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Van der Graaf Generator

Van der Graaf Generator

Guy Evans y Hugh Banton Datos generales Origen Mnchester, Inglaterra,

Reino Unido Informacin artstica Gnero(s) Rock Rock Rock experimental de 19671972, 19751978, 2005presente progresivo psicodlico

Perodo actividad Discogrfica(s) Web Sitio web Miembros Hugh Peter Guy Evans

Charisma, Mercury Records,Polydor Records

Banton Hammill

Antiguos miembros David Nic Chris Graham Smith Jackson Potter Smith


Van der Graaf Generator fue uno de los grupos ms importantes del rock progresivo ingls de los aos 1970. Fueron los primeros artistas que firmaron para la compaa Charisma Records. La banda alcanz un considerable xito en Italia. Las principales caractersticas de Van der Graaf Generator (VdGG) eran la combinacin de la voz dinmica de Peter Hammill y lossaxofones tratados electrnicamente de David Jackson, generalmente sobre pistas de diversas clases de teclados (como el rgano Hammond o el clavinet de Hohner). Los discos de VdGG tendieron a ser de una atmsfera ms oscura que otros grupos de msica progresiva (un ttulo que compartieron con King Crimson, cuyo guitarrista, Robert Fripp, aparece en dos de sus lbumes), aunque los solosde guitarra son una excepcin en vez de una regla.

3 Hammill era el principal letrista del grupo y, a menudo, la lnea entre la msica escrita para su carrera de solista y para su banda era difusa. El nombre del grupo est basado en un equipo elctrico diseado para producir electricidad esttica, el Generador de Van de Graaff. El nombre fue sugerido por uno de los primeros miembros del grupo, Chris Judge Smith. El error ortogrfico fue accidental. Historia del grupo Formacin e inicios de la carrera Van der Graaf Generator se form en 1967 cuando varios de sus miembros estudiaban en la Universidad de Mnchester. El tro estaba constituido por Peter Hammill (guitarra y voces), Nick Pearne (rgano) y Chris Judge Smith (percusin e instrumentos de viento). Gracias a un demo, Mercury Records le ofreci a esta primera encarnacin de la banda (orientada al blues y al jazz) un contrato de grabacin que solo firm Peter Hammill, a la sazn, de 19 aos. En 1968, Pearne fue reemplazado por Hugh Banton. El grupo fue capaz de asegurarse a Tony StrattonSmith como manejador a tiempo completo. A travs de l, el grupo se hizo con los servicios de un bajista llamado Keith Ian Ellis. El baterista Guy Evans se uni al poco tiempo. Esta formacin grab una serie de cintas demos para Mercury, antes de sacar un disco sencillo (que inclua los temas "The People You Were Going To" y "Firebrand") para Polydor Records. El disco sencillo fue publicado bajo presin de Mercury, pues haba violado el contrato como solista de Hammill. Aunque el grupo toc en el programa Top Gear de BBC Radio 1 en noviembre y que estaba desarrollando un tour exitoso, se separ principios de 1969. El robo de un vehculo y del equipo del grupo en Londres se uni a las presiones que condujeron a esto, en combinacin con el rechazo de Mercury para cancelar el contrato como solista de Hammill y la negativa del grupo para firmar en los inconvenientes trminos con que Hammill lo haba hecho. En julio de 1969, Hammill fue a grabar su primer disco como solista en Trident Studios. Banton, Evans y Ellis se le unieron como msicos de estudio. A travs de un convenio negociado por su manager, el planeado lbum como solista de Hammill, The Aerosol Grey Machine, fue publicado por Mercury bajo el nombre del grupo en pago de liberar a Hammill de su contrato como solista. Inicialmente, el lbum solo fue publicado en los Estados Unidos. Lo primero que hizo Tony Stratton-Smith luego de fundar Charisma Records fue firmar al grupo. Sin embargo, antes de grabar su segunda produccin, titulada The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other, Ellis abandon la banda (posteriormente, se unira por un breve tiempo a Juicy Lucy y a una encarnacin de Iron Butterfly) por lo que debi ser reemplazado por Nic Potter, adems, David Jackson (saxofn y flauta) se uni al personal de la banda. Perodo clsico

