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Sept-Dec 2010 The Suriname Ministry Hough Family 1. Where do you see God working in the Suriname Ministry?

If seems that the Lord closes one door and opens another. We were trying to help a house church that was meeting in a school for about 1 years. The pastor has a emphasis of healing and tongues in his ministry which plays a big part in his ministry and also cause much confusion. We were working with the men and upon our return there were few people coming. It appears that the pastor created some dissention among the people and many left. I also noticed a quiet strain between the pastor and me upon our return from furlough. I guess my teachings didnt appeal to him as a help. Everything we approach concerning, healing and speaking in tongues was scriptural based. We were not in competition with him, but it seems that people became annoyed with his teaching after receiving our teaching on the various subjects. To make the long story short, I have a friend who is the director of a orphanage, that had been asking me to give Bible Study at the orphanage to 11 years olds 16 year olds, and the adults for some time now. I wasnt really willing because of our schedule with the radio program, working with the house church, and the distance over the bridge. We are also trying to get our children to graduate high school and that is a job in and of itself. So we are now giving Bible studies to about 35 young adults and to the staff of 10 at Kinderhuis Subdhun. In the coming months you will hear more over that. Please pray for us. Since December we had aired 23 programs. We would like to do more in this area, but our finances are limited. 2. What needs do you see on the Field for your work in Suriname at this point? Our primary needs here in Suriname is mainly keeping fresh spiritually and keeping our equipment up-to-date. But our funds are limited because of Micha and Melodys school and those who support us say that funds for them are also limited. I hear it is pretty rough from what I hear in the U.S. I am experiencing what I saw when I first came here concerning missionaries and their families when their children reach teen years. A big concern for us now is the transition of our children going into the world. There are so many things in the U.S. that they are not use to. Some missionaries left the field so that their children could make a good transition with them in the U.S. We will have to cross that bridge when we get to it. There is so much evil in the world that I want to help our children in their exposure to it.


What unique opportunities and disadvantages for ministry do you have in the Suriname? We still have the opportunity of preaching Gods word on a Hindustani radio station that is non-Christian. There are very few people that can make that claim and I praise the Lord for your in support of this endeavor. We have Bible study with youths concerning walking in Gods word. Most youths are from a Hindustani background and this might be the only time in their life that they will be able to hear Gods word in a systematic study form. We are giving Bible study to the staff who say that they are in dire need to keep refreshed in the work that they are doing as Christians at the orphanage. There are a couple staff members who are not Christians and this gives us a great opportunity to go into Gods word with them. In all, we have about 30 people in our Bible study. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in the month.


What significant events (related to the work or to political, economic or religious events) have occurred in the Suriname Ministry? Our Suriname currency was just devaluated, so that means the prices will go that much higher to overcompensate for the devaluation. Things were already expensive and now they are even more expensive. To give you an example, 1 dozen of eggs cost US $4.00. US $6 for a gallon of gasoline. I read a line: If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. If churches or Gods people think that reaching out and preparing people for the coming Kingdom is expenses -- try not doing it and see how quickly things will deteriorate in society, our church and personal lives. If we neglect this opportunity of spreading the Gospel, we do it at our own peril. We are the salt of the world!


What prayer request or praise to the Lord do you have for the work in the Suriname Ministry? Bible Study at Kinderhuis Subhdan. Praise/Prayer Item: The effectiveness our radio program in Sarnami and programs on CDs. A Prayer Item: For Micha and Melodys school tuition and arrears. Praise/Prayer: (Michael) 2nd Level of Devarani (Hindi script) study at the

Indian Cultural Center. My main goal will be to read and preach from the Old Testament in Hindi.language. We want to take the time to thank Sis. Sheela Dandeker of IFI in keeping us encouraged. Please pray that the Lord will meet the needs for this ministry. Please pray for in the area of trying to get a blog together. It also appears if I want to link photos to the blog, I need to create a website also . We just want to take the time to thank you for your prayers and concerns. We pray that God will continue to bless you and your endeavors for Him.

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