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KERAJAAN HILANG PUNCA Kelab Anwar Ibrahim (AIC) sebagai sebuah organisasi anak muda hari ini ingin menyelar tindakan flip-flop Kerajaan Umno BN yang cuba bermain tarik tali dan berpolemik tentang pinjaman PTPTN kepada dua IPTS yang dinaungi Kerajaan Selangor iaitu Unisel dan KUIS. AIC hairan bagaimana sebagai sebuah kerajaan yang menguruskan aspirasi rakyat dan pembinaan masa depan, bertindak bodoh dengan mengugut masa depan anak-anak muda hanya kerana berbeza polisi dengan musuh politik. Seharusnya BN lebih ampuh untuk menegakkan dasar pendidikan mereka, bukan dengan membekukan pinjaman PTPTN dan membuat kenyataan dangkal ianya sebagai 'peluang' Pakatan Rakyat melaksanakan pendidikan percuma. PTPTN: SASARAN AWAL BN YANG MENEMUI JALAN BUNTU Pada perkiraan awal, BN menjangkakan golongan mahasiswa yang terlibat akan cemas dan panik lalu menolak dasar pendidikan percuma dan mengangkat 'PTPTN' sebagai tunjang yang membolehkan pendidikan tinggi berlangsung. Namun melihat kepada kebarangkalian dan kemampuan Kerajaan Selangor untuk menyelesikan masalah tersebut, melalui pengumuman Unisel akan mencairkan aset bagi membantu mahasiswa ini, BN mula cemas dan mengubah taktik. Ini ditambah dengan sentimen anti kerajaan Umno BN yang mula membahang di laman sosial terutamanya Twitter. Malah wujud pendapat tidak senang dari pimpinan Umno BN sendiri berikutan langkah kurang bijak dari Khaled Nordin Menteri Pengajian Tinggi. Maka hari ini, melalui SMS yang disahkan pegawai PTPTN bahawa pejabat Menteri telah mengeluarkan arahan pembekuan ditarik semula. Namun apa yang Khaled Nordin dan BN tidak buat perkiraan adalah rakyat telah sedar bahawa regim ini pada bilabila masa yang mereka kehendaki, keperluan dan hak rakyat boleh disekat dan ditarik begitu sahaja dan BN sedang menguruskan sebuah zaman yang nyata berbeza , zaman yang dipenuhi anak muda idealis dan berani untuk melawan kezaliman. Sebarang tindak-tanduk melampau dan bodoh oleh pemerintah pasti akan disambut dingin dan menemui jalan sempit untuk dilaksanakan. Hari ini telah membuktikan tekanan hebat oleh rakyat terbanyak membuatkan kerajaan lemah ini kecut perut dan menjilat ludah mereka sendiri. AIC percaya zaman untuk menggunakan rakyat sebagai 'tebusan' politik telah berakhir. Saat ini AIC yakin lonjakan sokongan yang datang dari golongan atas pagar terhadap ketelusan Pakatan Rakyat, telah meningkat pada satu tahap yang membanggakan. Riwayat pemerintah zalim bakal berakhir atas satu kesilapan yang mereka sengajakan. GENERASI PENGGERAK ZAMAN

SAIFUDDIN SHAFI MUHAMMAD Presiden Anwar Ibrahim Club Malaysia Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry smartphone

setuju dengan pengunaan perkataan 'mengugut'; tindakkan kerajaan menggunakan politik gangsterisme yang sanggup mempermainkan masa hadapan pelajar demi menundukkan musuh politik dan perbezaan pendapat.