4 Con la grabacin de The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other se empez a establecer un sonido nuevo en la banda, el cual dejaba atrs la influencia psicodlica de The Aerosol Grey Machine en favor de texturas musicales ms oscuras influenciadas por el jazz y la msica clsica. The Least We Can Do... fue muy bien recibido y sera seguido por un disco de ttulo oscuro y que seguira adelante con la evolucin musical de la banda: H to He, Who Am the Only One. Potter abandon durante las grabaciones del disco nuevo y el grupo decidi arreglrselas sin un bajista, haciendo que Banton sustituyera el bajo con ayuda de los pedales bajos del rgano. En la cancin "The Emperor In His War Room", aparece la colaboracin del guitarrista Robert Fripp. As las cosas, el cuarteto integrado por Hammill, Banton, Jackson y Evans que result de la grabacin del lbum H to He es considerado ahora como la formacin "clsica" de VdGG y, sin ningn cambi procedi a grabar el lbum Pawn Hearts, considerado como uno de los mejores trabajos de la agrupacin. Solo contiene tres temas: "Lemmings", "Man-Erg" y la pieza conceptual de 23 minutos llamada "A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers", muy acorde con los tiempos, pues otras bandas del movimiento progresivo tambin grabaron durante esos aos canciones de larga duracin. De nuevo, Fripp hizo una aparicin en el disco como guitarrista. El lbum result ser altamente exitoso en Italia, encabezando las listas de discos ms vendidos durante doce semanas. La banda realiz una gira por Italia durante unas semanas, sin embargo, los conciertos estuvieron plagados por militantes de diferentes organizaciones extremistas, desde las Brigadas Rojashasta del neofascismo. El grupo viaj por varias ciudades desde 1970 hasta 1972, pero sin contar con apoyo de la compaa discogrfica y, posiblemente, experimentando dificultades econmicas que acabaron con la separacin del grupo y llevaron a Hammill a seguir con una carrera como solista. Los otros tres miembros de la banda grabaron un disco instrumental con Nic Potter, Ced Curtis y Piero Messina, usando el nombre "The Long Hello". El disco homnimo fue editado en 1973 en msica. Primera reunin 1975-1978 La separacin de Hammill del grupo fue en buenos trminos y los mismos Banton, Jackson y Evans, entre otros, contribuyeron a su trabajo solista en varias oportunidades. Alrededor de 1975 los integrantes del grupo estuvieron listos para trabajar juntos de nuevo y, en solo doce meses, grabaron tres discos nuevos. Las sesiones fueron producidas por el propio grupo (los discos anteriores de VdGG haban sido producidos por John Anthony en los estudios Trident), y, en cierta forma mostraban un sonido ms tenso y sistemtico. Godbluff, en particular, mostraba a Hammill haciendo un uso significativo del clavinet de Hohner. Still Life apareci el mismo ao. Luego del disco World Record, se alejaron de la banda Banton y luego Jackson. Nic Potter regres y, en un giro tpicamente excntrico, Banton fue reemplazado por un violinista, Graham Smith. Esta formacin produjo el disco The Quiet Zone/The Pleasure Dome. Asimismo, el grupo acort su nombre a 'Van der Graaf'. Despus de The Quiet Zone/The Pleasure Dome solo grabaron un disco ms, una vez que Charles Dickie se hubiera unido al grupo en el cello, apareci el doble disco en vivo Vital. Cuando fue publicado, ya el grupo se haba separado, en el verano de 1978, otra vez, de manera amistosa.

