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Definition of Descriptive Text

To describe the characteristics of particular person, thing, or place.

Text Structure:

Identification mention thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described.

Description gives the information of particular thing, person, or place and or describes parts, qualities, or characteristics.

Look and Read

1. Living room

This is a living room. There is a window, two curtains, a floor lamp, a lamp shade, a television, a drawer, a sofa, a table and on the table there are ashtry and vase. And then there are four frame on the wall too.

2. Bedrooom

This is a bedroom. There is a bed, two pillows on the bed, a

blanket, a bedsheet. Also there is a chair, a table, a laptop on the table, a cupboard, and a lamp. And there are three

frame on the wall and books too.

3. Diningroom

This is a dining room. There is a dining table, a vase on the dining table, and a lamp. And there are four dining chairs, and three are foru bowl

and glass on the table, too.

4 Kitchen

This is a kitchen. There is a larder, a jug , a gas stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a drainboard and there are glass too

5. Bathroom

This is a bathroom. There is a wc, a mirror, a washbasin, a faucet, a lamp and a shower and there is bathtub, too.

Please read the words loudly

1. Livingroom Curtain Floor lamp drawer Frame Ashtry : : : : : : Ruang keluarga Korden Lampu berdiri Laci Bingkai Asbak

2. Badroom Bed Pillow Bedsheet Blanket

3. Diningroom Dining table Dining chair Tablecloth Fruitcrate Napkin

: : : : :
: : : : : :

Ruang tidur Tempat tidur Bantal Sprai Selimut

Ruang makan Meja makan Kursi makan Alas meja Keranjang buah Serbet

4. Kitchen

Larder Refrigerator Sink Drainboard 5. Bathroom Tub Shower Washbasin

: : : : : : : : :

Dapur Lemari makan Kulkas Bak mencuci Tempat pengering piring Kamar mandi Bak mandi Pancuran wastafel

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