The silence of our friends





Senators John McCain and Joe Liebermans recent visit to Malaysia did more harm than good. According to local media reports, Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman, who came visiting recently, expressed their admiration for Malaysias democratic model and even went so far as to suggest that it might serve as a template for other Muslim countries. There was only the barest hint of reservation during their press conference when they made vague and passing references to foreign election observers and further democratic reforms. It may well be that they raised democracy and human rights issues with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Foreign Minister Anifah Aman when they met in private but it is their public positions that are disturbing. First, though they must surely have learned from their meetings with the Leader of the Opposition and other civil society groups about the real and serious challenges to democracy in Malaysia, they chose not to reference these issues in their public comments. Their silence concerning the deeply flawed electoral system, restrictions on the media, and on public gatherings and the absence of a lot of other democracy essentials is troubling. Unsurprisingly, the senators comments were immediately taken as American endorsement

of both the governments reform agenda and Malaysias governance model. Their comments were even absurdly stretched to suggest that Malaysias political system might even be superior to that of the United States. Second, they saw the gleaming towers and shiny limousines and were understandably impressed. There is, after all, much to be impressed about Kuala Lumpur. To them it was probably a vindication of the free enterprise system at whose altar Americans love to blindly worship. Did they, however, also learn about the massive corruption, the system of crony capitalism and the exploitation and abuse of migrant labour that fester beneath the surface? If they had, they might have been more nuanced in their assessment. Thirdly, their comment that Malaysia could serve as a democratic model for other Muslim countries is both condescending and insulting. Malaysia is, at best, a quasi-democracy. Our democratic space is already diminishing rapidly as a result of increasing limitations on press freedom, free expression and public assembly. Is this the kind of system that should serve as a template for democracy in other Muslim countries? Are the senators suggesting that this is the best that we are capable of or that the world expects no more from Muslim countries? Why shouldnt all governments, east or west, secular or religious, developed or developing not be expected to live up to minimum standards of freedom, human rights and good governance? Whatever the honourable senators might think, they should know that the flawed political system that masquerades as democracy has been found wanting by the people of Malaysia; just ask the tens of thousands of people who thronged Merdeka Square in April. By endorsing this stunted quasi-democratic model and, indeed, promoting it as an example to the Muslim world, the senators did a great disservice to the struggle for freedom and democracy everywhere. The problem with all too many American leaders is that they tend to view everything through the prism of their own narrow interests. For so long as foreign rulers toe the American line, buy American weapons and keep their markets open to American businessmen, they can do no wrong. American leaders get excited about freedom and democracy when it suits them but turn away when it is inconvenient. The principles and the ideals of their own constitution

apparently are not heartfelt enough to be incontrovertible always and everywhere. At the height of the so-called war on terror, for example, US senators and congressmen regularly trooped to Putrajaya to praise the way the Mahathir Administration dealt with suspected Islamic terrorists via the Internal Security Act. One senator even lamented the absence of ISA-like legislation in other Asian countries. The fact that detention without trial is contrary to the most basic principles of justice and that it was used to silence critics was conveniently ignored. I recall, as well, a meeting with then Secretary of State Colin Powell in mid-2001 at the State Department in Washington, D.C. Much to the chagrin of our foreign minister, Powell began by taking us to task on human rights and anti-Semitism. However, to our ministers relief, Powell quickly shifted track and then excitedly went on to talk about the sale of the latest American fighter jets to Malaysia. It was immediately clear that he had raised the issue of human rights and anti-Semitism purely for the record, and without conviction. It was, of course, business as usual for the country that Ronald Reagan, in a fit of triumphalism, called a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom -loving people everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr., a great and heroic American leader, once said, with reference to the struggle for civil rights in America, that in the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. The silence of Senators McCain and Lieberman concerning our struggle to build a better democracy in Malaysia is hugely disappointing. Worse still, their naive and ill-considered endorsement of Malaysias flawed and stunted governance model is a betrayal of the very ideals that America claims to champion across the world.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu Prayer at Night- 16th Rajab 1433 (6th June 2012) Narrated Hudhaifa (Radi-Allahu 'anhu): Whenever the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) got up for Tahajjud prayer he used to clean his mouth (and teeth) with Siwak.

