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A list of 100 French adjectives:

angry ashamed athletic bad weather annoyed boring brave calm cloudy cold confident confused cool delighted exhausted fat foggy freezing friendly funny handsome happy hardworking heavy hot humid impatient in a hurry interesting kind lazy lonely

fch confus sportif mauvais ennuy ennuyeux courageux tranquille nuageux froid assur dsorient frais ravi puis gros du brouillard gle amical drle beau, joli heureux travailleur lourd chaud humide impatient press intressant gentil paresseux solitaire

mean naive nervous nice nice out outgoing patient patriotic pouring pretty raining sad scared serious short shy smart snowing sorry stormy strong stupid sunny tall tan thin tired ugly unfriendly weak windy worried

List of French Adjectives mchant African naf Algerian nerveux Asian sympa Australian beau Belgium ouvert Brazilian patient Canadian patriotique Chinese pleut verse Dutch belle, jolie Egyptian pleut English triste European effray French srieux German petit Italian timide Japanese intelligent Mexican neige Moroccan navr Polish orageux Portuguese fort Russian stupide Spain du soleil grand bronz mince fatigu moche, laid froid faible du vent inquiet

Africain(e) Algrien(ne) Asiatique Australien(ne) Belge Brsilien(ne) Canadien(ne) Chinois(e) Nerlandais(e) gyptien(ne) Anglais(e) Europen(ne) Franais(e) Allemand(e) Italien(ne) Japonais(e) Mexicain(e) Marocain(e) Polonais(e) Portugais(e) Russe Espagnol(e)

United States Amricain(e) black blue brown gold gray green orange pink purple red silver white yellow noir/e bleu/e brun/e (or) marron dor/e gris/e vert/e orange rose pourpre (or) violet/te rouge argent/e blanc/he jaune

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