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EU Transport Spending

The EU spends around 13 billion every year on transport infrastructure projects. The true financial impact is much greater because without the EU cash, many co-financed projects would simply not go ahead. We want the EU to spend its money on smarter transport projects such as congestion charging schemes, or electrifying rail infrastructure. And we want all projects to receive a 'climate rating', with an assurance that greener projects are prioritised. On 19 October 2011, the European Commissions transport department (DG -MOVE) published details of its Connecting Europe Facility, a rebranded version of its funding programme for Trans-European Networks for Transport (TEN-Ts) which directly funds transport infrastructure projects that are seen as strategically important by the EU. The announcement followed details announced on 6 October by the regional development department (DG-REGIO) for future cohesion funds; money given to Member States for infrastructure development, including transport projects.

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