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Grade Book for Second Grade General Music

Singing Voice Paige 2.5 -Was in singing voice for the majority of the time, had trouble with the high notes at times 2 - Singing voice part of the time, very low singing range 3 - Great use of light singing voice even on higher notes in the register 3 -Was in singing voice with a fairly light sound quality 1 - Was not in singing voice, even during group responses he could get over the break Melodic Accuracy 2.5 -Pitches were accurate and in tune pretty well, often fished for high note 2 -Lower pitches were correct many times but higher ones were not achieved 3 - Melodic accuracy was spot on, did not fish around for pitches. 3 -Pitches were accurate and in tune 1.5 -Pitches were not achieved but melodic contour was followed Breath Support (Energy) Posture 1.5 - Very little support of breath causing little vocal projection and heavier voice quality 1 -Virtually no breath support producing speaking range voice qualities 3 - Good supported breath resulting in great voice projection 2 -Decent overall, could have more support for better voice projection 2 - Enough so voice was heard but virtually inaudible outside of solo singing 2.5 -Decent posture, shoulders started good and became shrugged as assessment went on 1 - Not ideal, slouched posture, also shifting while singing a lot (could be nerves of singing unassisted) 2 -Overall good, he tends to move around and twist when singing that affects his sound negatively 3 -Great posture, standing tall, shoulders back, chest outwards 2 -Shoulders were slouched and chest was not out affecting his sound quality


Nathaniel R.



Grade Book Rubric: 3 = Task was completed as intended to the fullest extent 2 = Task was completed as intended but could still use improvement 1 = Task was not quite completed as intended requiring much more improvement Overall Impressions: The class as a group performs very well and produces a wonderful singing sound. However, it was remarkable to see how much class uses each other for support. Even though I only assessed part of the group only two related to the full light sound the entire group showed, while the rest in some regard had more difficulty. Each child has a lot of strengths related to their singing, but now it is time to hone the singing needs of the students whether it is posture, accuracy, breath support, in order to make the individual and group sound better as well as making it more fun.

345/395B: Class Observation Establishing Current Class Achievement

Your Name __Patrick Altmire________________________ Grade Level _2nd ___ Class meeting time 9:00-9:40


Activity Greeting - hello Small groups Grizzly Break

Skill Level A/O/K

Content Minor-

Level of Achievement Speaking range many; some in initial range Patting MB - OK Singing, many accurate with pitches, several in initial range As a group ok Many struggled individually as they could not get all pitches in singing voice Patting MB-good Singing- many not in full singing voice, heavier quality, little accuracy at top of range Several students internalized rhythm,


Minor Duple MB, mb, Dynamics- mf, p Minor, Tonic

Tonal Rondo


A/O/K MLK Song

Major, duple

Four Corners


March Microbeat

Rhythm Patterns (Four Corners)


Duple, MB mb

A/O/K Rhythmic Ostinato

Triple, MB mb

Many did not and did not march in time Class could recognize patterns and apply syllables, individuals had trouble originally but when given more time to think success was better Patting MB/Swayingwas good, majority of students correct, Chant-also good, some students have difficulty but tempo stayed consistent

Nice on the Ice Song


Minor, Triple

Penny Key Button


Patting MB- good Singing- many had difficulty with pitches above the break, either couldnt reach them or fished for the pitch Major, tonic patterns Group sings fairly well, Individuals in speaking or initial range follow those in singing voice

Class Achievement: Overall, the class seems to be making a good amount of progress with their objectives. There are several people in the class that have a good understanding of the objectives and can perform the tasks very well. Tonally, they seem to understand and perform the difference between major and minor songs/ tonal patterns but the range for many is an issue as they are unable to reach to higher notes in some songs. Also these less developed voices tend to be more reserved and follow the voice of someone who can sing the complete range. Rhythmically, the students as a class have a good understanding of both duple and triple macro and micro beats, though as seen in marching exercises many have trouble internalizing the micro beat while only a few have difficulty internalizing the macro. In the duple patterns they can understand and repeat back patterns and in most cases when given enough time to think they can recognize patterns and produce the syllables. Overall Impressions: The class performs well together. They have a nice support system going where the individuals who can fully complete the task whether it be singing or rhythmic have better understanding tend to perform more confidently providing a model for the less skilled to follow and work towards. As with the individual assessment in all objectives, especially singing ones you really get a gauge on how many can actually sing the songs in correct pitches and range and it is often much less than originally perceived in the group setting. With rhythmic concerns, this support system is less apparent as seen in activities like marching to the micro beat where many students have difficulty. With patterns, most students can identify them individually if given enough time to process the patterns. This group is coming along at a good rate and there seems to be a noticeable amount of improvement each week in one student or another.

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