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Dependently maintains high standards of work and performances all needed work.

( 1= cuts corners must be watched closely to make sure the work is done properly, 4= can be counted on to perform assign jobs without being watched,7= not only can be counted on to perform assign jobs without being watched but performs other jobs that should be done without having to be told). Planning makes good use of time and resources (1 = even on daily routine works does not select the most important job to do first and makes poor use of time resources in getting the job done 4= Usually can select the most important job to do first and makes adequate use of time and resources to get the job done, and 7= Even when overloaded with work can select the most important job to do first and makes the best use of time and resources to get the job done). Know- how and judgment. Need to do the job correctly. (1= works show he/she does not have the necessary know- how and judgment needed to do the basic job properly, 4= work show he/she has the know-how and judgment needed to do the basic job properly and 7= work show he/she has the know-how and judgment needed not only to do the basic job, but to foresee and handle unusual job problems as well). Cooperation. Exchange information which co-worker to facilitate individual member and group performance. (1= interacts to minimal degree with other even though such ex-change are vital to performance, 4= interacts in an adequate fashion with other

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