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CEIP Ntra. Sra.

de Oreto y Zuqueca
Grantula de Cva. (Ciudad Real)

SCIENCE: The five senses



Cycle of Primary



NIVEL LINGSTICO: 2 Ciclo de Primaria IDIOMA: Ingls REA: Science Cultural Primaria Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y 3 de Educ.


8 sesiones

La unidad describe los distintos rganos de los sentidos especificando las partes ms importantes de cada uno de ellos y la funcin principal que llevan a cabo.

- Conocimiento e interaccin con el mundo fsico: Interpretar algunos aspectos del mundo que rodea al alumnado: distinguir los cinco sentidos de una persona, sus rganos principales, conocer sus partes y sus funciones. Interactuar con el mundo fsico reconociendo todo lo aprendido en la clase mediante la observacin del medio. Desarrollar habilidades para desenvolverse adecuadamente y con autonoma en los distintos mbitos de la vida. - Comunicacin lingstica: Ampliar y repasar el vocabulario relacionado con los sentidos. Utilizar el lenguaje como instrumento de comunicacin oral y escrita as como de representacin, interpretacin y comprensin de la realidad del alumnado. 2

- Social y ciudadana: comprender algunos problemas con los que se encuentra el medio en la actualidad intentando analizar las causas y proponiendo soluciones para preservarlo. - Tratamiento de la informacin y competencia digital: el alumnado desarrolla habilidades para buscar, obtener, procesar y comunicar informacin acerca de la funcin de relacin de las personas y los sentidos. Dicha informacin provendr de distintas fuentes ya sea a travs de las TIC, enciclopedias, libros, etc. - Aprender a aprender: atender y concentrarse durante las audiciones, explicaciones y visualizaciones. Comprender los contenidos mediante los mecanismos adquiridos. Observar y registrar diferentes olores, sabores, sonidos o sensaciones tctiles. Utilizar los recursos necesarios de forma eficaz. - Autonoma e iniciativa personal y competencia emocional: adquirir inters y gusto personal por realizar todas las actividades individualmente o en equipo. Desarrollar habilidades sociales como ponerse en el lugar del otro, valorar las ideas de los dems y trabajar de forma cooperativa en las actividades grupales.

1- Reconocer los sentidos: la vista, el odo, el olfato, el gusto y el tacto. 2- Identificar los rganos sensoriales y entender cmo trabajan. 3- Relacionar los sentidos de vista y odo con sus rganos correspondientes. 4- Reconocer cada una de las partes de los ojos y los odos. 5- Distinguir entre oir y escuchar. 6- Apreciar la importancia de los sentidos de vista y odo. 7- Relacionar los sentidos de olor, sabor y tacto con sus rganos correspondientes. 8- Reconocer las diferentes partes y las funciones de la nariz, boca y piel. 3

9- Apreciar la importancia de los sentidos para obtener informacin.


1- The senses of human body: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. 2- The sense organs and how they work. 3- Organs of the senses of sight and hearing. 4- Parts of the eyes and ears. 5- Importance of the senses of sight and hearing. 6- Senses of smell, taste and touch and their corresponding organs. 7- Parts and functions of the nose, mouth and skin.

Mapas conceptuales Word Search Crucigramas Experimentos: smells, sounds,

ESTRUCTURAS: - Senses are - Which part? - In which? - I can/ I cant - Is there a ? - Yes, it is/ No, it isnt - I can see with my I can hear with my VOCABULARIO: - The senses - rgans of the senses and their parts.

1- Reconoce los sentidos: la vista, el odo, el olfato, el gusto y el tacto. 2- Identifica los rganos sensoriales y entiende cmo trabajan. 3- Relaciona los sentidos de vista y odo con sus rganos correspondientes. 4- Reconoce cada una de las partes de los ojos y los odos. 5- Distingue entre oir y escuchar. 6- Aprecia la importancia de los sentidos de vista y odo. 7- Relaciona los sentidos de olor, sabor y tacto con sus rganos correspondientes. 8- Reconoce las diferentes partes y las funciones de la nariz, boca y piel. 9- Aprecia la importancia de los sentidos para obtener informacin.


Material didctico en fichas fotocopiables y formato pdf, material de audio, diferentes olores, sabores lminas, posters, internet, vdeos de youtube sobre los sentidos, blog de la clase de 3 y 4, blog de ingls del colegio ...


Look at this picture and then click on it, you can watch a video

about the five senses.

These videos will help you to know more about all the senses we have .
Can you play with your 5 senses? Click on the pictures.

Do you know how your five senses work? Your mission

here is to investigate and understand how the five senses work. You have to work with different objects and listen to different kinds of noises! Get ready to use your senses! Explore all about the five senses, click on the first sense to start:
Smell Taste Touch Hearing Sight

Great job investigating your five senses! You have completed your mission. Now you know how important all your senses are and how they work.

Remember and write in your notebook, please!

Oral practice with your partner.

Here you have an image with small pictures. Pay attention,

you have to guess and complete the sentences.

I use my sight sense to .. I use my smell sense to .. I use my hearing sense to .. I use my taste sense to .. I use my touch sense to ..

Read and learn: The

eye is the organ of sight



ear is the organ of hearing



nose is the organ of smell.

The receptors for taste, called taste buds, are situated chiefly in the



The sense of touch is distributed through the body in the




Students will separate into small groups: Group 1: Sight -- observe different objects and describe what they look like them with their words Group 2: Sound -- Listen to different animal noises from a cd and make predictions on what it will be. Group 3: Taste -- Without looking, tasting cut up, skinned apples and pears and trying to figure out which one is which. Another option would be to have sugar and salt and try to guess by taste which one is which. Group 4: Touch -- Use descriptive words to explain the sensations of touching: sand, cotton balls, rice, etc. Try to incorporate all sensations: rough, soft, smooth, sticky, etc. Group 5: Smell -- Without looking, smell the various samples: cut lemon, popcorn, fresh baked cookies, etc. Then make a prediction on a piece of paper what each object is. *

Using this worksheet, draw pictures or write words in the appropriate with their observations.



Can you learn and sing this song?


These are very easy exercises. Can you complete them?



Look and learn more about our senses. The Simpsons help




Choose one of these minibooks about the senses

and finish the work.



Look and find the words. Then you have to write

sentences with then in your notebook.



Children have to bring an apple to the classroom and

then they think and say something about their sensations with this fruit. First they are in pairs and then in great group.



Test: The five senses

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

1.- Can you complete the five senses?

2.- Write the verbs in the correct place.

1. I can _______________ with my eyes. 2. I can _______________ with my tongue. 3. I can _______________ with my ears.


4. I can _______________ with my nose. 5. I can _______________ with my skin.

2.- Write the correct word.

I use my sight sense to .. I use my smell sense to .. I use my hearing sense to .. I use my taste sense to .. I use my touch sense to ..

3.- Write the five senses and draw the main organs.

4.- Look at the picture below and make ten sentences,

two with each sense, write the correct verb and choose the pictures you want.


_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


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