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Nombre: Fecha:

To compare
Comparacion en Espaol: Ms que + adj. Menos que+ adj. Mayor que Menor que Mejor que Peor que

between people, things or activities use:

Comparacion en Ingls:

El futbl es ms popular que el golf.

Use a worst:

, to say that something is the best or the

El/la/los/las + noun + ms/menos + adj. + de

El basquetbl es deporte divertido la escuela.

Basketball is the most fun sport in the school. chicas talentosas de la clase.

Las animadoras son

The cheerleaders are the most talented girls in the class.

To make comparisons of To say

between people or things use: use: Tan + adj. + como

Correr es


la natacion = Running is just as popular as swimming.

To say



Tanto/a/os/as + noun + como

Hay bailarines cantantes en el teatro. = Thera are just as many dancers as singers in the theater.

Actividad de Practica:

Escribe la comparacin en espaol.

Colton is more talented than Kobe Bryant.


Colton is the most talented player in the school!


Colton is just as talented as Jeremy Lin.


Colton has just as many fans (aficionados) as Jeremy Lin.

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