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GATECounsellor VPL-2

Vocabulary Practice Lesson-2

somnus- sleep

Somniferous: sleep inducing (usage: somniferous lecture) Insomnia: inability to sleep Thanatology: branch of science that studies death Euthanasia: easy and painless death, mercy killing Eulogy: speech or writing in praise of a person Euphony: pleasing and harmonious sound Salubrious: healthful, wholesome (usage: salubrious weather) Salutary: beneficial, healthful (usage: salutary effect of exercise/medicine) Introvert: person preoccupied with his own thoughts Avert: turn away or aside (usage: They averted their eyes when the King entered) Ambivert: having both extrovert and introvert traits Ambiguous: open to two or more interpretations

thanatos- death eu-good

salus - health (in a +ve sense)

intro- inwards extro- outwards (extracurricular activities, remember?) verto- to turn ambi- in both directions

Now, find the meaning of these words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Somnambulism Somniloquy Thanatophobia Euphemism Somnolent Extrovert

*Some words can be remembered by relevant tricks (used by aspirants). We do not claim for the origin of any word. We only discuss the best possible way to track their meaning.

GATECounsellor VPL-2

1. Senate - assembly possessing high legislative powers (ancient: group of older peoples of a particular society) 2. Eloquence- persuasive speech/writing 3. Nostalgia- homesickness 4. Psychosomatic- originating in mind and resulting in a physical effect. Just as an increase in heart rate (palpitation), by reminding some fearful event. Refer dictionary for more succinct explanation 5. Soliloquy- talking to oneself (solus#- alone) {#Solitude?}

*Some words can be remembered by relevant tricks (used by aspirants). We do not claim for the origin of any word. We only discuss the best possible way to track their meaning.

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