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RADIATION SOLAR WATER HEATER Solar water heater is water heating system with convert solar energy as radiation

from the sun to heating water on the system. Radiation is a form of heat transfer that occurs to the
random motion of photons. 1. Main component of solar water heater

a. Heat Absorb Collector is equals available area for absorbing the sunlight. To be efficient and effective Heat Absorb Collector must have a component that absorbs heat
sensitive and well insulated.

b. Saving Tank is the place for save the hot water from heat absorb collector. To be
efficient and effective, saving thank should be wrapped with well insulation to keep the heat that has been achieved is not easily lost, it is just like thermos bottle used to save hot water. Function of the absorber plate in the collector is to absorb solar radiation, and then convert it to be heat energy. This energy is transferred by conduction and convection to the water flowing in the pipe. The more absorbent surface area, the more radioation energy that can plate absorb. The rate of radiation and convection heat loss increases. In addition to the plate area, plate shape, color, intensity of solar radiation, water flow rate, and others affect the collector performance.

Picture 1. Solar Water Heater System 2. Solar Panels Construction

Construction consists of several main components: 1. Absorber plate in the form of a flat plate, usually painted black 2. Water pipes attached to the absorber plate containing water 3. Transparent cover in the form of glass 4. Thermal insulation is placed on the bottom of the absorber plate.

3. Tools and Materials

Solar water heater Instrument of solar radiation Q (solarimeter) Thermometer (2 pieces) Stopwatch (1 piece)

4. Experimental Procedure
Prepare lab equipment such as Solar water heater, instrument of solar radiation, thermometer and stopwatch Installing solar radiation instrument in the appropriate place. Install a solar water heater panels are black and white, right above the sun's position Turning solar water heater Measure the temperature of the water in, water out, the temperature of the glass, and the walls on each panel write the experimental data Repeat the experiment up to 14 times the experimental data

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