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Regular & Irregular Verbs

Main Objective
Objetivo Principal

Ajudar voc a aprender a estudar os verbos regulares e irregulares em ingls

I. Regular Verbs Diferentemente do portugus, no pela conjugao do presente do indicativo (present simple) que se distingue um verbo regular de um irregular. Um verbo em ingls considerado regular se apresenta as formas de past tense e past participle terminando em ED. INFINITIVE a) to work b) to translate c) to study PAST TENSE worked translated studied PAST PARTICIPLE worked translated studied

Notes: Como se v, h algumas particularidades ortogrcas nessa formao: em (a), com o verbo to work (= trabalhar) houve o acrscimo do suxo ED. Em (b), com o verbo to translate (= traduzir), como este verbo j termina em e, houve o acrscimo de D somente; em (c), com o verbo to study (estudar) ocorreu a mudana do y para i antes do acrscimo de ED. A esmagadora maioria dos verbos em ingls regular. Os verbos novos que vo sendo criados em funo da dinmica da lngua inglesa so regulares. Veja o caso de e-mail. J usado como verbo naturalmente, to e-mail (e-mailed, e-mailed). I e-mailed you yesterday. Why didnt you send me your reply?
Eu enviei um e-mail para voc ontem. Por que no me mandou sua resposta?

Srie Provas e Concursos

Ingls Essencial para Concursos A Handbook for the Candidate Carlos Augusto Pereira


Quando o fax se popularizou, passou-se a usar como verbo regular tambm:

They faxed us last week.

Eles nos enviaram um fax na semana passada.

At mesmo o OK virou verbo regular:

The manager okayed my check before I could cash it.

O gerente deu o OK pro meu cheque antes que eu pudesse descont-lo.

II. Irregular Verbs No h como escapar do estudo dos verbos irregulares ingleses por uma razo muito clara: eles pipocam nos textos o tempo todo. Imagine se na hora de uma prova voc esbarrar num texto com as formas made, led, became, sought, built etc. Se voc no conseguir mentalmente retornar s formas dos innitivos, respectivamente, make (= fazer), lead (= conduzir, levar a), become (= tornar-se), seek (= buscar, procurar), build (= construir), com certeza perder um tempo precioso e, pior, sua traduo car truncada. Para ler com uncia, indispensvel ter na ponta da lngua estas formas verbais. Os verbos regulares so muito mais numerosos que os irregulares, hoje em dia reduzidos a uns 150 em pleno uso. As irregular verb forms devem ser estudadas detalhadamente at serem memorizadas. As trs formas dos verbos irregulares tm de ser like music to your ears. No h regras, infelizmente. INFINITIVE a) to buy b) to cost c) to y PAST TENSE bought cost ew PAST PARTICIPLE bought cost own

Notes: Como voc observa, h trs casos principais: em (a), as duas formas de passado do verbo to buy (= comprar) so iguais; em (b), as trs formas do verbo to cost (= custar) so iguais entre si, o que tambm caracteriza uma irregularidade, e em (c), as trs formas do verbo to y (= voar) so diferentes. A maioria dos bons dicionrios traz a listagem dos principais verbos irregulares ingleses nas ltimas pginas. claro que voc pode e deve consult-la sempre que necessrio. Porm, como na hora da prova voc no pode usar nenhum dicionrio


Unit 2 Regular & Irregular Verbs

Srie Provas e Concursos

ou livro de referncia, acredito que seja vantajoso praticar essas formas verbais e procurar dominar o maior nmero delas possvel. Para ajudar voc nessa tarefa, qual seja a de knowing those forms by heart, proponho seu estudo de algumas maneiras, cabendo a voc escolher a que mais convier: A) Em grupos que guardam certas semelhanas A.I Innitive break choose freeze speak steal A.2 Innitive drive ride rise strive thrive Past tense drove rode rose strove throve Past participle driven ridden risen striven thriven Traduo dirigir cavalgar, pedalar elevar, subir esforar-se prosperar Past tense broke chose froze spoke stole Past participle broken chosen frozen spoken stolen Traduo quebrar escolher congelar falar roubar, furtar

NB: Observe a vogal o no past tense e a terminao en do past participle. B) Em listagens duplas use a primeira listagem com alguns dos principais verbos irregulares para praticar oralmente. No escreva nada nas lacunas. Logo em seguida voc tem a listagem completa com todas as formas dos verbos para consultas. 1st List Round the alphabet: A thru C Innitive 1. beat 2. begin 3. bind 4. bite 5. blow 6. break Past tense beat bound blew Past participle begun bitten broken Translation bater comear atar morder soprar quebrar

Srie Provas e Concursos

Ingls Essencial para Concursos A Handbook for the Candidate Carlos Augusto Pereira