Bukhari Vol. 2 : No. 237

The Triumph of Mercy Philosophy and Scripture in Mulla Sadra Mohammed Rustom - Author Click on image to enlarge Price: $80.00 Hardcover - 224 pages Release Date: October 2012 ISBN10: N/A ISBN13: 978-1-4384-43416 Price: $80.00 Electronic - 224 pages Release Date: October 2012 ISBN10: N/A ISBN13: 978-1-4384-4342-3

SUNY Press PDF eBook forthcoming.


Discusses philosopher Mull adrs commentary on the opening chapter of the Qur'n. This book investigates the convergence of philosophy, scriptural exegesis, and mysticism in the thought of the celebrated Islamic philosopher Mull adr (d. 1050/1640). Through a careful presentation of the theoretical and practical dimensions of adrs Qur'nic hermeneutics, Mohammed Rustom highlights the manner in which adr offers a penetrating metaphysical commentary upon the Ftia, the chapter of the Qur'n that occupies central importance in Muslim daily life. Engaging such medieval intellectual giants as Fakhr al-Dn al-Rz (d. 606/1210) and Ibn 'Arab (d. 638/1240) on the one hand, and the wider disciplines of philosophy, theology, Sufism, and Qur'nic exegesis on the other, adrs commentary upon the Ftia provides him with the opportunity to modify and recast many of his philosophical positions within a scripture-based framework. He thereby reveals himself to be a profound religious thinker who, among other things, argues for the salvation of all human beings in the afterlife. By focusing on adrs commentary on the Qur'ns opening chapter, Rustom shows how the great Iranian thinker created an original Qur'nic hermeneutics as well as a new ontology of the Qur'n. Rustoms book is a groundbreaking and richly detailed study of the way that adr both appropriated and transcended the Islamic traditions of theology, mysticism, philosophy, and scriptural exegesis. Robert Wisnovsky, author of Avicennas Metaphysics in Context

Mohammed Rustom has opened the door to a remarkable philosophical exegesis of the Qur'n in this pathbreaking study of the outstanding Iranian thinker of the seventeenth century, Mull adr. In the process, he clarifies the profound connections between philosophy, Sufism, and Islamic theology in adrs work. This absorbing study will be welcomed by anyone interested in the fundamental question of how reason interacts with revelation. Carl W. Ernst, author of How to Read the Qur'n: A New Guide, with Select Translations This first book-length survey of Mull adrs Qur'nic commentaries is a major contribution to the study of this seventeenth-century Muslim philosopher and to the field of philosophical exegesis in Islam. Mohammed Rustom presents adrs vision for the unity of the intellectual and transmitted sciences and gives us a complete picture of a first-rate thinker contemplating upon the Qur'n. He does an excellent job of contextualizing adrs Qur'nic hermeneutics within the framework of his Transcendent Wisdom and shows how scriptural reasoning complements philosophical vision. Based on an in-depth reading and translation of adrs key texts on Qur'nic exegesis, the book examines a much-neglected aspect of adrs thought and introduces the reader to the rich philosophical tapestry of the Islamic intellectual tradition. Ibrahim Kalin, author of Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mull adr on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition Mohammed Rustom is Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Carleton University. He is the coeditor (with Atif Khalil and Kazuyo Murata) of In Search of the Lost Heart: Explorations in Islamic Thought by William C. Chittick, also published by SUNY Press.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments Transliterations and Abbreviations Introduction 1. Qur'nic Hermeneutics Lord of the Heart Etiquette and Understanding Concept and Reality The Commands Decent The Souls Ascent 2. Formal Considerations Texts and Sources Structure and Content 3. Metaphysics

The Essence Names and their Loci 4. Cosmology The Act of Praise The Muhammadan Reality 5. Theology From Outer to Inner Idols of Belief The Religion of the Perfect Man 6. Soteriology I The Nature of Things The Essential and the Accidental 7. Soteriology II Paths to Mercy Divine Hands and Feet Intellectual and Scriptural Fidelity Revealing and Concealing Chastisements Sweetness

