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Americas treatment of their little brown brothers in the Philippines in 1899 was similar to that of a) The treatment of the Panamanians during the building of the Panama Canal b) McKinleys benevolent assimilation c) The United Fruit Companys ousting of Queen Liliuokalani d) The treatment of the Cuban under Valeriano Weyler e) Japanese laborers in California 2. Roosevelts use of this did more to promote a bad Neighbor policy and a Yankee Lake than promote democracy a) Big Stick diplomacy b) Roosevelt Corollary c) Monroe Doctrine d) Dollar Diplomacy e) Cowboy Diplomacy 3. Which of the following was not a reason for the creation of the Panama Canal a) a shortcut to the Pacific Ocean b) Increased trade and faster shipping c) Increased influence by the U.S. in Central America d) Increased revenue from trade e) A shortcut to the Indian Ocean 4. A major factor in the shift in American foreign policy toward imperialism in the late nineteenth century was a) the need for additional population b) the desire for more farmland c) the construction of an American-built isthmian canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean d) the closing of the frontier e) the need for overseas markets for increased industrial and agricultural goods 5. Alfred T. Mahan argued that a) The U.S. should construct a fleet of battleships b) Free trade was essential to a nations economic health c) Control of the seas was crucial to the United States world domination d) An isthmian canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific was impossible e) The United States should continue its policy of isolationism


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