5 Un disco de material "nuevo" fue publicado despus de la separacin. Time Vaults es una coleccin de grabaciones de tomas y ensayos hechas entre 1972 y 1975. Sin embargo, la calidad del sonido vara de estndar para demos a muy pobre. Segunda reunin, 2005 Banton, Jackson y Evans hicieron apariciones ocasionales en los discos solistas de Hammill posteriores a la separacin de 1978 y los miembros de la formacin clsica de la banda tocaron juntos ocasionalmente. En 1991, tocaron varias canciones en la fiesta de cumpleaos de la esposa de David Jackson. En 1996, el cuarteto apareci en un concierto que ofrecan Peter Hammill y Guy Evans en el Union Chapel de Londres para interpretar "Lemmings". En 2003, Banton, Jackson y Evans se unieron a Hammill pare tocar la cancin "Still Life" en el Queen Elizabeth Hall deLondres. Ninguna de estas apariciones fueron anunciadas a la audiencia con antelacin. Esta ltima aparicin llev a los miembros del grupo a escribir y ensayar material nuevo en el verano de 2004. Un disco doble llamado Present, fue el producto de esta reunin de la banda y fue publicado en abril de 2005. El 6 de mayo de 2005 se celebr un concierto de reunin en el Royal Festival Hall, en Londres, seguido por una gira por Europa durante el verano y el otoo de 2005. El concierto ofrecido en Leverkusen, Alemania del 5 de noviembre de 2005 fue filmado para un programa llamado "Rockpalast" y transmitido el 15 de enero de 2006. Peter Hammill afirm en un boletn de noticias de diciembre de 2005 que no haba planes para ms conciertos o grabaciones por parte de la formacin clsica de VdGG en el futuro cercano. No obstante, la revista Mojo anunci en julio de 2006 que el grupo estaba dispuesto a grabar y presentarse en vivo. En septiembre de 2006, Hammill anunci que el grupo continuara como un tro, sin Jackson. Formacin actual

Peter Hammill - guitarra, piano elctrico y voces (1967-1978, 2005-) Hugh Banton - rgano (1968-1976, 2005-) Guy Evans - batera (1968-1978, 2005-)

Miembros de formaciones anteriores

David Jackson - saxofn y flauta (1970-1977, 1978, 2005) Chris Judge Smith - voces, batera e instrumentos de viento (1967) Nick Pearne - rgano (1967) Keith Ian Ellis - bajo (1968) Nic Potter - bajo (1970, 1977-1978) Graham Smith - violn (1977-1978) Charles Dickie - cello (1978)

6 Las distintas formaciones de la banda

1967: Peter Hammill, Nick Pearne, Chris Judge Smith 1968: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton, Keith Ian Ellis 1970: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton, David Jackson, Nic Potter 1970: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton, David Jackson 1975: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton, David Jackson 1977: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Nic Potter, Graham Smith 1978: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Nic Potter, Graham Smith, Charles Dickie, David Jackson 2005: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton, David Jackson 2006: Peter Hammill, Guy Evans, Hugh Banton


Studio Album, released in 1969 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Afterwards (4:58) 2. Orthenthian St. (Part I) (2:23) 3. Orthenthian St. (Part II) (3:53) 4. Running Back (6:32) 5. Into a Game (5:56) 6. Aerosol Grey Machine (0:56) 7. Black Smoke Yen (1:18) 8. Aquarian (8:27) 9. Necromancer (3:30) 10. Octopus (7:41) 11. Giant Squid* (3:19) 12. Ferret & Featherbird** (4:34) 13. People You Were Going To*** (2:44) 14. Firebrand*** (4:08) Total Time: 60:20 *USA Mercury LP release included no 11 in place of no 09

** The FIE! Records CD release includes no 9 and 11 with one Extra No 12 *** The Repertoire CD misses no 11, but contains no 13 and no 14 as additional tracks these 2 songs were first published in 1968 as a single. Line-up / Musicians - Hugh Banton / piano, organ, backing vocals - Keith Ellis / bass, backing vocals - Guy Evans / drums, percussion - Peter Hammill / lead vocals, acoustic guitar - Jeff Peach / flute