Conclusion Appendix 1: Some Key Texts from the Maft al-Ghayb Appendix 2: Key Texts from the Tafsr Srat al-Ftia Appendix 3: Passages from the Futt Reworked into the Tafsr Srat al-Ftia Notes Bibliography Index of Qur'nic Passages Index of adths and Sayings Index of Names and Terms
3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Quran We invite you to submit your papers on any aspect of research in the field of Quran and Quranic studies. All colleagues are invited to participate in this conference of The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Quran that will be held in Kuala Lumpur (MALAYSIA), on the 22nd 23rd September 2012.

GENERAL INFORMATION Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstract in Microsoft Word document electronically by May 10th, 2012. Conditions of the papers to be submitted must follow the given instructed below. All participants are required to send their curriculum vitae (CV) along with the abstract. The CV should contain their present position and contact

information (phone/hand phone number, fax, e-mail and P.O.B). The abstract and the CV should be sent to the following address as stated here. Then, after their abstract have been accepted by committee, they need to submit their full paperin Microsoft Word document electronically by July 1st, 2012. Conditions of the papers to be submitted must follow the given instructed described below:

1. The researcher should submit a one page abstract using the language of research in which he/she describes the research topic, objectives, methodology in addition to the topics relation to the Conference themes. The summary should be sent electronically with a short autobiography attached. (Due date abstract: 10 May 2012) 2. All submissions should be made in Arabic, Malay, French or English language. 3. The length of the paper should not exceed twenty pages, including footnotes and bibliography. 4. The research paper written in English, French or Malay should use Microsoft word, size 12pt. and footnotes 10 pt. For Arabic, the paper should use traditional Arabic font, size 16pt., and footnotes 12pt. 5. The papers should be paginated in the footer and not the header. 6. A complete alphabetic list of references should be placed at the end of the paper. 7. Papers will be subject to academic referral. The referral committee of the Centre of Quranic Research will select a number of excellent papers for publication in its academic journal.More details about the journal, please refer here. Secretariat 'The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Holy Qur'an ' Centre of Quranic Research (CQR) Level 13, Wisma R&D University of Malaya, Jalan Pantai Baharu, 59990 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Telephone contacts: For English/Melayu, please contact: +603-2246 3341 For Arabic, please contact: +603-7967 6059 Fax number: +603-2246 3345 or +603-7967 6221 Email: Website: Website (Arabic): Important dates for The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Holy Qur'an are as follows:

Dateline for submitting abstract Notification of abstract acceptance

: May 10th, 2012 : May 20th, 2012

Deadline for submitting full paper Notification of full paper acceptance Conference Date

: July 1st, 2012 : August 1st, 2012 : September 22nd - 23rd, 2012


NEW - CALL FOR PAPERS: The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Holy Qur'an The 3rd Annual International Qur'anic Conference 2013 (MUQADDAS III) [Coming Soon]

PREVIOUS The 2nd Annual International Qur'anic Conference 2012 (MUQADDAS II) Secretariat 'The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Holy Qur'an ' Centre of Quranic Research (CQR) Level 13, Wisma R&D University of Malaya, Jalan Pantai Baharu, 59990 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Telephone contacts: For English/Melayu, please contact: +603-2246 3341 For Arabic, please contact: +603-7967 6059 Fax number: +603-2246 3345 or +603-7967 6221 Email: Website: Website (Arabic): This Conference is organized by the following bodies:


1. 2.

The Centre of Quranic Research, University of Malaya The Moroccan Organization for Scientific Miracles in the Quran and the Sunnah in Morocco

Important Notes: Authors should take the following notes into consideration:

Submitted papers are subject to academic referral. The research should be objective and academic and adhere to academic methodology. The research paper should provide a brief literature survey on the research subject.

