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Lesson Review Lesson Five ECED 329 Name: Amber Jordan Todays Date: March 28, 2013 Lesson

Topic: Men & Women Community Helpers Date of the Lesson: March 27, 2013

State one objective and describe the ways in which your students met that objective. Students will be able to recognize that men and women can have the same career after they have been given a lesson about different careers that men and women share. The students met the objective by identifying the different careers on my picture cards as well as the real life pictures on the smart board. They also were able to tell me in small groups that men and women could both be firefighters. They also recalled different careers that men and women could both work at in the post-assessment. 1. Describe how you sequenced the lesson so that your students were guided from their known experiences to new learning. This lesson was guided to start by seeing what the students already knew about careers. Even though the students did not know what the word careers was, they did know what the word job was. The students could name some careers such as a teacher or a doctor. The students did not know that men and women could have the same career. The students were able to show me that they gained knowledge through my lesson. At the end of the lesson, I wrapped it up by asking what the students had learned today. Some students said, That firefighters can be men or women. This gave me the impression that they understood the lesson. They also were able to recall what the word career was about and were able to give me some examples. The students told me what they wanted to be when they grew up and the whole class agreed that men and women could have the same careers.

2. Describe the kind(s) of groupings you used and the effectiveness of your use of grouping. My lesson was grouped into whole group instruction as well as small group instruction. We always start out with whole group instruction because the students are used to that routine. In the whole group instruction, we start out with a discussion about our topic we are talking about for that day. I think that starting out with a discussion gives the students time to brain storm and to see what they know about the topic. This gets the students thinking and engaging in the lesson being taught. We then read a book about the topic being taught. This gives the students a chance to listen and engage in the book. Students love having someone read to them. After having whole group instruction we then move to small group instruction and centers. In small groups, students are able to work with the teacher more individually. They can ask questions and get the teacher to explain in more detail about the lesson if the students need it. I believe that these two groupings really help to make sure that every students need is met. If the students needs are not met in whole group instruction the teacher can meet those needs in small group instruction.

3. Describe one way in which you addressed the individual needs of one child or a small group of children. While planning this lesson, I planned my lesson while thinking about each of my students individual needs. I wanted to make sure that each of the students would be able to understand each part of my lesson. I had to ensure that all of my students could see and hear me. I also addressed a need for a small group of students. During my post-assessment a few of my groups were unsure of what they wanted to answer when I asked them the post-assessment questions. I gave them hints and showed them the picture cards to help them remember some of the things we talked about during the lesson. The students were then able to remember everything we had learned about that day.

4. If your management of the lesson presented difficulties, what were they and how did you handle them? The management of the lesson presented difficulties. During my lesson, the students did not follow directions of raising their hands to answer questions. They continuously yelled out. As the students did this, I corrected them by showing them what to do. I told them to be quiet and to raise their hands and when I call on them they could speak. This helps to ensure that everyone can hear during someones presentation. This also shows respect to whoever may be talking. The students do know these rules but the past couple of days they have been a little out of normal selves.

5. Describe your assessment process and the ways in which the process provided/did not provide you with an accurate evaluation of how well the children learned the content. I really enjoyed doing the assessments with the students this time. For the pre-assessment, I was anxious to see what the students answered. I figured that these answers would be crazy and funny. After doing the pre-assessment, the students did not present anything that was out of the ordinary. Most answers were normal and made sense. The during-assessment really made me realize that students do get a lot out of books that are read to them. They love seeing books that they may know a little about. The during-assessment also allowed me to see if they comprehended the story and the lesson. I like to see the students engaged in the lesson. I always take notes if the students are engaged in the lesson. For this particular lesson, most of the students were willing to give their answer on what the pictures were all about on the cards as well as the smart board. The post-assessment gave me documentation on what the students gained through the lesson. The students were able to answer all the questions successfully.

6. Describe the manner in which your lesson addressed more than one of the developmental realms of the child. The lesson addressed several developmental realms of the child. They were able to use their fine motor skills as well as their learning styles. The students used crayons, scissors, and glue in small groups to finish their fire hydrant book that addressed that men and women could have the same careers. There were times during the lesson that allowed all three learning styles to be addressed. These learning styles are very important and play a big part in planning a lesson. I made sure that there were activities for all

three learning styles. The lesson addressed cognitive development realms of the students as well. The lesson was planned to ensure that the students gained knowledge about a new topic which was men and women can have the same careers.

7. Identify the dimension of multicultural education (i.e., James Banks notion of content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, or empowering school culture) that was most critical for you to consider as you taught this lesson. Why do you believe your chosen dimension was most important for this learning experience? The dimension of multicultural education was presented by giving examples of careers that all people can do no matter your gender or race. When planning my lesson, I was gathering pictures for my picture cards as well as my smart board activity. As I made these I ensured that there was some diversity in them. I gave examples of Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic people at their careers. These are the three races in our room, and I thought it was very appropriate to make my lesson that included multicultural education. The students loved looking at the pictures I presented as well as telling me what they were and what they did.

8. When you teach your next lesson, what teaching strategy will you work to improve? When I teach my next lesson, I would like to improve how I present my lessons. When doing my lesson, I forgot some parts of what I was going to do. In my smart board activity, I forgot to write the names of each career on the board. I believe in my next lesson I could improve making sure that I remember everything I have planned out to ensure the students learn. Although, this did not affect my lesson, I still would like to stick to my plans.

9. How would you rate your implementation of this lesson? Very good Satisfactory Fair

Why would you rate your lesson this way? I rated this lesson as very good compared to all my other lessons. I really enjoyed this lesson and how well it went. My lesson went as planned for the most part. I also was much more confident about this lesson. I was a bit nervous at the beginning but as the lesson continued, I was more relaxed which helped me present better. I feel that this lesson was the lesson that the students gained more knowledge. I feel like they understood and enjoyed the lesson better than the first four lessons that I gave to them. I am very proud of myself for improving so much in such a short time.

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