7. bring 8. build 9. buy 10. catch 11. choose 12. come

brought bought chose

built caught come

trazer construir comprar agarrar escolher vir

2nd List Round the alphabet: A thru C Innitive 1. beat 2. begin 3. bind 4. bite 5. blow 6. break 7. bring 8. build 9. buy 10. catch 11. choose 12. come Past tense beat began bound bit blew broke brought built bought caught chose came Past participle beaten begun bound bitten blown broken brought built bought caught chosen come Translation bater comear atar morder soprar quebrar trazer construir comprar agarrar escolher vir

C) Destacando os verbos com as 3 formas iguais Innitive bet burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put Past tense bet burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put Past participle bet burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let put Traduo apostar romper, rasgar arremessar, jogar custar cortar bater ferir, magoar tricotar deixar, permitir pr


Unit 2 Regular & Irregular Verbs

Srie Provas e Concursos

quit read set shut slit split spread sweat thrust

quit read(*) set shut slit split spread sweat thrust

quit read(*) set shut slit split spread sweat thrust

abandonar, parar de ler colocar, instalar, xar fechar cortar, degolar rachar, partir, cortar estender-se, espalhar suar enar, arremeter

NB: Except for a few changes in pronunciation (e.g. the verb to read) there are no other signicant changes in this group where the three main forms are similar to one another. a) Some verbs like to quit and to sweat, for example, besides the one form for all tenses, have regular forms. So you may nd the less common quitted and sweated as well. b) With the verb to read a change in the pronunciation of the past forms occurs: /red/ III. Seeing is believing
Ver para crer
A Esaf / MPOG / APO / 2008 Lawrence Summers, the former treasury secretary, is as well credentialed as anyone to assess the global credit crisis. He won the John Bates Clark award for best economist under 40, was chief economist at the World Bank and ran Harvard University. [From A Long Way from the 1970s Newsweek Magazine- April 7th 2008] Task: Write the innitive form of the verbs in bold + the translation: a) won ________ // b) was _________ // c) ran __________ B Esaf / MPOG /APO / 2008 When Latin Americans get together with bankers on American soil it has been to seek succour (*) for their sickly economies. Yet at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in Miami this week, the relative health of the participants has been reversed. [From A Coming test of virtue, adapted from the economist online- April 10th 2008] (*) spelling dierence: succour (UK) // succor (US) (= help) Task: Write the past forms of the verbs in bold + the translation: a) get ________ // b) seek _________ // c) have __________

Srie Provas e Concursos

Ingls Essencial para Concursos A Handbook for the Candidate Carlos Augusto Pereira



EXERCISE Tente, sem auxlio de dicionrio, preencher as lacunas com a forma do verbo irregular que corretamente traduz a palavra em portugus entre parnteses. 1. Csar Cielo _______ the world Record in Rome and _______ a gold medal. [quebrou ganhou] 2. Dont ask me who _______ the world record before him because I really dont know. [detinha] The eagle ________ its wings and _______ away. [abriu voou] Sonia _______ on the joke right away, but many of her colleagues missed the boat on that one. [pegou, entendeu] Our bank manager ________ the information secret. [manteve] Finally, we _______ the hairpin we had been looking for all afternoon. [encontramos] We found out that Veronica only ________ lean meat and lettuce for lunch. [comia] Although I ______ to keep cool, I hated it when I received lots of cold calls trying to sell me no matter what. [esforasse] After she had ______ for a while in her yard, Olivia came back inside the house. [balanado] Alice had not _______ the date for her wedding then. [marcado]









EXERCISE REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS IN TEXTS Complete the text with the correct past forms of the verbs in brackets: In the great loneliness of 18th-century America, each person was self-dependent. He _______ [make] his own tools, his own shelter, and _______ [grow] or _______ [hunt] his own food. But then, as now, this self-suciency was limited. People ______ [have] to cooperate because they could not survive alone. The rst European settlers ________ [need] the guidance of friendly Indians who ________ [know] the climate and ________ [know] which crops would grow in the strange soil. As they _______ [travel] across the trackless plains, they _______ [learn] to form their wagons into a circle at night for protection against Indian attacks. In this and countless other ways, Americans _______ [learn] the value of cooperation. They _______ [learn] that one helps a neighbor today because he may need the neighbors help tomorrow.


Unit 2 Regular & Irregular Verbs

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After the 13 colonies had ______ [win] their independence from Great Britain, they _______ [become] 13 virtually autonomous states loosely _______ [tie] together but each was still jealous of its own power. It was soon reasoned, however, that this situation was not conducive to the general welfare. Many leading spokesmen from each of the states _______ [realize] that the problems of states were the same as the problems of individuals. Each person who _______ [come] to America had _______ [leave] his homeland because he wanted something not available there. Some wanted religious freedom. Others wanted to follow a new profession and to break through the connes of xed social classes. Still others wanted to own land and to enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Faced with the diculties of frontier life, these people _______ [give] up total independence to achieve the greatest amount of self-realization. (From An Outline of American Geography, pages 126/127, USIA)

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