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E X E M P L E Tourists shall be in front of the hotel at 10 oclock. Shall I open the window ?


= necesitate la persoanele II si III mai ales n documente, scrisori oficiale la interogativ se consult opinia interlocutorului = sfat, recomandare, necesitate logic = sfat, recomandare, dar se insist asupra obligaiei morale = voina la persoana I = hotarrea, determinarea la celelate persoane = frecventativ, pentru prezent la negativ, wont , are o nuan de impunere la persoanele II si III = invitaie politicoas

should ought to will

People should be more carefull with their smoking ! You ought visit your grandmother more often. I will do it ! You will do it ! cu nuan de Ameninare Children will be children ! = Copiii tot copii ! You wont tell them, thats for sure ! Will you be so kind to get me a glass of water, please ! Would you do this for me, mister ? Although I had unlocked the door, it wouldnt open. = Dei descuiasem ua, nu se deschidea. You had better tell the trouth ! = Ai face mai bine s spui adevarul !


= mai politicos dect will la negativ

had better would rather

= ar fi mai bine s, cu o nuan de impunere, dac e spus de altcineva

= preferina vorbitorului cu infinitivul scurt I rather be a forest than a street. = preferina altui subiect cu Past Tense

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