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Sulphur Di Oxide (SO2)

Colourless, Highly Irritating, Non Flammable, Toxic Gas, Moderately Water Soluble. SO2 Sources:- Coal & Oil Combustion:- Coal & Oil fired Power Stations with a source of SO2 where it is oxidized in the atmosphere to sulphate. Then it is absorbed by rain water to form Sulphuric Acid, which is known as Acid Rain. Health Effects:- Acute:- 1) Dark Room Disease:- Eye & Upper Respiratory Tract Irritation to the workers in X-Ray film processing units. 2) Reflex Cough, irritation & feeling of chest tightness due to stimulation of neural reflexes which cause smooth muscle contractions. Other Mechanisms contributing to airways narrowing includes, the development of Mucosal Edema, Vascular Congestion of the mucosa & increased airway excretion. Chronic:- 1) Mucous Gland Hyperplesia. 2) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 3) Smelters Disease:- It develops to the workers replacing pipes in Sulphuric Acid manufacturing plants, characterized by a) Dyspnoea b) Diarrhoea c) Coliky Pain d) Muscle Pain e) Dermatitis Treatment:- Only Symptomatic

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