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5th Grade Social Studies

First Trimester Review

November 26, 2012
The following questions review everything we have discussed in Social Studies for
the first trimester. For this review, you may use any resource available to you in the
classroom. You may use a textbook, iPad, your notebook, or your Colonial America project
folder. You may ask me to give you a hint only once during this review. Take your time
and do your best! You may not work with a friend on this review.

Section I: Age of Exploration

List 4 reasons that European countries were willing to pay for explorations of the world
during the Age of Exploration.

During the Age of Exploration, what was the most commonly used route used to reach Asia
for trade and exploration? ________________________________________
List 2 reasons this path was difficult for those who traveled it.
List 3 tools

that were developed or improved that made sea exploration easier.


Prince Henry the Navigator opened a school in Portugal in the 1400's. What are two skills
taught in Prince Henry's school?
List one major accomplishment for each of the following Spanish explorers.
Coronado: ____________________________________________________
Balboa: ______________________________________________________
Cortes: ______________________________________________________
Ponce de Leon: ________________________________________________
Magellan: ____________________________________________________

Many people believe that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Is this true? List 1
fact that either proves this statement true, or proves it to be false.
List one major accomplishment for each of these English explorers.
Sir Francis Drake: _______________________________________________
John Cabot: ___________________________________________________
LaSalle, Marquette, and Jolliet were all French explorers. What river are they known for
exploring? _________________________________________________________

Section II: Spanish Colonization of America

Why did the Spanish King and Queen want to start colonies in the Americas?
What is the modern day name for New Spain? ______________________________
Please complete the following chart of the class structure in New Spain.

(Spaniards born in Spain)

(Born in New Spain to Spanish parents)
(Mixed Spanish and Native American background)
Native Americans

The majority of residents of St. Augustine were _____________________________.

List 3 things about St. Augustine that made it worthwhile to not abandon the colony,
even though it was expensive for Spain to maintain.

Who was the governor of St. Augustine that convinced Spain to not abandon the colony?

Complete this chart that describes the cycle of respect between the Spanish settlers and
the Timucua Indians.
The Timucua provided the
settlers with ____________
and __________________.

The Timucua allowed their

people to ______________
and the Spanish missionaries
to ___________________.

The settlers allowed the

Timucua to _____________
and __________________.

Section III: The 13 Colonies

List 3 reasons people were willing to leave their homes in England to come to the New
List 3

reasons that travel to the new world was difficult.


What is your theory about what happened to the people of the Roanoke Colony?
List all thirteen colonies according to region.
New England Colonies:
Middle Colonies:

Southern Colonies:

List 3

ways people traveled during colonial times (modes of transportation)


List 3

features of the Fort at Jamestown and describe their purpose.


The colonists' first winter at Jamestown was very difficult. It has been called the
Starving Time. What made this winter so hard on the colonists?
What group of Native Americans helped the colonists at Jamestown?
Define the following groups of people:
Puritans: _____________________________________________________
Pilgrims: _____________________________________________________
Both groups wanted ____________________________ from England.
Which group of people came to the New World on the Mayflower?_________________
What colony did this group of people establish in 1620? ________________________
List and describe 3 possible jobs people might have had in the colony.

Section IV: Rocky Mount Living History Museum

What was William Cobb's occupation? ____________________________________
Which Governor of the Southwest Territory often lived at the Cobb home at Rocky
Mount? _________________________________________________________
Where was the Cobb's kitchen located? ___________________________________

List 3

interesting facts you learned on our field trip.


What is one job kids your age might have had while living at the Cobb home?

Describe one item you saw in the Cobb home that we no longer have in our homes.
Label the following map of the 13 colonies. Use proper spelling and capitalization.

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