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The Role of Knights

During the Middle Ages, nobles constantly fought each other. Knights were granted fiefs in exchange for their military service. Their main job was protecting a lords manor. They dedicated their lives to preparing for battle. These soldiers on horseback were the premiere warriors of their time.

Why were Knights so powerful?

Leather saddles and stirrups changed the way warfare was conducted in Europe. Both had developed in Asia around 200 b.c These items allowed a knight to sit firmly on a moving horse, securely attached, without fear of toppling off. Knights on horses could easily subdue foot soldiers.

Code of Chivalry
A complex code of ideals called chivalry developed to guide a knights conduct. A knight was expected be
Courageous in battle Honor bound to his lord Religiously faithful Protective and respectful of women

How does this painting represent the ideals of Chivalry?

How does the Song of Roland represent the ideals of Chivalry?

Courtly Love
Nobles celebrated courtly love, an ideal form of spiritual love in which a knight or courtier completely devoted himself to a noblewoman. Read the excerpt from The Art of Courtly Love, a manual on love and relationships from the 12th century. Which rules for love still exist today?

What privileges did noblewomen have in Medieval society?

Compare the life of a Medieval Noblewomen with that of a peasant Woman.

Life of a Serf

Role Play
a. With your group members, assume the role of one of the following four members of medieval society: knight, noblewoman, female serf. b. Create a dialogue (conversation between group members) describing your plans for this weekend.

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