fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::out | ios::ate) ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. of the customer to be modified " ; cin>>tr ; getch(); char t_status ; t_status = r.room_status(tr) ; if (!r.room_found(tr) || t_status == 'V') { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND OR ROOM IS VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; return ; } display_record(tr) ; gotoxy(1,12) ; cout<<"Do you want to modify this Room Record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(48,12) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ;

gotoxy(42,12) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'N') return ; gotoxy(1,14) ; cout<<"ENTER THE NEW DATA FOR THE CUSTOMER" ; gotoxy(1,16) ; cout<<"Room no. : " ; gotoxy(1,17) ; cout<<"Name : " ; gotoxy(1,18) ; cout<<"Phone : " ; gotoxy(1,19) ; cout<<"Advance : " ; gotoxy(1,20) ; cout<<"Miscellineous : " ; gotoxy(1,21) ; cout<<"Room service : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM NUMBER FOR CUSTOMER : " ; gotoxy(20,16) ; cin>>t_roomno ; getch(); t_status = r.room_status(t_roomno) ; if ((!r.room_found(t_roomno)) || (r.room_found(t_roomno) && t_roomno != tr && t_status == 'O')) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT EXIST OR NOT VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,16) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE NAME OF THE CUSTOMER : " ; gotoxy(20,17) ; gets(t_name) ; getch(); strupr(t_name) ; fflush(stdin) ; if ((strlen(t_name) <= 0) || (strlen(t_name) > 20)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT BE ZERO OR GREATER THAN 20" ;

gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,17) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE PHONE NO. OF THE CUSTOMER, ENTER '-' FOR NO PHONE NO." ; gotoxy(20,18) ; cin>>t_phone ; if ((strlen(t_phone) < 8 && strlen(t_phone) > 1) || (strlen(t_phone) > 8)) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"LENGTH SHOULD NOT LESS THAN 8 OR GREATER THAN 8" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,18) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ADVANCE RS. " ; gotoxy(20,19) ; cin>>t_advance ; getch(); if (t_advance < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,19) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE MISCALLENIOUS CHARGES" ; gotoxy(20,20) ; cin>>t_misc ;

getch(); if (t_misc < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,20) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"ENTER THE ROOM SERVICE CHARGES" ; gotoxy(20,21) ; cin>>t_room_srv ; getch(); if (t_room_srv < 0) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(20,21) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; gotoxy(1,23) ; cout<<"Do you want to save the record (y/n) : do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(42,23) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(42,23) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'Y') { if (t_roomno != tr) { r.change_status(t_roomno,'O') ; r.change_status(tr,'V') ; } int recno ;

" ;

recno = recordno(tr) ; int location ; location = (recno-1) * sizeof(customer) ; file.seekp(location) ; roomno = t_roomno ; strcpy(name,t_name) ; strcpy(phone,t_phone) ; room_srv = t_room_srv ; advance = t_advance ; misc = t_misc ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(customer)) ; } file.close () ; }

void customer :: delete_record(int t_roomno) { fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::in) ; fstream temp ;"temp.dat", ios::out) ; while ( !file.eof() ) { *) this, sizeof(customer)) ; if ( file.eof() ) break ; if ( roomno != t_roomno ) temp.write((char *) this, sizeof(customer)) ; } file.close() ; temp.close() ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::out) ;"temp.dat", ios::in) ; temp.seekg(0) ; while ( !temp.eof() ) { *) this, sizeof(customer)) ; if ( temp.eof() ) break ; file.write((char *) this, sizeof(customer)) ; } file.close() ; temp.close() ; }

void customer :: display_customer_record(void) { clrscr() ; room r ; int valid ; int t_roomno ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. of the customer : " ; cin>>t_roomno ; char t_status ; t_status = r.room_status(t_roomno) ; if (!r.room_found(t_roomno) || t_status == 'V') { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ;

gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND OR ROOM IS VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; return ; } clrscr() ; gotoxy(5,3) ; cout<<"CUSTOMER RECORD" ; display_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; }

void customer :: deletion(void) { clrscr() ; room r ; int valid ; char ch ; int t_roomno ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. of the customer to be deleted " ; cin>>t_roomno ; char t_status ; t_status = r.room_status(t_roomno) ; if (!r.room_found(t_roomno) || t_status == 'V') { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND OR ROOM IS VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; return ; } display_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,15) ; cout<<"Do you want to delete this Customer Record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(52,15) ; cin>>ch ; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(52,15) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'N') return ; r.change_status(t_roomno,'V') ; delete_record(t_roomno) ; }

void customer :: checkout(void) { clrscr() ; menu m1 ; room r ; int valid ; char ch ; int t_roomno ; gotoxy(1,3) ; cout<<"Enter the Room no. of the customer to be check out " ; cin>>t_roomno ; char t_status ; t_status = r.room_status(t_roomno) ; if (!r.room_found(t_roomno) || t_status == 'V') { gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"ROOM NO. NOT FOUND OR ROOM IS VACANT" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; m1.main_menu(); } display_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,15) ; cout<<"Do you want to prepare bill of this Customer Record (y/n) : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(63,15) ; cin>>ch; getch() ; ch = toupper(ch) ; if (ch != 'Y' && ch != 'N') { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(63,15) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; if (ch == 'N') return ; fstream file ;"CUSTOMER.DAT", ios::in) ; file.seekg(0) ; char t_name[21] ; float t_advance, t_room_srv, t_misc, t_tariff ; while ( *) this, sizeof(customer))) { if (t_roomno == roomno) { strcpy(t_name,name) ; t_advance = advance ; t_room_srv = room_srv ; t_misc = misc ; break ; } } file.close() ; t_tariff = r.get_data(t_roomno) ; account a ;

a.prepare_bill(t_roomno,t_tariff,t_name,t_advance,t_room_srv,t_misc) ; r.change_status(t_roomno,'V') ; delete_record(t_roomno) ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; m1.main_menu() ; }

void account :: prepare_bill(int t_roomno, float t_tariff, char t_name[21], float t_advance, float t_room_srv, float t_misc) { menu m1 ; int valid ; int days ; float tax , total ; gotoxy(1,17) ; cout<<"Enter the no. of days : " ; do { valid = 1 ; gotoxy(25,17) ; cin>>days ; if (days < 0 || days > 2000) { valid = 0 ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; cout<<"SHOULD NOT LESS THAN ZERO" ; gotoxy(1,25) ; cout<<"Press any key to continue..." ; getch() ; gotoxy(1,24) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(1,25) ; clreol() ; gotoxy(25,17) ; clreol() ; } } while ( !valid ) ; t_tariff = t_tariff * days ; total = (t_room_srv + t_misc + t_tariff) - t_advance ; tax = total * 0.22 ; total = total + tax ; clrscr() ; menu m ; gotoxy(5,3) ; cout<<"Bill of Room no. : " <<t_roomno ; gotoxy(5,6) ; cout<<"Name of Customer : " <<t_name ; gotoxy(5,8) ; cout<<"Tariff Charges : " <<t_tariff ; gotoxy(5,10) ; cout<<"Misc. Charges : " <<t_misc ; gotoxy(5,12) ; cout<<"Room service Charges : " <<t_room_srv ; gotoxy(5,14) ; cout<<"Tax : " <<tax ; gotoxy(5,16) ; cout<<"Advance : " <<t_advance ; gotoxy(5,18) ; cout<<"------------------------------------------" ; gotoxy(5,19) ;

cout<<"Total Bill : " <<total ; gotoxy(5,20) ; cout<<"------------------------------------------" ; } void main ( void ) { menu m ; m.enter_password() ; m.intro(); }

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