Studio Album, released in 1970 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Darkness (11/11) (7:27) 2. Refugees (6:22) 3. White Hammer (8:15) 4. Whatever Would Robert Have Said? (6:17) 5. Out Of My Book (4:07) 6. After The Flood (11:28) Total Time: 43:56 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 7. Boat of millions of years (3:50) 8. Refugees (single version) (5:24)


Studio Album, released in 1970 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Killer (8:07) 2. House With No Door (6:03) 3. The Emperor In His War-Room (9:04) - a) The Emperor - b) The Room 4. Lost (11:13) - a) The Dance In Sand And Sea - b) The Dance In The Frost 5. Pioneers Over C. (12:05) Total Time: 46:32 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 6. Squid 1 / Squid 2 / Octopus (15:24) 7. The Emperor In His War-Room (first version) (8:50)

Studio Album, released in 1971 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Lemmings (11:39) 2. Man-Erg (10:21) 3. A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers (23:04) a) Eyewitness b) Pictures / Lighthouse c) Eyewitness d) S.H.M. e) Presence of the Night f) Kosmos Tours g) (Custard's) Last Stand h) The Clot Thickens i) Land's End j) We Go Now Total Time: 45:04 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 4. Theme One (original mix) (3:15) 5. W (first version) (5:04)

6. Angle of Incidents (4:48) 7. Ponker's Theme (1:28) 8. Diminutions (6:00)

Studio Album, released in 1975 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. The Undercover Man (7:00) 2. Scorched Earth (10:10) 3. Arrow (8:15) 4. The Sleepwalkers (10:26) Total Time: 35:51 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 5. Forsaken Gardens (live) (12:23) 6. A Louse is Not a Home (live) (10:26)

Studio Album, released in 1976 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Pilgrims (7:07) 2. Still Life (7:20) 3. La Rossa (9:47) 4. My Room (Waiting for Wonderland) (8:09) 5. Childlike Faith in Childhood's End (12:20) Total Time: 44:45 Bonus track on remaster (2005): 6. Gog (live) (12:23)


Studio Album, released in 1976 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. When She Comes (7:58) 2. A Place to Survive (10:00) 3. Masks (6:55) 4. Meurglys III, The Songwriter's Guild (20:47) 5. Wondering (6:33) Total Time: 52:13 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 6. When She Comes (8:10) * 7. Masks (7:24) *


Studio Album, released in 1977 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Lizard Play (4:29) 2. The Habit of the Broken Heart (4:40) 3. The Siren Song (6:04) 4. Last Frame (6:13) 5. The Wave (3:14) 6. Cat's Eye / Yellow Fever (Running) (5:20) 7. The Sphinx in the Face (5:58) 8. Chemical World (6:10) 9. The Sphinx Returns (1:12) Total time: 43:20 Bonus tracks on remaster (2005): 10. Door (3:28) 11. The Wave (instrumental) (3:03) 12. Ship of Fools (single version) (3:43)


Studio Album, released in 2005 Songs / Tracks Listing CD One: SONGS - 37:29 1. Every Bloody Emperor (7:03) 2. Boleas Panic (6:50) 3. Nutter Alert (6:11) 4. Abandon Ship! (5:07) 5. In Babelsberg (5:30) 6. On the Beach (6:48) CD Two: IMPROVISATIONS - 65:21 1. Vulcan Meld (7:19) 2. Double Bass (6:34) 3. Slo Moves (6:24) 4. Architectural Hair (8:55) 5. Spanner (5:03) 6. Crux (5:50) 7. Manuelle (7:51) 8. 'Eavy Mate (3:51) 9. Homage to Teo (4:45) 10. The Price of Admission (8:49) Total Time: 102:50


Studio Album, released in 2008 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. The Hurlyburly (4:34) 2. Interference Patterns (3:49) 3. The Final Reel (5:47) 4. Lifetime (4:43) 5. Drop Dead (4:44) 6. Only in a Whisper (6:43) 7. All That Before (6:26) 8. Over the Hill (12:26) 9. (We Are) Not Here (4:04) Total Time: 53:16

