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2. Teachers know the content they teach.

Standard 2: Evidence 2

Maths Problem Books



This woik sample (continueu ovei the
page) involveu collaboiation with a
paitnei in which we hau to investigate
Polyheuia's within this investigation we
iecoiueu oui finuings as well as out
ieflections. This task involveu the use of
ciitical thinking anu pioblem solving to
acquiie an answei anu at the conclusion
of the task my peei anu I hau founu a
foimula that we hau ueiiveu fiom oui
long engagement with the task. This
ieinfoiceu not only peisistence, which is a
ciucial skill in knowing anu ueveloping on
youi own content knowleuge, but also
uemonstiateu knowleuge of skills anu
piocesses useu within mathematics.

Relates to going fuithei with
my knowleuge by watching
viueos fiom this subject to
fuithei my knowleuge on this
This collaboiation is
uemonstiating how I am
woiking with new
mathematical stiategies
such as the numbei line,
anu noting key points to
iemembei so that I am
moie thoiough when I
teach stuuents.
This ieflection is
uemonstiating that I
go fuithei in oiuei to
unueistanu new
content, as I
ieseaicheu possible
examples of a giaph
such as this to aiu in
me uiscoveiing an
answei. This is an
appioach that I can
use in the futuie with
uiffeient content aieas
to fuithei my content
knowleuge anu thus,
be a moie efficient
I was a bit confuseu with this giaph,
because it wasn't as 'common' as I
hau seen befoie. So I ieseaicheu on
the inteineu what scenaiio coulu
iesult in a giaph like this.
K$"+#&<)2 When you teach stuuents
you give them woik that is not too
easy foi them but is not too uifficult
so they aie able to use this as a basis
anu impiove fiom heie.


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