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I'm a practising Podiatrist in brisbane and this condition can be treated succes sfully doing the following... 1.

ICE foot 10mins on/20mins off *2 times midday and evening use a 600mL frozen bottle of water. Use a sock on your foot and with light to moderate pressure rol l foot over the bottle. 2. Wear footwear that gives you most pain relief! ideally supportive runner or j ogging shoe. Wear them 24/7 during the painful acute stages. 3. Strap Midfoot (Arch) using sport strapping tape. Alternatively trial off shel f orthotic (orthaheel) I like tape because I find that if its causing more probl ems with your plantar fasciitis your can take it off and is cost effective. 4. Calf stretches 5 times each leg and hold for 30 seconds. Stretch to feel tens ion in calf muscle (should not be painful when's stretching). hamstring, Hip Fle xor, anterior shin stretches and piriformis/ gluteal stretches will be of benefi t as well. 5. Massage/ Trigger Point Therapy - professional focusing calf, quads, hip flexo rs, hamstrings. 6. Some local anti-inflammatory gels (check with GP not allergic to them). Apply daily and massage. 7. Lower Back problems- a good proportion of clients with plantar fasciitis have either pelvic floor, lower back, piriformis or sacro-iliac joint problems. Thes e must be addressed as well using either musculoskeletal physician, physiotherap ist, chiropractor, osteopath or bowen therapist. Hope this gets you on your way to improving and resolving your plantar fasciitis . REST is also the key avoiding those activities that aggravate it is important.

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