Studio Album, released in 2011 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Your Time Starts Now (4:14) 2. Mathematics (3:38) 3. Highly Strung (3:36) 4. Red Baron (2:23) 5. Bunsho (5:02) 6. Snake Oil (5:20) 7. Splink (2:37) 8. Embarrassing Kid (3:06) 9. Medusa (2:12) 10. Mr. Sands (5:22) 11. Smoke (2:30) 12. 5533 (2:42) 13. All Over The Place (6:03) Total Time: 48:45


Studio Album, released in 2012 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Earlybird 2. Extractus 3. Sackbutt 4. Colossus 5. Batty Loop 6. Splendid 7. Repeat After Me 8. Elsewhere 9. Here's One I Made Earlier 10. Midnite Or So 11. D'Accord 12. Mackerel Ate Them 13. Tuesday, The Riff 14. Dronus


Live, released in 1978 Songs / Tracks Listing 1978 Original double LP: SIDE ONE 1. Ship Of Fools 2. Still Life 3. Last Frame SIDE TWO 1. Mirror Images 2. Medley (Parts Of 'A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers' And 'The Sleepwalkers') SIDE THREE 1. Pioneers Over C 2. Sci-Finance SIDE FOUR 1. Door 2. Urban 3. Nadir's Big Chance 1989 CD release: 1. Ship Of Fools (6:44) 2. Still Life (9:43) 3. Last Frame (8:59) 4. Mirror Images (5:48) 5. Medley: a) Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers b) Sleepwalkers (13:47) 6. Pioneers Over C (16:59) 7. Door (5:29) 8. Urban / Killer / Urban (7:36) Total Time : 75:09 2005 Remastered Edition double CD: DISC ONE 1. Ship Of Fools (6:43) 2. Still Life (9:42) 3. Last Frame (9:02) 4. Mirror Images (5:50) 5. Medley: a) Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers b) Sleepwalkers (13:41) DISC TWO 1. Pioneers Over C (17:00) 2. Sci-Finance (6:16) 3. Door (6:00) 4. Urban / Killer / Urban (8:20) 5. Nadir's Big Chance (7:00) Total Time: 89:34



Live, released in 1994 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Darkness (7:21) 2. Man-Erg (11:08) 3. Scorched Earth (9:42) 4. Sleepwalkers (10:01) 5. Still Life (7:22) 6. La Rossa (10:01) 7. When She Comes (8:10) 8. Masks (7:24) Total Time: 71:09 Line-up / Musicians - Peter Hammill / vocals, guitars, keyboards - Guy Evans / drums - Hugh Banton / organ, bass pedals and guitar - David Jackson / saxes, flutes


Live, released in 2007 Songs / Tracks Listing DISC ONE - 70:10 1. The Undercover Man (8:29) 2. Scorched Earth (10:05) 3. Refugees (6:01) 4. Every Bloody Emperor (7:36) 5. Lemmings (13:20) 6. (In The) Black Room (11:16) 7. Nutter Alert (6:05) 8. Darkness (7:20) DISC TWO - 58:36 1. Masks (6:47) 2. Childlike Faith In Childhood's End (12:34) 3. The Sleepwalkers (10:44) 4. Man-Erg (11:36) 5. Killer (9:55) 6. Wondering (7:01) Total Time: 128:46 Line-up / Musicians - Peter Hammill / guitars, vocals, piano - Guy Evans / drums - David Jackson / saxophones, flute - Hugh Banton / organ Releases information Released by Fie! Records in 2007; recorded live at The Royal Festival Hall, London, 6th May 2005


Live, released in 2009 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Lemmings 2. A Place To Survive 3. Lifetime 4. (In The) Black Room 5. Every Bloody Emperor 6. All That Before 7. Gog 8. Meurglys III, The Songwriter's Guild 9. The Sleepwalkers 10. Man-Erg 11. Scorched Earth Line-up / Musicians - Peter Hammill / vocals, guitar, pianos - Hugh Banton / organ - Guy Evans / drums