The abstract paper to be submitted must be sent electronically through the email at If there are any questions regarding this conference, please do not hesitate to contact us. AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS INVITED FOR PARTICIPATION:

1. Departments and Kulliyah of Quran in Islamic and international Universities. 2. Research centers of the Quran and Islamic Studies. 3. Specialized sciences. International themes. academic societies dedicated to the study of the Quran and its















6. Online websites, forums and blogs with content of the Quran and its sciences. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPENED The Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya in Malaysia with the collaboration of the Moroccan Organization for Scientific Miracles in the Quran and the Sunnah in Morocco is pleased to hold The 3rd International Conference for Numerical Miracles in the Quran. The conference aims at activating the scientific and knowledge interaction between researchers in the field of the Quran and Quranic studies. This conference is held under the recommendation of the International Committee for Numerical Miracles in the previous two conferences held in Rabat in Morocco. Thus, we are pleased to invite you to submit your papers in this conference, due to gain and foster the knowledge of numerical in Al-Quran and its miracles in these upcoming conference. We are looking forward to see you in this conference, insyaAllah.

Muhammad Abu Zahrah, Imam Fuqaha Dari Al-Azhar

Nama penuhnya ialah Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa Abu Zahrah dilahirkan pada 29 Mac 1898M di Mahallah al-Kubra, Mesir. Keluarganya adalah sebuah keluarga yang memelihara adab-adab agama dan nilai-nilai Islam. Dalam suasana tersebut, beliau dibesarkan dan memberi kesan terhadap pembentukan jiwa dan peribadinya. Ketika berusia sembilan tahun, beliau telah menghafal al-Quran dari guru-gurunya seperti Syeikh Muhammad Jamal, Imam Masjid Dahaniah, Syeikh Muhammad Hika, Imam Masjid Hanafi dan Syeikh Mursi al-Misri, Imam Masjid Syeikh Abu Rabah. Muhammad Abu Zahrah mengakui bahawa permulaan kehidupan ilmiahnya bermula dari pengajian dan penghafalan al-Quran. Dalam aspek pendidikan peringkat rendah, beliau melanjutkan pengajian di Sekolah Rendah alRaqiyyah dan ilmu-ilmu moden seperti Matematik dan lain-lain di samping ilmu agama dan bahasa Arab. Abu Zahrah meneruskan pengajian di Kolej al-Ahmadi al-Azhari di Masjid Ahmadi, Tanta pada tahun 1913. Pada tahun 1916, beliau memasuki Sekolah Kehakiman Syariah, Sekolah ini ditubuhkan pada tahun 1907 dan hanya mengambil pelajar yang cemerlang. Kolej ini dibina bertujuan melahirkan ahli feqah yang semasa dan pratikal yang bersesuaian dengan realiti masyarakat bagi mengisi jawatan hakim syari di Mesir. Kolej mempunyai sistem pendidikan yang lebih teratur dan pelengkap kepada al-Azhar. Di sinilah

