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Programme: LECTURERs NAME:


Group Members:
Num. Name Matric Signature

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Submission Date: BEFORE 20th OCTOBER


Introduction In this part, student should gather or collect general information related to the basic concept of filter. The introduction should not be more than 2 or 3 paragraph. Objective The objective should be state not more than 2 objectives/functions of filter in electrical engineering. Theory / literature review This part is summarization theory of the selected case of filter type. The theory should describe basic/related equivalent circuit, graph, table and equation of the filter. Student also needs to describe the term and symbol that applied in the filter. This section should not be more than 3 pages. Finding Finding is an example of filter application in practical device/system. Student may choose any type of filter but must be in the context of active and passive filter. The finding and discussion should be written in concise explanation which covers brief introduction on how the practical device/system works and the function of filter circuit in the device. This section should not be more than 2 pages





Discussion In this section, student should be able to discuss what type of filter used in the application by analysing and categorizing the work function of filter based on theory/literature review. The discussion should not be more than 1 page.


Conclusion At the end of the assignment, student should be able to summarize or conclude the objective, theory, finding and discussion. All the information should relate each other. The conclusion should not be more than 1 paragraph. References The format of the references should follow the format as used in the module. References list should not less than 3 sources. Example: [1] Alexander C.K. & Sadiku M.N.O, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Fourth Edition, 2009.


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