Live, released in 2012 Songs / Tracks Listing Disc One - 52:07 1. Interference Patterns (4:22) 2. Nutter Alert (5:35) 3. Your Time Starts Now (4:25) 4. Lemmings (14:26) 5. Lifetime (5:24) 5. Bunsho (5:38) 6. Childlike Faith (12:16) Disc Two - 34:29 1. Mr. Sands (05:22) 2. Over The Hill (12:21) 3. We Are Not Here (04:54) 4. Man-Erg (11:50) Line-up / Musicians Peter Hammill - Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards Hugh Banton - Keyboards, Organ, Bass Guy Evans - Drums Releases information Recorded Live in Concert at Metropolis Studios, London album by Van Der Graaf Generator was released Aug 07, 2012 on the Conveyor label.


Boxset/Compilation, released in 1982 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Liquidator (5:24) 2. Rift Valley (4:40) 3. Tarzan (2:09) 4. Coil Night (4:12) 5. Time Vaults (3:33) 6. Drift (I Hope It Won't) (2:40) 7. Roncevaux (6:55) 8. It All Went Up (4:07) 9. Faint and Forsaken (2:45) 10. Blackroom (8:52) Total time: 46:17 Line-up / Musicians - Peter Hammill / vocals, guitars, keyboards - Guy Evans / drums - Hugh Banton / organ, bass pedals and guitar - David Jackson / saxes, flutes Releases information First officially released on musicassette only by Sofa Sound in 1982, later on LP by Demi Monde (DM 003) and on CD by Thunderbolt (CDTB 106).


Boxset/Compilation, released in 1988 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Saigon Roulette - Jackson, Banton, Evans (4:43) 2. The Liquidator - Van Der Graaf Generator (5:27) 3. Gentlemen Prefer Blues - Jackson, Banton, Evans (2:58) 4. The Main Slide - Jackson, Banton, Evans (4:07) 5. Tropic Of Conversation - Jackson, Banton, Evans (7:19) 6. Spooks - Jackson, Banton, Evans (5:15) 7. Tarzan - Van Der Graaf Generator (2:14) 8. The Epilogue - Jackson, Banton, Evans (4:10) Total Time: 36:16 Line-up / Musicians On the Van Der Graaf Generator tracks: - Peter Hammill / piano & vocals - Hugh Banton / organ & bass pedals (presumably, because he is credited with 'sax', which can't be true compared to the Time Vaults release) - Guy Evans / drums - David Jackson / saxophone On the Jackson, Banton, Evans tracks: - David Jackson / saxophones, flutes & keyboards - Hugh Banton / keyboards & drum programmes - Guy Evans / drum machine, percussion, baliphones & trumpet Releases information Thunderbolt (The Magnum Music Group) CDTB 042 (1988)


Boxset/Compilation, released in 1993 Songs / Tracks Listing 1. Afterwards (4:57) 2. Necromancer (3:36) 3. Refugees (5:24) 4. The Boat of Millions of Years (3:50) 5. Lemmings(including Cog) (11:37) 6. W (4:26) 7. Arrow (9:46) 8. La Rossa (9:50) 9. Ship of Fools (3:46) 10. Medley (Parts of "A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers" and "The Sleepwalkers") (13:32) Total Time: 70:44 Line-up / Musicians - Peter Hammill / vocals, guitars, keyboards - Guy Evans / drums - Hugh Banton / organ, bass pedals and guitar (No 1 to 8) - David Jackson / saxes, flutes (No 1, 8, 10) - Keith Ellis / bass (No 1, 2) - Nic Poter / bass (No 3, 4) - Graham Smith / violin (No 9, 10) - Charles Dickie / cello, keyboards (No 10)