Muhammad Abu Zahrah dididik terutama dari sudut pembentukan peribadi daripada guru-gurunya di situ seperi Abd Wahab Khalaf dan juga kehidupan ilmiah dengan membuat penyelidikan dan penulisan. Beliau belajar di kolej sehingga tahun 1925. Namun malangnya, kolej ini ditutup pada tahun 1923 dan pelajar-pelajar di pindahkan ke Dar Ulum, Kaherah. Hanya beberapa pelajar yang dibenarkan tamat sehingga tahun 1925. Apabila tamat di kolej tersebut, beliau memasuki Institut Latihan Kehakiman untuk menjadi peguam selama setahun. Pada tahun 1927, beliau belajar di Dar Ulum selama enam bulan bagi membolehkan ia memasuki peperiksaan bagi mendapat Sijil Dar Ulum. Antara guru-gurunya ialah Muhammad Atif Barakah (1872-1924), guru di Kolej Ahmadi, Tanta, Muhammad Faraj Shanhuri (1891-1977), Abdul Wahab Azam (1894-1959) Ahmad Ibrahim Bik, Muhammad Khudri al-Afifi, Abdul Wahab Khalaf, Abdul Jalil Isa, Muhammad al-Banna, Ali Khafif, Husain Wali, Ahmad Amin,Abdul Aziz al-Khuli, dan Mustafa Anai. Muhmmad Abu Zahrah pernah bekerja sebagai guru di Pusat Penyediaan Dar Ulum secara kontrak selama setahun (10 Oktober 1927-14 November 1928), kemudian beliau mengajar di sekolah menengah di Kaherah dan Suhaj selama dua tahun iaitu bermula dari tahun 1930 sehingga akhir tahun 1932. Pada awal 1933, beliau bertugas di Kuliah Usuluddin, Universiti al-Azhar. Beliau mengajar subjek khitabah (pengucapan) dan perbandingan agama. Pada masa ini, beliau telah menerbitkan buku Khitabah, Tarikh al-Jidal (Sejarah Perdebatan), Diyanat al-Qadimah (Agama-Agama Kuno), Muhadarat fi Nasraniah (Isu-Isu Dalam Agama Nasraniah). Beliau mengajar sebagai guru sepenuh masa di al-Azhar selama satu tahun dan lapan tahun sebagai guru pelawat apabila beliau berpindah ke Kuliah Undang-Undang, Universiti Kaherah. Beliau mengajar di Kuliah ini bermula pada 1 November 1934 di samping mengajar di al-Azhar. Sejak tahun 1942, beliau menumpukan sepenuhnya di Kuliah Undang-Undang dengan menjadi Ketua Jabatan Syariah sehinggalah persaraan beliau pada tahun 1958. Beliau terus mengajar dan menjadi pembimbing di peringkat Ijazah Tinggi sehinggalah beliau meningggal dunia. Beliau juga pernah menjadi Timbalan Dekan bagi Kuliah Undang-Undang selama lima tahun sehingga beliau bersara pada tahun 1958. Beliau digelar sebagai imam yang menunjukkan kealiman dalam ilmu. Namun menurut Abdul Halim Jundi, bahawa gelaran imam bukan sahaja menunjukkan kealiman dalam bdang ilmu atau gelaran yang diberikan oleh kerajaan tetapi pendirian dan keberanian dalam menyatakan kebenaran dalam isu-isu masyarakat. Syeikh Abdul Halim Mahmud mantan syeikh al-Azhar menyebutkan bahawa jika terdapat masalah dalam Lujnah Fatwa, maka kami akan merujuk kepada Muhammad Abu Zahrah. Beliau mempunyai pendirian yang tegas terutama dalam isu pengharaman riba. Menurutnya, pengharaman riba bagi memelihara kebajikan umat Islam. Muhammad Abu Zahrah seorang yang prihatin dan pakar dalam ilmu al-Quran dan tafsir. Semasa zaman beliau ditegah menulis di akhbar dan majalah dan bertugas di Universiti, beliau mula menulis mengenai al-Quran dengan mengarang buku Mukjizat al-Kubra al-Quran. Buku ini merupakan mukadimah dalam beliau mengarang tafsir al-Quran. Namun tafsir ini tidak sempat disempurnakan kerana beliau meninggal dunia terlebih dahulu. Sebahagian tafsir beliau ini telah diterbitkan Dar alFikir al-Arabi dalam 10 jilid yang berjudul Zahrah al-Tafasir.

Muhammad Abu Zahrah meninggal dunia pada petang hari Jumaat pada 12 April 1974 di Rumahnya di Zaitun, Kaherah ketika berumar 76 tahun. Beliau meninggal dunia ketika memegang pen untuk menulis tafsir al-Quran dalam surah al-Naml, ayat 19 yang bermaksud : Maka tersenyumlah Nabi Sulaiman mendengar kata-kata semut itu, dan berdoa dengan berkata:" Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatMu yang Engkau kurniakan

kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan masukkanlah daku - dengan limpah rahmatMu - dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh". (al-Naml, ayat 19)

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