Boxset/Compilation, released in 2000 Songs / Tracks Listing CD 1: "Bless The Baby Born Today" 1. People You Were Going To (3:32) 2. Afterwards (4:45) 3. Necromancer (4:11) 4. Refugees (6:19) 5. Darkness (6:52) 6. After the Flood (10:59) 7. White Hammer (8:16) 8. House With No Door (6:33) 9. Killer (8:20) 10. Lost (11:09) CD2: "The Tower Reels" 1. Theme 1 (3:01) 2. W (4:28) 3. A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers (23:06) 4. (In the) Black Room/The Tower (11:47) 5. Lemmings (16:42) 6. Man-Erg (11:09) CD 3: "One More Heaven Gained" 1. La Rossa (9:51) 2. Arrow (8:53) 3. Still Life (7:26) 4. My Room (7:29) 5. Sleepwalkers (10:26) 6. Pilgrims (7:11) 7. Childlike Faith in Childhood's End (12:25) 8. Scorched Earth (10:13) CD4: "Like Something Out Of Edgar Allen Poe" 1. Masks (7:00) 2. Meurglys III (16:47) 3. When She Comes (8:02) 4. Wondering (6:42) 5. The Wave (3:15) 6. Cat's Eye/Yellow Fever (Running) (4:49) 7. Chemical World (6:14) 8. Door (3:26) 9. Sci-Finance (6:16) 10. The Sphinx in the Face (5:33) Line-up / Musicians - Guy Evans / drums, percussion, baliphones - Hugh Banton / keyboards, drum programmes - David Jackson / saxes, flutes, keyboards - Peter Hammill / vocals, piano - Chas Dickie / cello - Keith Ellis / bass and background vocals - Nick Potter / bass Releases information EMI

Van Der Graaf Generator biography VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR is an English eclectic progressive rock band with front man Peter HAMMILL from 'the classic period' that has proven be one of the most important bands of the progressive genre. In England, 1967 Chris Judge SMITH formed 'VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR', but after his departure it was up to Peter HAMMILL (vocals, keyboards, guitar), Hugh BANTON (organ, bass on organ), David JACKSON (sax, flute) and Guy EVANS (drums) to become one of progressive rock most proliferate and unique bands as well as the first band to be signed to the Famous Charisma Label. The band was named after the scientific instrument 'the Van de Graaff generator', which is used for accumulating high voltage bolts. VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR (VdGG for short) is known for its extrovert dynamics (ranging from slow, calm & peaceful to fierce & heavy), its intense and emotional 'love it or hate it' vocals by Peter HAMMILL, its celebrated contribution to extended progressive songwriting and its combination of psychedelic, jazz, classical and avant-garde or even acid influences. Moreover, VdGG can be seen as the first band that was to combine the very progressive with the very personal, whereas other bands used to work with abstractions and fantasy. Peter HAMMILL has a talent for singing out intense graving, anger, panic and confusion whilst still being able to sing warm and caring in other passages. The band never really fitted in the symphonic progressive rock subgenre because of its widespread influences and unique style, though the band would have symphonic leanings throughout it's career. Unusual for the time was the focus on organ, drums and sax, whereas in the sixties the guitar and the bass guitar had played a major role. The band had a leading role in the very first progressive phase releasing high-rated albums from 1970 to 1975. The strong conceptual 'H to He Who am the only one' (1970), the intense and highly innovative and daring 'Pawn Hearts' (1971), the bleak and ever evolving 'Godbluff' (1975) and the matured 'Still Life' (1976) are often cited as masterpieces of the progressive genre. Alongside VdGG there would be a very interesting solo-career for Peter HAMMILL who frequently invited members of the band to come and join on his seventies recordings, some of which are seen as 'lost VdGG albums'. VdGG would directly influence a lot of Italian progressive acts, a country in which they were particularly well received. The band stopped performing in its classic line-up after 1976, not to return until 2005. The first VdGG album (though without David JACKSON) 'The Aerosol Grey Machine' was actually intended to be the first Peter HAMMILL album, but was recorded under the VdGG flag due to contractual constrictions. Only the last song 'Octopus' would feature what fans think of as 'the VdGG sound' whereas most of material could be perceived as late-coming sixties psych with some progressive and even proto-metal (due to the heavy bass riffs by Keith ELLIS) leanings. The album was recorded in two days and didn't sound very professional, but listened to as a sixties psychedelic rock record it stands quite well. In 1970 the band released 'The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other' which introduced the VdGG sound with intellectual songwriting, lot's of slightly distorted organs and intense dark passages. Moreover, wind-player David JACKSON would join in to complete band with his double sax playing. At this time the band would gather itself a cultfollowing, though significant commercial success would never be reached in England. The second 1970 release, the strangely named 'H To He Who Am The Only One' (the first words referring to the chemical reaction in the sun) would show the band having grown towards brilliance with the best of lyrics about troubling solitude by Peter HAMMILL and great epic songwriting in 'The Emperor in his War Room' and the celebrated 'Pioneers over C'. The latter would take visual and philosophical songwriting to a new level. In the studio King Crimson front-man Robert FRIPP would join to add some guitars to the mix. Due to the departure of Nic POTTER the bass would be played by organ-player Hugh BANTON for halve of the album and on tour. In 1971 the band would return with an even more daring and adventurous recording, the much anticipated and revered 'Pawn Hearts'. Psychedelic darkness was taken to the maximum with not a single passage left untouched by inspired heavy progression. This would make the album both a favourite and one of the less liked classics of the progressive genre. The album would feature the 23 minute epic 'A Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers'. After this album Peter HAMMILL would focus on his solo-career releasing 'Chameleon In the Shadow Of The Night' (1973), 'The Silent Corner And The Empty Stage' (1974) and 'In Camara' (1974) with much participation of other VdGG members. These albums are considered to be great progressive records by most fans of VdGG. The VdGG recordings that

were made during these years would be released as 'Time Vaults' (1982). The year 1975 would bring us the return of VdGG with the classic 'Godbluff' that would have four ten-minute long epics showing a complex, but less freely psychedelic VdGG. The instrumental and lyrical development of these four songs is phenomenal and the before-mentioned dynamic range of the band was stretched to the maximum. After that the band was quick to record 'Still Life' (1976) on which the band's sound matured with a more solid production. In 1976 the band would also record 'World Record' which is often seen as a regression with three less progressive tracks on side one and a strong epic 'Meurglys III, The Songwriter's Guild' that was plagued by a long aimless jamsession towards the end. Later this year Hugh BANTON quit VdGG and he was soon to be followed by David JACKSON, because of the problematic financial situation of the band. In 1977 the band was revived with the return of Nic POTTER on bass and the addition of Graham SMITH on the violin. 'The Quet Zone', otherwise known as 'The Pleasure Dome' showed a different band with a different sound. In 1978 the band's first live album was released, the double lp 'Vital' with David JACKSON appearing as a guest musician and the addition of Charles DICKIE on cello and synth. Due to a different line-up and a different zeitgeist (the rise of punk) the sound would again differ from the classic VdGG sound, which would have a distinctive effect on most songs. After this Peter HAMMILL would once again focus on his solo-career. The return of the Generator with the classic line-up would be a main event of 2005 for the progressive community with the well received 'Present' (2005) and the celebrated 'Real Time' live-album which would feature great liverecordings of most of the bands progressive classics. The first concert in the Royal Festival Hall in London (where 'Real Time' was recorded) would be visited by fans from 32 countries with black-market tickets rising to a staggering 1000 dollars on Ebay. After the departure of David JACKSON they would record 'Trisector' in 2008 and 'A Grounding In Numbers' in 2011. In 2012 the band is releasing yet another new album as a trio, 'ALT'. Retrospection. VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR has always remained too small to be a widely recognized act (like for instance Genesis or Yes), yet it was too big to get an illustrious title as ' underground band'. The band acquired some devoted following over the years and is nowadays considered to be one of the biggest acts of progressive rock history, as the amount of reviews and debates on PA can underline. For lot of us their music has proven to be very hard to get into, but it is even harder to live without it once you've acquired a taste for the band. The way the band combines the very personal with the abstract sound of progression creates a fascination that lives on and the way Peter HAMMILL puts his soul in the music seems to be untouchable for other musicians.

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